Chelsea Manning – a Uranian liberation


Chelsea Manning has had her 35 year sentence for violations of the Espionage Act commuted with a release date of May 17th, which isn’t a full pardon since it will still stay on her record. But she will be freed from an inhumane military prison which saw her attempt suicide twice recently.

Born 17 December 1987, she’s an erratic, though confidently innovative Sun Uranus Saturn Mercury in Sagittarius trine Jupiter in Aries; with an intense and anguished Moon Mars Pluto in Scorpio. Tr Saturn is conjunct her Sagittarius planets throughout 2017 as tr Uranus is trine them – so there will be discouraging reality-checks as well as positive change.

She’s got tr Pluto square her Jupiter over her release, from mid March which will give her a morale boost and that stays around till late 2018. And tr Uranus trine her Uranus exactly as well. But I can’t imagine her jailers are too pleased so the intervening nearly four months may be tough going. She’s got an insecure tr Uranus square her Mars/Node in February as well as an undermining tr Neptune square Mars/Neptune; a more upbeat March; and an emotionally upsetting tr Uranus square her Venus in Capricorn in April.

The transition back to ‘normal’ civilian life will be tough going with some depression late 2017/early 2018 with her Solar Arc Saturn conjunct her Venus.

2 thoughts on “Chelsea Manning – a Uranian liberation

  1. Odds are very high that this is a correct prediction of Chelsea’s future. Compulsive acts have added extreme drama to her life.

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