David Beckham – the gilt coming off



Brand Beckham took another dent with David slithering out of a speeding charge through a technicality, which according to the Daily Mail will botch a much-longed-for knighthood. He’s shrugged off a fair number of scandals over the years and still managed to maintain his ordinary-guy image despite being superstar-wealthy. The sense is the public are starting to sour over the Beckhams’ flagrantly expensive lifestyle and their parading of the kids to ensure the brand stays in the spotlight. David is worth around £350 million which isn’t bad going for a footballer whom Alex Ferguson didn’t reckon world-class. Recently he’s been supporting his sour-faced wife Victoria’s failing fashion line.

Born 2 May 1975 6.17 am London, his chart does indicate a fair amount of pressure on his status, reputation and career in coming years. His Capricorn Moon on his midheaven is catching tr Uranus square for the second time this November and against next February, which could be emotional, but will also affect his standing. Depending on how accurate to the minute his birth time is (biography) he also has tr Pluto moving to conjunct his midheaven around 2022, though it could come before, which often accompanies a fall from grace.

This year and next he also has a panicky, undermining tr Neptune conjunct his 11th house Mars suggesting uncertainty about future plans. Plus he has a downbeat tr Saturn in hard aspect to his Cardinal T Square of Pluto, Jupiter and Saturn later this year and through 2019. That will give him pause for thought about what comes next.

2019/2020 always did look like a scrunch point for his marriage, see post below. And by 2020/21 he has tr Neptune conjunct his Sun/Moon midpoint which doesn’t necessarily suggest a terminal split more major dissatisfaction and (further) drifting apart. He does look frustrated and trapped in 2019/2020; though being Beckham he’s also got good luck, and confidence, extending into the early 2020s.

Post June 11 2018

Heavy denials about celebrity marriage problems accompanied by lovey-dovey red-carpet cuddles are usually not a good sign. David and Victoria Beckham managed both which did nothing to quell the rumours.

The astrology always pointed to 2018/2019 as a danger point with tr Uranus conjunct first the composite Venus now, then Mercury in July and moving backwards and forwards over these into 2019 when tr Uranus will be conjunct the composite Sun and Mars. That looks exceptionally disruptive. Then tr Pluto will also square the composite Uranus in 2021 so it’ll be a rough ride ahead for several years. They are fairly lashed together because of the commercial brand mirrored in a composite Saturn square Pluto, which aspect is also being weighed down by tr Saturn this year, so a separation wouldn’t be simple.

There’s likely to be separations during all those Uranian firecrackers.   His chart has tr Uranus square his 10th house Moon through into early 2019 so he will be rethinking his domestic life as well as career direction. And he does look directionless and less than confident about future plans with tr Neptune conjunct his 11th house Mars in 2018/2019.

Victoria looks under huge pressure around 2020 and just after as tr Pluto squares her Aries Sun opposition Uranus.

My impression is he’s supporting her fashion business which isn’t doing well financially and they have led fairly separate lives.

NB Her birth time is unverified.


2 thoughts on “David Beckham – the gilt coming off

  1. He was speeding. Takes no responsibility, gets his lawyers to get it struck out. Hey David, speed kills. Used to have a good opinion of you.

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