Keith Flint – acting out his rage on stage



“A wild provocateur”, “both human pogo and giddy rottweiler”, “the neon demon” – none of the descriptions of Keith Flint, lead vocalist with the band Prodigy, who has just been found dead, are soothing for an older generation. But for his myriad fans he was the godfather of rave, ‘a true pioneer, innovator and legend.’ His Firestarter video in the 1990s had Flint, covered in Satanic tattoos, eyes bulging wildly and his hair teased into Beelzebub-like horns snarling into the camera about being a “trouble starter”. He was banned by Tops of the Pops.

Born 17 September 1969 in London, he was seriously dyslexic and hyper-active as a child, became a roofer before moving onto the music scene. He was a tightly controlled and edgy Sun Pluto in Virgo square Mars in Sagittarius, so quite a powder keg of anger issues. He also had Uranus Jupiter Mercury in Libra and by all accounts behind the carefully manufactured public image was a helpful and kindly personality, who cared about wild animals and was a bird-watcher.

He evidently always said when he got to a certain point he’d go.  His Solar Arc Saturn was exactly opposition his Mars at the moment, having been square his Sun Pluto in 2015/16 so he would have been depressed and feeling hemmed in for a while. It may have been building for a while and Mars Saturn can be destructive.   And his Solar Arc Neptune is on the square to his Mercury also now which wouldn’t improve the clarity of his thinking.

Luke Perry – heartfelt tributes



“One of the nicest guys” – “genuine, kind hearted and thoughtful” – fans of actor Luke Perry remember him with sadness and gratitude after his sudden death from a stroke. He was the brooding heartthrob Dylan McKay in Beverley Hills, 90210 through the 1990s and then became Fred, the father of Archie Andrews, from comic book adaption Riverdale.

He was born 11 October 1966 in Mansfield, Ohio, two days after David Cameron with the same charming, sociable Sun Venus in Libra and a colorful Mars and Jupiter in entertaining Leo. Plus the determined Uranus Pluto plus a worry-wart Moon in Virgo opposition Saturn in Pisces, sextile/trine Neptune.

A new Trump investigation – his temper likely to explode **Add On



A sweeping new investigation by House Democrats has kicked off, seeking a wide range of materials that go to the heart of allegations against the president — including abuses of power, corruption, and obstruction of justice. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler has demanded information from the White House, Trump’s namesake company, charity, transition, inauguration and 2016 campaign, as well as several long-time associates including his CFO and the president’s two adult sons.

The committee will investigate accusations of corruption, including possible violations of campaign finance law, the Constitution’s ban on foreign emoluments and the use of office for personal gain.

Nadler born 13 June 1947 in New York has an exact Sun Uranus in Gemini conjunction, so not dissimilar to Trump. He also has Mars in determined Taurus opposition Jupiter square Pluto – so rock-solid and unbudgeable, controlling, good at investigating. His Pluto is also in the tough conjunction to Saturn.

His Uranus is close to Trump’s Sun and opposition his Moon, so although fairly alike in this regard, he will have an unsettling effect on Trump.

Their relationship chart has a differing-agendas composite Sun Uranus with an argumentative Mercury Mars; and more significantly a struggle-for-the-upper-hand Jupiter square Pluto which is being elbowed sharply from this May onwards and more so in 2020. And over the past few weeks tr Uranus has been in a tension-erupting  square to the composite Saturn as word no doubt trickled through about what Nadler intended, sending shivers up Trump’s spine – since it crosses all his red lines of business finances and family.

Trump’s Progressed Moon is now only one degree and four weeks away from the exact conjunction to his explosive Mars in Leo so he’ll be at his most volcanic over coming weeks. Late this month from March 31st he picks up two challenging, heavy-duty, discouraging and really sticky influences as tr Pluto opposes his Saturn and opposes his Mars/Node midpoint for two months, which latter Ebertin describes as quarrelsome and violent or forced separations. These repeat on and off till late 2020.

Spare thought – not that it affects Trump’s chart directly. But Uranus moves into Taurus this week. Uranus = the torchbearer, shining light on hidden places. Taurus rules money. And of course as I’ve been reminded tr Uranus does square the Trump Presidency chart with its zero Aquarius Sun so it will rattle it up from this Wednesday. Though with tr Pluto squaring the Jupiter all this month, any criticism will be met with a bullish response. That latter  confidence/over-confidence disappears on the final day of March as the undermining tr Neptune conjunct Venus moves into place for four weeks.  That can affect popularity but Venus also has financial implications on a mundane chart.

