Christine Blasey Ford – in the eye of the storm



Christine Blasey Ford, the professor who has made allegations of sexual assault against Brett Kavanaugh, is being trashed by Republicans and right-wing commentators. So much for #metoo making a difference. After the alleged incident when she was 15 years old she evidently dropped out of social circulation for several years and has said it ‘derailed her’. Ultimately she moved to study psychology and only recounted the incident in detail a few years ago when in couples therapy with her husband.

Mark Judge, a friend of Kavanaugh’s, whom she claims was present and is refusing to give testimony, wrote a memoir in recent years about his time as a ‘teenage alcoholic.’ One of Kavanaugh’s mentors, who spoke on behalf of him when he was seeking confirmation to a federal judgeship in 2006, Judge Alex Kozinski, abruptly retired from the appeals court last December after several female former law clerks and colleagues accused him of sexual misconduct that included touching, inappropriate sexual comments and forced viewings of pornography in his chambers. And a Yale professor was known for instructing female law students who were preparing for interviews with Kavanaugh on ways they could dress to exude a “model-like” femininity to help them win a post in his chambers, according to sources. (That latter from the Guardian).

Christine Ford, 28 November 1966 is a Sun, Venus in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Leo; with a Gemini Moon; and Pluto, Uranus, Mars conjunct in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces. Half confident and upbeat; half troubled.

Kavanaugh, 12 February 1965, is a Sun, Mercury in Aquarius squaring onto Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune; with a Cancer Moon; and Uranus, Pluto and Mars spread out through Virgo with Saturn in Pisces across the zodiac.

Both have Mars in Virgo within less than a degree; her Saturn is opposition his Mars which does suggest cross purposes; and his Sun is square her Neptune. But there’s nothing much to be concluded from that.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun in a changeable, chaotic trine to Uranus Pluto and sextile Saturn; with a composite Mars, Uranus, Pluto square Jupiter (maybe Moon). Which again isn’t too informative.

She has been receiving death threats, had to move home and hire security guards to protect her family since her privately made allegation was leaked. Although in some ways she may be relieved she spoke out which a Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Mars could suggest; she’s also got a run of agitated, insecure, risky and jolting transits to midpoints right through into early 2019; with more pressures in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto sextile her Saturn and trine her Uranus, then later trine her Mars – which will run on for several years ahead.

21 thoughts on “Christine Blasey Ford – in the eye of the storm

  1. Sad to see so many deliberate falsehoods in what could have been an informative article. I taught college research writing for decades & always told my students that if they advance a statement which is readily & obviously provable to be biased/false, then they will lose their readers’ respect. This is a perfect example of a respect-destroying assertion:

    FALSE: Mark Judge, a friend of Kavanaugh’s, whom she claims was present, is refusing to give testimony …
    TRUE: Mark Judge gave his testimony in chambers earlier in the month; Democrats were invited to attend & participate in questiong him but all Democrats refused to attend this session. Mark Judge’s sworn testimony is part of the record & states that nothing like Ford’s accusations ever happened. Mark Judge’s testimony is backed up by every other person whom Ford claims was present — including Ford’s best friend (Leland).

    For the record: Ford’s Mars/Uranus conjunction indicates emotional/mental instability.

  2. The four people she said were at the party.
    First therapist notes from 2012 said 4 boys were in the room.
    In 2012 when it looked like Romney would win CNNs Jeffrey Toobin said on TV if Romney wins they will appoint Brett Kavanaugh.
    She goes to therapist in 2012 to document attack, therapists notes are considered a legal document. Obama won she she said nothing.
    Now she says 2 boys in the room 2 boys not in room.
    A few days ago she said it was 3 boys and one girl her lifelong friend.
    Yesterday the lifelong friend said she knows nothing about a party like this, does not know the Judge, never heard this story before.
    All 3 boys deny the story, so she is 4 for 4 saying it didn’t happen.
    She’s lying, she has the generational Uranus/Pluto seeding time conjunction which is revolutionary. Throw Mars in the mix that wants in NOW and she is a activist to incite it. Truth lies in Pisces, she has Saturn in Pisces which represses the truth. Most people think truth is Jupiter, its not. Sag/Jupiter is wanting to find out about the truth and taking the journey to do so. Truth is in the God Box Pisces, the end of the end of the end that which can not be changed….truth.
    Protesters emails leaked they are busing in people to protest his nomination.
    He is Clarence Thomas all over again, high tech lynching.
    People I have lived in San Francisco since the early 1950s, knew many of the early Silicon Valley crowd and they are all leftists now flirting with communism.
    By any means necessary is their moto.
    Time will tell and her karma is horrible for this stunt, she will pay we all do.

  3. Christine Ford’s Moon in Gemini is in a tight T-square with Saturn-Chiron in Pisces opposite Uranus-Pluto in Virgo. This is now reactivated by her Chiron return which is finishing up this year, and no doubt dredging up painful memories. She now has the opportunity to heal and help others.

  4. The birth times are unknown so any moon aspects are not exact. I do find it troubling that her sun and moon are opposites. That aspects seems to bring a bi-polar behavior in all the people that I know personally with that aspect. And I know 3 closely.

  5. is she(this action) going to be like the couple who raised money for this homeless man only for the public to see the money vanish?
    this seems to be a scheme funded by these media wire pulling tech heads in silicone valley. They are buying up what’s left of the print media and they run ALL these data mining firms and software outfits. The allegations are from California . She works at a school in palo alto. btw. what is the date on the letter to Feinstein? Was that letter being kept around in reserve since b k he went up against Feingold several years ago?

