Philip Hammond, for the time being still Chancellor, has hinted that along with other rebels he would do “everything in my power to make sure that Parliament blocks a Brexit without agreement”. Even to the extent of bringing down the next government in the “interest of the country”. Boris Johnson hasn’t left himself any wiggle room at all in his blustering, blundering campaign rhetoric about exiting on October 31st no matter what.
Hammond, 4 December 1955, nicknamed ‘Spreadsheet Phil’ and not renowned for his exuberance may be about to let his explosive Mars in Scorpio square Uranus out to play. His super-confident Jupiter in Virgo conjunct Pluto does square Boris’s focal point Mars in Gemini – so it’s always been a simmering competition between them with Hammond being the more heavyweight of the pair. His Sagittarius Sun Mercury are also at cross purposes with Boris’s Saturn Uranus Pluto – not a match made in heaven. And last but not least Hammond’s unforgiving Mars in Scorpio is conjunct Boris’s Scorpio Moon with Hammond’s Uranus in square – which will lead to heated emotional reactions.
Their relationship chart has a volcanic composite Mars Uranus with a see-saw, up-and-down Jupiter opposition Saturn. It’s sagging badly with tr Neptune opposition the composite Mercury in November/December when Boris’s own chart is in a flat panic of paralysis. (See previous post July 10 2019). And worse in 2020/21 as tr Neptune undermines the composite Sun by opposition.
Hammond looks fired up with confidence now till late August; will sag from then till late September; and be back on battling form from mid November and more so in 2020/21. It looks a bumpy ride for him with tr Uranus opposition his Mars and square his Uranus from mid November to early March 2020. That looks like high insecurity with radical forced changes. Not that finding another lucrative job will be a problem for him – better paid probably in the City and elsewhere.
Pic: Chris McAndrew