Rudolf Nureyev – a Russian gift to the west



Rudolf Nureyev was the greatest male ballet dancer of the 20th Century – “an exuberant, vagabond personality” with an athletic Russian style and a powerful sexual charisma which appealed to both sexes. A new film The White Crow, directed by Ralph Fiennes, traces his journey from birth on a Siberian train, through a poverty-stricken childhood and his days as a student dancer in Leningrad; and then defection to the West at the height of the Cold War.

He had a vast ego, knew he was different and special, was wilful, intensely focussed, could be a monster when crossed – and was incredibly talented.

Born 17 March 1938 maybe 1pm (unverified) in Irkustk, he had a Pisces Sun trine Pluto and opposition Neptune which combination can lead to stratospheric ambitions.  He had a forced-to-be-self-reliant Saturn in Aries conjunct Venus Mercury maybe opposition a Libra Moon – so he would be emotionally self-contained and unsentimental. Venus Saturn can also be promiscuous which he was, mainly with homosexual partners though he had affairs with women as well. He also had a volatile and explosive Mars Uranus in Taurus.

In his later years he became a renowned choreographer and defiantly continued dancing on stage long after his physical prowess had declined due to age and AIDs. He died aged 55; his long time partner Danish dancer Erik Bruhn also died his late 50s.

His super-star 22nd Harmonic is his strongest. His creative 5th and 7th harmonics are also well aspected.

Canada – a directionless few years ahead * + 1982



The Canada Statute of Westminster chart of 11 December 1931 12 am Ottawa, has a similar unyielding, tough-minded Saturn opposition Pluto to the 1867 chart. Though in the case of 1931 it is in Cardinal signs and squares onto an innovative Uranus; plus there’s a more entrepreneurial feel to this chart with a Sagittarius Sun in a Fire Grand Trine to Jupiter in Leo trine Uranus.

The tr Saturn Pluto conjunct will certainly catch this chart through 2019 and 2020 which will bring considerable pressures. There will also be undermining and uncertain Neptune transits square the Sun from this May onwards and the midheaven as well as opposition the Solar Arc MC and Ascendant – and that hangs around through 2020 as well. So it will dent Canada’s image, bringing a kind of identity crisis as well as lack of direction.

There are other dates for Canada though usually the earlier dates work best and each subsequent significant date will have a flavour of the earlier ones. Canada became de facto independent of Britain after World War 1; 1931 officially ended the power of the Brit parliament to do anything without Canada’s consent. Total independence came by Royal Proclamation in 1982 on 17 April at 11.37am Ottawa.

The 1867 chart has a Saturn Pluto opposition as does the 1931 chart. The 1982 chart has the stubbornly determined Saturn Pluto conjunction in Libra in opposition to an Aries Sun. With an adventurous and outspoken Yod of Mars sextile Uranus inconjunct Mercury in Taurus which in turn opposes Jupiter in Scorpio and squares an Aquarius Moon.

There is pressure on this chart, indeed has been from 2017 as tr Pluto squared the Saturn, then moved on to square the Midheaven; is now square the Saturn/Pluto midpoint – and all of that extends until 2023 when tr Pluto will have cleared the natal Pluto – so a long phase of considerable pressure for change against huge resistance.

Andrew Scheer, the opposition leader, who is calling for Trudeau’s resignation, was born 20 May 1979 Ottawa, and is a last degree Taurus Sun with Mercury also there as well as Venus Mars conjunct in Taurus square Jupiter in Leo. Practical, stubborn, passionately enthusiastic, a risk-taker. His Saturn in hard-working Virgo is trine his Mars Venus which will balance out his more reckless tendencies. His Mercury is on the focal point of a Yod to Neptune sextile Pluto and opposition Uranus – so he’ll at times be haphazard in his thinking as well as outspoken.

He could have a stroke of luck come May with tr Uranus square his Jupiter though it will come along with some insecurity and an emotional upset or two as tr Uranus will conjunct his Venus Mars at the same time. And there’s a disappointing tr Neptune square his Mars/Jupiter midpoint then as well. There’s nothing too uplifting in his chart ahead, indeed he looks very blocked come late 2020 with Solar Arc Saturn conjunct his Pluto; and worse in 2021/22.