    I think I have that wounded healer aspect but with saturn and mars in my 12th house scorpio I have Jupiter in gemini(sextile mars?) . i’m not sure, maybe I should write some more about this and make some money,too

    • I checked with GoFundMe, and the money goes directly to the Ford family. The people who started the fund made sure the money is 100% controlled by GoFundMe. They took their names off the fund because they were getting death threats. Ugly world we live in, ragnar1.

  6. his chart says:
    concern for average people
    aquarian values
    good mind+ flexible

    behavior does not go with chart
    good family
    conclusion: exaggerated media event,/frame up? because he was a Bush appointment? dems didn’t want him then either. his wife was bush’s secretary

    • Please explain in astrological detail, these aspects you found in Kavanaugh’s chart: concern for average people, Aquarian values (harmony and understanding, sympathy and trust abounding?) good mind, flexible, good family, frame-up.

      I would like to add this knowledge, so I can “know it when I see it” in a chart.

    • All sun signs have their positive and negative sides. Aquarius in my experience is often far removed from its glowing humanitarian reputation. Can be fascist, a dyed-in-the-wool zealot, obstinate, contrary, a hustler, greedy etc. Ditto Cancer, not always a cuddly home-loving energy – can be very self-absorbed, overly tied to the past which in the case of men can mean immaturity.
      Impossible to glean criminality from a chart without a birth time and even then there’s always a missing something that would explain why the same energy is played out in different ways by different individuals.
      For example – just because it came up in the same week – Khalid Masood, the Westminster terrorist who killed five and injured 50 more, has the same Jupiter in Taurus opposition Neptune as Kavanaugh, at almost the same degrees – and both share Uranus Pluto Mars in Virgo. But massively different personalities and lifestyles.

      • Wow, you really called it about the sign of Cancer, especially those bordering Leo. A July 22 Cancer friend of mine is completely self-absorbed, and always talks about our school years. I have to take breaks from regular contact just to be able to endure another round of the same old same old.

        Considering how Pluto in Capricorn is working out, Pluto in Aquarius should be the equivalent of living in an Internet comment section 24/7. Zealots, contrarians, fascists, hustlers, obstinate boneheads, welcome to your World, 2023 to 2043.

  7. It takes a brave and strong woman to come forward under these circumstances, it’s pathetic to see how she’s being treated. A person will never forget how it feels to be held down against your own will, that feeling of being powerless is tragic.

  8. We Don’t Repress Painful Childhood Memories

    ………False memories are well-documented in legal history. We are vulnerable to what psychologists call “suggestion” and can innocently construct false or “pseudomemories” of events that never occurred, if they are encouraged by someone we trust. One disturbing 2007 study found that when people recalled sexual abuse in childhood during therapy their account was less likely to be corroborated by other evidence than when the memories came without help. Sadly, well-meaning therapists have done their patients harm. ……..

    • Will, You picked the wrong person to post this to. I was knee deep in the so-called ‘false memory’ dog fight of the 1990s. No one was ever in doubt that memory can be fallible and that there are lousy therapists out there, but the ‘false memory syndrome’ was brewed up as yet another weapon to silence those speaking out up about abuse. And was/is used wholesale even when there is no question of forgetting, as appears to be the case with Christine Ford. That she never spoke about it is hardly unusual.
      Repressed memory has been known about since World War 1 and before, was written about by the psychiatrist WR Rivers who treated Sassoon and Graves. The pilot who flew in to discover the My Lai massacres during the Vietnam War completely wiped the memory from his mind. It only became suspect when sexual abuse started to come out into the open.
      Reputable studies other than the one you mention showed that recovered memories were able to be corroborated from outside sources to the same degree as never-forgotten ones.
      ‘False memory’ is a red herring; yet another obfuscation in the denial playbook.

  9. I am a Sagittarian, we can be brave, but we also tend to live on our nerves and are highly affected by stress, especially public scrutiny. I really wish her all the very best.

  10. The composite chart Pisces Saturn Chiron in a 2 house conjunction, the “wounded healer” in the 12th house of secrets, and Saturn in the 11th house of friends, suggest it was inevitable that their encounter would be exposed, perhaps wounding one and healing the other. The 2 house Capricorn Sun Venus conjunction straddling the Midheaven couldn’t make it any plainer that Sun will shine a light on a Venus-ruled matter, impacting the culmination of their careers. The Scorpio 6th house exact conjuction of retrograde Pluto and retrograde Uranus, suggests unexpected input by the masses, a backtracking (retrograde) over old 6th house Scorpio issues: the body, sexuality, with the addition of aggressive Mars.

    Friends, what do you make of the 3rd house super-exact conjunction of Jupiter and the Moon in Gemini? The house of writing, and short trips.

    A bountiful Jupiter? Over $210,000 has been raised on GoFundMe for Ford’s security costs, in less than three days. Money is pouring into CrowdPac to give to the opponent of Maine’s Senator Collins in the next election if Collins doesn’t vote no on Kavanaugh. $1,435,000 so far. If she votes no on Kavanaugh, everyone gets their money back. If she votes yes, her opponent gets a big boost in campaign financing. Some people are outraged, but this is a new way of letting the public make the same impact as wealthy campaign donors.

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