David Icke – still arguing his corner



David Icke, the conspiracy theorist, was recently denied an Australian visa forcing him to cancel a speaking tour. Despite denials, he is thought to be anti-Semitic as well as an anti-vaxxer.

He seems to have been less visible in recent years but doesn’t seem to have diluted his views about the coming fascist reptilian empire.

Born 29 April 1952 5.15 pm Leicester, he has a deeply buried Taurus Sun in the 8th, to be expected from someone in touch with realms beyond reality. His Sun opposes an intense, ultra-determined Mars in Scorpio in his financial 2nd, made doubly so by a Mars square to Pluto. He’s driven by anger, well rage really as conspiracy theorists often are, leading them to rail against authority figures. He’s also got an inventive, rebellious Uranus Moon in Cancer on his midheaven in a can-be-autocratic square to Saturn Ascendant opposition Mercury in Aries – keen on upsetting the status quo and well fitted for a public career.

Tr Saturn is now out of his low profile first quadrant where it’s been for a few years so he’ll want to be more visible. This year apart from a couple of swampy patches looks upbeat. 2020/2021/22 will be more challenging and discouraging with a few humps and bumps from tr Uranus conjunct his Sun and opposition his Mars, as well as a couple of midpoints getting hammered by tr Pluto.

3 thoughts on “David Icke – still arguing his corner

  1. I have to say I find David Icke fascinating and find his video blogs informative and interesting. They certainly make you wonder. If what he says has any truth then it doesn’t surprise me that he has the authorities worried, hence in this case, denying him access to Australia.

  2. I remember how Terry Wogan (national treasure) ridiculed him. Perhaps Wogan was religious but it put me off him and I never watched him or his programmes again. My Neptune /Sun (3) is conjunct David Icke’s Mars so perhaps that’s what made me emphathise with him!

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