Doug Ford – an elephant on the rampage



Doug Ford, brother of the disgraced Rob Ford (erstwhile Mayor of Toronto), is taking a slash-and-burn approach to his first month as Ontario premier with seemingly few checks on his power.

Born 20 November 1964, he’s a wilfully unyielding Sun Scorpio opposition Jupiter square Saturn in Aquarius, who won’t willingly share the driving seat with anyone.  Has extraordinary endurance and a ruthless streak. As if that wasn’t enough he’s got Pluto Uranus on the point of a Mutable T Square to Mercury opposition North Node –  giving him a high-wire temperament, overly excitable and erratic, contemptuous, as well as drawn to tear down anything which doesn’t accord with his ideas – a wrecker. Plus his Mars is also conjunct Uranus Pluto square a Gemini Moon, so he’ll be explosive and inclined to let fly when anyone stands up to him. And he has a cool, ideologically-oriented Air Grand Trine of Saturn, Venus, North Node. What an unattractive mix.

His Term chart, 29 June 2018 around noon Toronto looks volatile with a perverse and uncompromising Mars in Aquarius in the grandstanding 5th opposition North Node Mercury square Uranus in the 8th and Jupiter in Scorpio in the 2nd square Venus – looks extravagant, indulgent, reckless. There’s a discouraging Sun opposition a 4th house Saturn for an unhappy populace, with voters uptight and emotional from a Moon Pluto conjunction, possibly at all the showboating and ego on display.

If noon is accurate then tr Neptune will square the midheaven in 2020/21 which is undermining. At the same time Solar Arc Saturn will oppose the Sun, which might just bring down the curtain. Even before then  public angst will be growing with tr Pluto conjunct the Moon in 2019/2020.

Tr Pluto will trine his Jupiter in 2018 to late 2019 so he’ll power ahead nonetheless initially.

His brother Rob who died from Cancer in 2016, 28 May 1969, was a Sun Gemini opposition Mars, with a megaton Jupiter Uranus Pluto in Virgo – so quite a volcano himself.

4 thoughts on “Doug Ford – an elephant on the rampage

  1. I am very interested to hear your updated interpretation on his chart is in light of what’s happening in Ontario with his nodal return + Saturn, Jupiter, and Uranus in fixed signs coming into play

  2. Hi Marj, the Ontario provincial building is located in Toronto….therefore his term chart should use Toronto not Ontario.
    The Canadian Parliament Bldg is in Ottawa……so Justin Trudeau’s term chart would use Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

  3. Thanks, Marjorie! My hope is that the “roadblock” in 2020 will be a caucus revolt and a new leader elected!

  4. What’s with all these Gemini Moons in Anglosphere politics? I rarely see this Moon position among politicians here, in fact it seems Aries and Sadgittarius Moons are overpresented. I can see how that relates to our National chart, but Anglosphere countries obviously have different charts. I guess this could have something to do with the debate culture, with Gemini Moons loving debating, and thus coming across confident even when they don’t have much to say.

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