Caruana Galizia – killed for outing corruption



A political blogger who triggered an early election in Malta when her investigation of the Panama Papers pointed the finger at government officials has been killed in a car bomb. PM Joseph Muscat who won despite corruption allegations (all heavily denied) condemned the act as barbaric.

Caruana Galizia was born, aptly enough, a mere month before Malta got independence on 26 August 1964. She has a Virgo Sun opposition Saturn square a confident Jupiter in late Taurus; with her Sun conjunct Uranus which was in turn conjunct Pluto Mercury all in Virgo – communicative, keen to upset the status quo; she also had a passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in cancer trine an idealistic Neptune in Scorpio.

At the moment her Solar Arc Mars Venus is exactly conjunct her Uranus; with tr Pluto moving to oppose her Mars within days, with tr Neptune opposition her rebellious Uranus/Pluto midpoint – so a high-risk, insecure and explosive time for her.

The Malta chart, 21 September 1964 12am, is very troubled, nervy and uncertain with tr Neptune opposition Uranus exactly now, moving on to oppose Pluto in 2018 and then conjunct the Moon in 2019/2020; with a disruptive and edgy 2019 from tr Uranus square Mars as well as a ‘shock-collision’ Solar Arc Mars conjunct Sun. Not much going right until 2021 when tr Pluto trines the Malta Jupiter.

Muscat’s 2nd Term, 5 June 2017 12.10pm was always going to be a lame-duck, damp-squib administration with a Gemini Sun square a 7th house Neptune. There’s also a hidden-surprises Uranus Venus in the financial 8th opposition Moon – all of which is being rattled up uncomfortably at the moment by tr Uranus in hard aspect, returning late March 2018 and into early 2019.

Muscat himself, 22 January 1974, is a determined Sun, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter in Aquarius; with Sun Venus Mercury in a controlling trine to Pluto; and a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Mars in Taurus. He looks jangled and jolted at the moment and through 2018/19; and meeting his nemesis by 2020 when his Yod moves by Solar Arc to form a challenging-setback conjunction of Solar Arc Mars to his Saturn.

[Pic: Reuters]

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