The heat around Trump Jnr’s 2016 meeting with a Kremlin-connected Russian lawyer is stoking up his father’s twitter mania. Initially the excuse was the encounter was concerned with the adoption of Russian children but is now openly acknowledged as ‘opposition research’ – digging the dirt on Clinton, all legal – and unbeknownst to senior. Though why he has to disavow what wasn’t criminal appears odd.
Trump Jnr, 31 December 1977, no birth time, is looking edgy and deflated this year, especially from mid October onwards with tr Saturn conjunct his Venus and Sun in Capricorn; and tr Uranus in a jolting trine to his Saturn and in a career-denting square to his Jupiter/Saturn; the latter repeating into early 2019. The pressure mounts in 2019/2020 with a devastating and confused tr Pluto square his Saturn/Neptune from late March; worsening with the addition of a totally-blocked and scary tr Pluto square Sun/Mars joining in by 2020/2021.
Trump Snr’s relationship with Mueller was always ominous with Mueller’s Mars in meticulous Virgo in a disruptive square to Trump’s Uranus Sun and Moon; with Mueller’s determined Sun Pluto well placed to winkle out secrets in Trump’s hidden 12th. Not that Mueller himself is in the best of shape with tr Neptune opposing his Mars till late 2019. Their relationship chart looks overwrought this September and October with tr Pluto opposition the composite Sun with panics and insecurity into 2019.
With Jnr, the Mueller relationship is an almighty face-off with Mueller’s Pluto and Sun conjunct Jnr’s Mars in Leo and Mueller’s Saturn opposition Jnr’s Sun Venus. The relationship chart looks very much at cross purposes as the composite Venus, Mercury (and Neptune) square Jupiter Saturn is hit by tr Uranus hard aspects right through till 2020 and beyond. There will be moments of relief followed by more jangling anxiety.
I wonder if that Neptune opposite Mueller’s Mars is just him fighting against the tide of falsehoods, deception, and distractions Trump and his lawyers and sycophants continue to spew. It makes it hard to nail down a tight legal case.
I hadn’t realised quite how illustrious a career Mueller had, first in the Marines in Vietnam, much-be-medalled, and then rising up the ladder in Attorney Generals’ offices working on major financial fraud, terrorism, public corruption, narcotics conspiracies and international money launderers. Then long stretch as Head of the FBI.
I was going to say perhaps he got the panics occasionally being in a position to topple POTUS. But he’s had long experience going up against heavy-hitters even if this one does include the Russians, who aren’t averse to causing the odd ‘accident.’ When Mueller had tr Neptune square his Mars circa 1979 it didn’t stop his upward trajectory.
Yes, Mueller is incredibly impressive, and born ready.
I read an article on his service in Vietnam somewhere, unfortunately don’t remember where, collecting interviews from men who served with him. Many had no idea their Lieutnant had gone to have an illustrous career, but were not surprised to learn it had happened. It’s also good to know he volunteered for service after a friend died, rather than was drafted. He was only sent to Vietnam a year later, in 1968, due to knee injury. This was the worst year for American casualities, and he was sent to one of the worst places. He saw half of his division perish basicly the day he arrived, but earned a Bronze Star for saving a wounded Marine.
Also, he took office as the FBI Director on September 4th, 2001, after being confirmed 98-0 by The Senate, exactly a week prior to attacks to WTC and Pentagon, and recovering of prostate cancer.
So yes, I don’t think a these schoolyard bullies bother him much. He is on a mission, it may not end well, but he has, by all accounts, love of his family (he has been married to same woman for 50 years and first became father while in Vietnam) and respect of almost all people he ever has worked with.
Actually none of it is legal. It’s against federal election law for campaigns to ask for or accept anything of value from a foreign national. And in this case it may be an offer of quid pro quo to get help in exchange for sanctions relief. Plus of course lying to Congress about it later (junior) is also illegal.
Awww, a wave of Daddy T’s hand will make it all better.
I think DT Snr possibly meant that ‘opposition research’, ie digging the dirt on your rivals, isn’t illegal. But one wonders about the state of his addled brain. He doesn’t appear to have the ability to hold more than one thought in his head at once so sprays out all manner of incriminating soundbytes which either contradict what he’s said elsewhere or shoots himself in the foot in some other way. He’d fail a mental competence test for a janitor’s job.
And oh, who ever advised Trump Family on taking that “we talked about adoptation” line for Trump Tower meeting is a moron or sabotaging Trumps, too. Russia halted international adoptions to The US in response to 2014 sanctions. Russia also has a policy of not allowing adoptions to countries which allow same-sex marriage. Thus, US Presidential Campaign members discussing adoptions would have been problematic, as well.
Junior’s legal problems go well beyond Mueller. He is already implicated in Trump Foundation case. Trump Foundation case is prosecuted by New York State AG, and POTUS can’t grant a pardon for them. While it seems charges here won’t land Junior in prison, Trump Org has long been indicated for all kinds of less than limpid activities, and these will come under a much greater scrunity now that they involve a Presidential Family.