Rutger Bregman – hitting the money men where it hurts



Billionaires at Davos were nailed to a cross by Rutger Bregman, a popular Dutch historian for not paying taxes. He said it is the key issue in the battle for greater equality.  Noting that 1,500 people had travelled to Davos by private jet to hear David Attenborough talk about climate change, he said he was bewildered that no one was talking about raising taxes on the rich. “Taxes, taxes, taxes. All the rest is bullshit in my opinion,” he said. His video subsequently went viral.

Born 26 April 1988 in Arnhem, he’s got a talented, confident and very earthy chart with his Taurus Sun conjunct Jupiter Mercury trine the triple conjunction of Neptune Saturn Uranus in Capricorn and possibly trine a Virgo Moon. If his Moon is Virgo, then it is formed into a success-generating Kite by Sun Jupiter Mercury in a determined opposition to Pluto. But even without that his Sun connects with Pluto and Neptune, which is often found in movers and shaker’s charts. He could have been a bankers with all that earth plus Jupiter. But he’s very much of his generation with the triple conjunction so more idealistic.

And as if that wasn’t enough his Sun Jupiter Mercury opposition Pluto squares onto an uncompromising Mars in Aquarius so nothing much will distract him from his goals.   He might even make a difference.

Pic: Victor van Werkhooven



Israel – winds of change are blowing



Israel elections are due on April 9th and the upcoming challenger to Netanyahu is former Chief of General Staff of Defence Forces, Benny Gantz. Gantz has no political experience but is appealing to the anyone-but-Netanyahu vote and deliberately keeping his policies vague.

Born 9 June 1959, he is a Sun Mercury in Gemini with a lively Venus, Mars and Uranus in Leo. Tr Neptune is square his Sun over the election into May which doesn’t look overly hopeful. Though he has a couple of useful Jupiters in the aftermath. He looks to be hitting a more successful stride in 2020/2021 when tr Pluto is sextile his Jupiter.

Israel is at a turning point with the tr Saturn Pluto aiming to oppose the midheaven into 2020/21 which is likely to bring internal rumblings of discontent and demands for change over the next two or three years and beyond. Even before then tr Pluto is starting the trine the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun from this April onwards. But it’s such a resolutely Fixed and stubborn chart, change will only come about after considerable pressure. Tr Uranus will also square the 10th house Moon from this May on and off for a year, which again is an indication of voter unhappiness and more obvious demands for a change of direction.

Israel’s image has taken a downturn over the past year or so with the Solar Arc Saturn, followed by Pluto crossing the Ascendant – and that runs on for another three or four years.

In many ways Netanyahu fits Israel with his Libra New Moon on the Israel Ascendant, power-hungry Pluto in the Israel 10th and both having a brash, flamboyant Mars in Leo. There is a tight, controlling composite Sun Pluto in the relationship chart suggesting a tie that will change both parties irrevocably. He certainly hasn’t done much to improve Israel’s reputation, that’s for sure.

Meng Wanzhou – a powerful lady



Meng Wanzhou, deputy chairwoman and chief financial officer of the telecom giant Huawei, China’s largest private company, founded by her father, is being processed in Canada for extradition to the USA on charges including fraud linked to the alleged violation of sanctions on Iran. China is describing it as a ‘political incident’ and has expressed ‘resolute opposition’ to the proceedings.

Born 13 February 1972 (wiki) she has a powerful chart with an Aquarius Sun Mercury trine Uranus which is ideal for high tech and square a business-like Saturn in Taurus. She has a tough-minded Grand Trine of Saturn trine Pluto trine North Node in Aquarius, formed into two talented Kites with Saturn opposition Neptune and Pluto opposition Venus square Jupiter in Capricorn  – ultra-confident, charming, idealistic/slippery. With an assertive/aggressive Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars in Taurus. Quite some lady.

Tr Uranus is heading to conjunct her Yod apex Mars from late March for two weeks, which will bring a shock and insecurity. Though tr Uranus also trines her Jupiter at the same time, so it’ll be bad news good/ news time.  She certainly looks strung out at the moment with her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Neptune over several months; with both Uranus and Neptune transits hitting on midpoints through this year. 2020/21 looks fraught though she will be back on track thereafter.

The China/Canada relationship chart isn’t showing up much apart from a ripple or two after mid year.

The China/USA chart, which is more to the point since they instigated the charges, look set for a few outspoken discussions come May, and a generally downbeat mood all year with tr Saturn square the Jupiter till later October. There will be a re-set of relations or a total upheaval in 2020 with tr Uranus opposition the composite Pluto.

