Fritz Haber, known as the father of chemical warfare, won a Nobel Prize for chemistry for his method of producing nitrogen fertilizers on which the food production for half the world’s current population depends. He also pioneered weaponizing chlorine gas for use in World War 1 and was proud of his achievement though it probably led to the suicide of his pacifist wife. He also developed Zyklon-B, a cyanide-based pesticide, which was used in the concentration camps during WW11. Though he was not a supporter of National Socialism and had left Germany before he died in 1934.
Born 9 December 1868, Breslau, Poland he was a rigid Sun Sagittarius conjunct Saturn in an inspirational, attention-demanding Fire Grand Trine to North Node in Leo trine Neptune (ruler of poisons); with Neptune perhaps opposition a Libra Moon. He also had a Yod of an inventive Pluto sextile Uranus inconjunct his Sun. A Yod focal point Sun can lead to ‘a tendency to abuse personal will and authority’. He has the same Yod as the Marquis de Sade, so driven to dominate by whatever means.
The French also manufactured chemical weapons in WW1, which were used by the Brits and Americans, though even then it was considered a war crime. The French chemist Victor Grignard, 6 May 1871 11pm Cherbourg, France, has a more obviously brutal chart with a Sun Pluto in Taurus trine Mars in Virgo widely trine Saturn in Capricorn.
Aliens watching from space might scratch their heads at what exactly is the moral difference between mixing chemicals to blow people to bits or doing so to poison them. All these weapons kill people and if used indiscriminately then a lot of the victims are likely to be civilian non combatants.
The fire-bombing of non-military targets (cities) during WW2 is also a perversion…if one considers. The Allies wanted to quickly bring the war to an end…by any means. Atomic weapons – are they not also a perversion of science? Not making a political statement but let’s not forget the path to how we’ve arrived at nuclear holocaust.
And dioxin in Vietnam. The list goes on and no one’s hands are clean.
“Zyklon-B” is a term that conjured up a horror in me, when I was a child. It still does!
Likewise, any of the scientific words that cover up what they really do!
” He also had a Yod of an inventive Pluto sextile Uranus inconjunct his Sun. A Yod focal point Sun can lead to ‘a tendency to abuse personal will and authority’. He has the same Yod as the Marquis de Sade, so driven to dominate by whatever means.”
A yod with a Sun focal point can also mean a confusion about identity–It depends on the legs of the yod.