Brexit – Theresa May slipping and slithering on



Brexit? Urgh. Supposedly crucial, life-changing votes are expected next week on the 12th but I have my doubts. There is a get-it-together Pisces Sun sextile Pluto on the 13th but that’s mild enough, followed on the 14th by a mixed bag of over-promising Jupiter square the Sun; and a teeth-grinding Mars trine Saturn.

Theresa May looks limp, aiming towards yet more difficulties from March 31st as the dashed-hopes tr Neptune opposes her Jupiter; and she has the career-loss-making tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint throughout April as well.

Her relationship with the mouthy, overly ebullient Attorney General Geoffrey Cox, now over in Brussels supposedly to fix the Irish backstop guarantees, looks deflated in April as well.

If MPs reject the withdrawal agreement for a second time, they will have the opportunity to vote on whether to go ahead in just over three weeks’ time without any kind of negotiated deal. If they decide against, they will then have a vote on whether to extend negotiations and push the date of departure back by several months.

Jacob Rees Mogg, chief of the Brexiteer gang, is facing a major catastrophe from mid April for two weeks; and again for three months over the end of the year; so he’s not exactly singing and dancing either.

The UK chart has odd ripples of confusion from tr Neptune square Mercury in April; a minor upheaval also from mid April; with tr Uranus sextile the UK Pluto; and relief from a couple of Uranus transits to Jupiter and a Jupiter midpoint from late March into April.  There’ll be more uncertainty in May but by and large my sense is the UK is sooo bored/exhausted/confused by the whole debacle they just want it over and done with one way or the other. Which may or may not happen, of course, since if T May does get her deal then another aeon of trade negotiations with the EU will follow. The woman needs her head examined agreeing to this split and giving away any future bargaining power thereby allowing the EU to hold the whip hand.

Her Government chart looks very undermined by May and in a state of upheaval.

8 thoughts on “Brexit – Theresa May slipping and slithering on

  1. Marjorie. Do you see Britain re-establishing it’s Commonwealth trade linkages post Brexit? Outside of controlling borders, the ability to cut trade deals in emerging markets was a big selling point for Brexiteers. For example do you see Britain joining the new version of the Trans Pacific trade agreement? Thanks. John

  2. Thanks Marjorie. What do you think about the Cancer solar eclipse on 2nd July and the UK chart? It’s right opposite the Sun and on the MC? And just realised that this means its also opposite the Sun for 31 December 1957 EEC (1st January 1958 midnight) chart too, and when the UK and Eire joined on 1 January, 1973. How early would an eclipse manifest do you think?

  3. Thanks Marjorie
    Given the depth and longevity of the internecine Tory factionalism on Europe, I can’t see the “losing side”, whatever the outcome, packing their tent and going away. It seems permanent. They simply will not be able to bridge this divide. Is the Conservative party doomed to split? The craving to retain power versus irrevocable differences

  4. Thanks Marjorie, Theresa May depresses & irritates me so much I can’t think straight where she’s concerned. A career change for her in April would be very much welcomed by me. What a hideous mess thus whole thing is.

  5. Will the Mercury retrograde this March not cause yet more chaos? Also at the end of the month when it stands still at 16 degrees of Pisces, isn’t that conjunct Neptune and bang opposite TMay’s Jupiter? If only TMay had an astrologer…….but then she would stubbornly refuse to listen to one even if she did.

  6. On one astrological message board, someone mentioned you said that Uranus on the nodes is “an end/revolutionairy shock”. Do you perhaps remember where you might have said it and if it was related to Brexit? Same person mentioned that Karen Hamaker-Zondag was writing in her magazine about upcoming transit of Uranus on the node of the European Union 1967 chart, at 3° Taurus.

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