Johnny Depp & Amber Heard – back for round two



Johnny Depp has filed a $50 million defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard over her domestic violence accusations which he claims were false and ‘were part of an elaborate hoax to generate positive publicity for Ms Heard and advance her career.’ The lawsuit goes on to say that the allegations made by Heard against Depp were refuted by ‘two separate responding police officers, a litany of neutral third-party witnesses, and 87 newly obtained surveillance camera videos’. Depp always denied the allegations and claimed that his ex-wife repeatedly violently attacked and severely injured him.

She received a divorce settlement of $7 million for the 15 month marriage of which she donated a portion to a children’s hospital and became a heroine of #metoo; he lost his Pirate of the Caribbeans contract. Her lawyer says she will not be silenced and that Johnny Depp is hellbent on self-destruction.

Only thought to add to the older post below is that her Sun is exactly conjunct his midheaven so she would have the ability to affect his status and career; while being drawn to the same. Such a placing can lead to competitiveness.  Both are fairly volatile – he with Mars Uranus Pluto in Virgo and she with a stubborn and controlling Sun Taurus opposition Pluto, sextile/trine Mars in Capricorn.

He said, she said – always a quagmire. He’s not looking remotely upbeat in the next two years; while she’s fairly jangled. A lose lose scenario.

Post May 25 2016

It was always an odd match with Depp on the rebound from Vanessa Paradis; and Heard so attached to her pet dogs she smuggled them into Australia. Plus his career is not flourishing with five commercial flops in a row.

He was born 9 June 1963 8.44am Owensboro, KY; and she 22 April 1986 Austin, TX. He’s a Gemini Sun with a Capricorn Moon and she’s a Taurus Sun with a Libra Moon – at that level it’s OK. But Her Mars is conjunct his Moon; her Uranus opposes his Sun and her Saturn is square his Pluto Mars Uranus – so an irritable, high-tension mix.

Their relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus opposition Moon which is lovely; but also a chained-together-and-resenting-it Saturn square Pluto; and an argumentative Mercury opposition Mars.

They were married on 3 Feb 2015 in LA at the time of the Full Moon in Leo conjunct Jupiter opposition Sun, so on a wave of enthusiasm, but perhaps not entirely on the same wavelength. With an ethereal, illusionary/ delusionary Venus Neptune square Saturn.

He’s just lost his mother so the timing seems unfortunate. He’s got his Solar Arc Saturn square his Moon and conjunct his Jupiter – so in mourning and deflated. It’s all the more of a game-changer since his Jupiter is on the focal point of a Yod to Pluto sextile Neptune and will pull on all three planets – confused and uncertain vis a vis domestic/family issues and discouraged about money, his Pluto being 2nd house. There was no pre-nup and she’s evidently claiming spousal upkeep or somesuch. After 15 months?  Whatever happened to feminist integrity?

He does have Saturn in his 7th so close relationships will always involve effort for him.

Addendum: There are accusations of assault and denials flying around with a temporary restraining order against Depp to keep him away from his about-to-be-ex-wife. But the judge ruled against her claim for spousal financial support and to have her legal fees paid.

She’s a Sun Taurus opposition Pluto, trine Mars Neptune in Capricorn; with Mercury in Aries square Mars Neptune. He’s got a Mars Pluto Uranus conjunction in Virgo with Pluto trine Moon. So both have anger and control issues. Her Sun is conjunct his MC and her Pluto is in his 4th – so she’d be attracted to his status but find that tensions and power struggles in his domestic life, partially stoked by her would cause problems.

He looks jammed up this year with tr Saturn square his Pluto in August and tr Neptune opposition his Pluto Oct to Jan 2017 – so pulling away at his influence. Plus the September Solar Eclipse will be conjunct his 2nd house Pluto so the financial ramifications may grate. But he’s got a bullish tr Pluto trine Sun/Jupiter to bounce him up this June and on and off till late 2017.

He does have tr Neptune moving into his 8th now and tr Pluto in his 6th – so health and his grasp on reality and practicalities may prove to be a problem ahead.

There’s no birth time for her, but if anything, she looks more downcast in the years ahead with a discouraging tr Saturn square her Jupiter exact at the moment and again in Oct; and bubble-bursting, financially disappointing tr Neptune conjunct her Jupiter from mid 2017. Losses also in 2017 from tr Uranus square her Jupiter/Saturn; and really stuck, aggravating Solar Arcs in the three years following.