David and Charles Koch – buying change to suit their whim ++

Billionaire and Republican donor David Koch has died, having suffered from prostate cancer for many years. He was born 3 May 1940 and along with his older brother Charles, 1 November 1935, is credited with funding the rise of the right in the Republican Party. They disliked Trump but others in the present administration – Mike Pence, Betty DeVos, Mike Pompeo, Scott Pruitt – are either friends or owe their careers to the Koch Bros. They were/are for small government, a free economy and against environmental protection.

Their father was a self-made oil man and tough.

David was a downbeat Sun Saturn in Taurus with his Sun conjunct Uranus as well – tight with money despite being a philanthropist of note; with his Jupiter in pro-active Aries in a pushily confident square to Pluto; and a passionately enthusiastic Mars Venus in Gemini square Neptune; and Saturn in an unyielding square to Pluto. Tough-minded and not exactly a bundle of laughs or sentimental or sensitive.

His brother Charles is equally fixed having a Scorpio Sun opposition Uranus which is sextile/trine Mars in money-minded Capricorn. His Jupiter in money-attracting Scorpio is in a hates-failure square to Saturn.

They wouldn’t always see eye to eye but their relationship chart had an affectionate composite Sun Venus opposition Jupiter square Uranus which would rub off a good many rough edges. Together their determination was unstoppable with a composite Mars Saturn trine Pluto. Together they certainly made a force for change – for good or for ill.

Charles, now 84 years old, looks shaken up at his brother’s death with tr Uranus hitting on his Uranus this year and next year his Sun; and is not too cheerful over the election if he sticks around for it with a disappointed-hopes tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Neptune midpoint.


Pic: Greg Skidmore.

2 thoughts on “David and Charles Koch – buying change to suit their whim ++

  1. Another example of no matter how much money some people have, it’s never enough. And let’s have others suffer just because we can. Hope the brothers are reunited soon.

  2. Another man with a Venus/Mars conjunction who was buddy-buddy with Epstein.

    On a whim, I just looked up Adolf Hitler’s horoscope. Well guess what, Hitler has an exact Venus/Mars conjunction.

    The traditional interpretation of this aspect is a jaunty “passionate enthusiasm”. The growing list of V/M’s in the news lately indicates an additional meaning: a destructive sense of entitlement.

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