Real Madrid footballer Cristian Ronaldo has had his fourth child on 12 November 2017 at 9.15pm in Madrid, this one with his girlfriend Georgina, the previous three being born to surrogates.
the new arrival, Alana Martina, has an intensely emotional and party-loving 5th house Scorpio Sun and an equally powerful 7th house Pluto, so she won’t go unnoticed. Her hard-working and hard-worrying Virgo Moon is in the 3rd house of siblings, so she’ll be preoccupied with those around her growing up. Indeed siblings may provide more nurturing than her rather vague mother with Moon opposition Neptune. Her home life will be indulgent and noisy with both Mars and Venus Jupiter in her 4th house.
Although she’ll bring Ronaldo a real lift with her Venus Jupiter in his 10th, it won’t be the easiest of relationships. Born 5 February 1985 5.25am Funchal, Portugal, he’s an Aquarius Sun with a Leo Moon with Venus in Aries which is the exact opposite of her highly emotional Scorpio Sun and Venus and earthy Virgo Moon. Different temperament types. He has a controlling 10th house Pluto which is conjunct her Venus Jupiter and his Saturn is conjunct her Sun, so it will be a tussle for control at times. The relationship chart has an argumentative/competitive composite Sun Mars and a chained-together Saturn Pluto, so not always harmonious.
32°,38’00,0 N
16°,54’00,0 W
Rectified birthtime : 10h,19m44s0
Timezone 00.00.00 hours
Progressive aspects.
1-Oct-2018 001°,18’42 Scorpio Moon 120 mutual C-11
1-Oct-2018 019°,27’07 Pisces Sun 135 mutual Plu
5-Oct-2018 003°,25’53 Capricorn Nep 30 mutual MC
8-Oct-2018 005°,20’32 Aries Merc 0 Asc
17-Oct-2018 007°,42’23 Aries C-12 60 AR04
19-Oct-2018 002°,02’48 Scorpio Moon 150 Mars
20-Oct-2018 002°,05’36 Scorpio Moon 45 Ura
22-Oct-2018 010°,09’47 Cancer C–3 30 C–3
25-Oct-2018 002°,19’14 Scorpio Moon 135 mutual C–2
30-Oct-2018 003°,29’48 Aquarius MC 45 AR08
31-Oct-2018 002°,33’30 Scorpio Moon 30 Pars
Cristiano Ronaldo red card on 19 September 2018.
19-Sep-2018 002°,02’48 Aquarius Mars 60 Mars
19-Sep-2018 002°,05’36 Aquarius Mars 45 Ura
20-Sep-2018 014°,43’42 Pisces Nep 45 Jup
20-Sep-2018 027°,27’13 Virgo Sun 180 Black Moon
20-Sep-2018 002°,42’20 Capricorn Sat 0 Nep
20-Sep-2018 027°,27’13 Virgo Merc 180 Black Moon
21-Sep-2018 002°,33’30 Aquarius Mars 120 Pars
21-Sep-2018 020°,20’32 Scorpio Jup 135 Asc
21-Sep-2018 002°,42’20 Aquarius Mars 30 Nep
Being a soccer fan, I didn’t care about Cristiano Ronaldo as a person before he became a father. But I now think fatherhood has really changed him. He was and is good, but was a spoiled brat. Now, the way he inspired Portugal at European Championships even when he was injuried, was golden.
Also, strangely enough, coming from the exact other corner of Europe, my grandfather was a blonder version of Cristiano Ronaldo. He too was an Aquarius Sun, but with a Capricorn Moon. My father is a 7th house Scorpio Sun with 3rd house Leo Moon. And yes, still tight with his siblings. Interestingly, it was one of my aunts who clashed the most with my grandfather, despite having a compatible Air Moon. Me, too, I guess two Capricorn Moons in the house was too much. But he loved me dearly, and I was really sad that he had a series of strokes when I was 12-13, and could have started appreciating his history lessons (this ultimately brought him back with the aunt who rebelled as a teen).