Brexit panics starting to rise



The UK populace has been sleep-walking through the Brexit negotiations whether through a misplaced we’ll-muddle-through-somehow-since-we-always-have attitude, or just out of sheer torpor. Who’d know who to believe? Nick Cohen in the Guardian likens Brexit Britain to a burning building with no exits and a country paralysed in the grip of an uncontrollable neurosis. Dan Hodges in the Mail chirpily insists the PM has aces up her sleeve.  Christopher Booker says ‘May’s latest proposal is so detached from reality that it can only end next March in the ultimate disaster, where we crash out without an agreement – chaos will ensue as we are shut out of our largest export market. Whole industries will go into meltdown. It will be the gravest economic crisis in our history.’

The ‘pragmatic’ soft Brexit of her recent White Paper appears to offer the worst of both worlds, not the advantages of out and not the advantages of in.

On the UK chart, despite tr Pluto opposing the 10th house Moon this year which might suggest voters aggrieved about their rulers, the public has been content to focus on the Royal Wedding, the two Duchesses’ fashion choices, the World Cup, Wimbledon and the heatwave. Tr Pluto now returns to the exact opposition till late August and again November to mid-December and this week’s Solar Eclipse also elbowed the UK Moon, which might be enough for a wake-up call. What’s for certain is that the Solar Arc Moon opposing the UK 11th house Saturn, exact in 8 months’ time, though likely in effect before, will see the electorate decidedly out of sorts with the legislature. Neither party has covered themselves in glory.

There will be ripples of unease in the country mid August to end of September, which might be Theresa May-connected and a definite jolt mid September to mid October; but by January 2019 the country will be gung ho and feeling upbeat with tr Pluto square the Sun/Jupiter, admittedly at the same time as tr Pluto squares Mars/Uranus which looks nervy and high-stress, both influences repeating twice before the year end.

There will be uncertainty from May 2019 onwards, feeling neglected, lonely and misunderstood, which runs on and off till late 2021. Economic ups and downs kick in with tr Uranus moving into the UK 8th – depending on which house system is used – perhaps as early as mid 2019 onwards; though the real shock comes in 2021.

The present government chart is hitting a major setback from later this month, July 26th to August 13th and again in the first half of October, as tr Saturn opposes the 10th house Mars, so presumably the present strategy will have to go back to the drawing board for a rejig. Mid September to mid October look weak-willed, with spasms of high anxiety; jangled through mid October to early November; and more upsets of an explosive nature November to mid December 2018. Strangely enough this December to mid January 2019 look like delivering a silver lining or a lucky break. Though there’ll be more upheavals and disruptions more spasm come April 2019 onwards.

On Theresa May’s personal chart: Difficulties and relationship setbacks late this July into mid August. August to early September will dent her confidence, enthusiasm and undermine relationships with tr Neptune square her Mars/Jupiter. September and October look chaotic, scandal-prone, befuddled and maybe ill as tr Pluto squares her Sun/Neptune, which Ebertin ascribes to a tragic deception.  More failures as tr Neptune is conjunct her Mars late October to late December 2018. She’ll be poleaxed by events January to mid February 2019 with tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Saturn; teeth-grittingly frustrated mid February to late March and into job-loss time come April (if she survives that long) with tr Pluto square her Jupiter/Saturn midpoint, recurring on and off till late 2020. In April as well she has tr Neptune picking up the opposition to her Jupiter till early 2020 which usually brings false hopes crashing down.

She also, of course, has her Solar Arc Uranus conjunct her Sun sometime soon which will accompany a mighty upset. There’s no exact date since her birth time isn’t known but it will be  exacerbated by tr Saturn in square to both in early this December.

Make of that what you will. It doesn’t look like total catastrophe time for the UK, well except for 2021/2022 when tr Uranus and Solar Arc Uranus both collide with the 8th house Mars for a major economic shock. And admittedly 2024 looks a touch swampy on the money and direction front as well with Solar Arc MC square the 2nd house Neptune.  By the late 2020s with tr Pluto in Aquarius moving into the UK 5th there’ll be a strong push to Make the UK Great Again. MUKGA doesn’t work too well.

Pic: Boadicea and her daughters. A Celtic queen who led an uprising against the occupying Roman forces – which failed.

4 thoughts on “Brexit panics starting to rise

  1. 1 january 2019 New Year speech Theresa May?


    1-Jan-2019 014°,20’17 Virgo C-12 45 Nep
    4-Jan-2019 009°,39’55 Cancer MC 45 Asc


    1-Jan-2019 008°,25’51 Virgo Mars 135 mutual C-12

  2. It’s usually ‘cock up’ rather than ‘conspiracy’: lack of understanding of how trade deals work, an unwillingness to be honest about the difficulties involved, too much bureaucracy, politics over economics, giving the establishment a bloody nose, assumption that majority would be too scared to vote leave, David Cameron’s inability to come back with a decent deal from the EU, ideology versus pragmatism, using Brexit to score political advantage even if not in the country’s interest. EU members own domestic situation, fear of the EU project being fatally undermined. I could go on and on and on. The ingredients were all there for the result to come out the way it did.
    Too many see this issue as black and white and compromise upsets everyone but it will have to be a compromise. What the PM has to do now is not give up anything more to the EU.
    I voted remain by the way, but have a lot of doubts regarding the EU and just want us to honour democracy and find a pragmatic way to leave that doesn’t implode the economy. Most people I know who voted leave fully understood the country would be poorer for a while.

    • An excellent summary of how the UK got to where it is today.

      Just to add that while there is a lot of analysis in the MSM done on the strengths and weaknesses of the various soft and hard Brexit negotiation stances similar rigour is not applied to the Remain position. It rather naively seems to be assumed that the UK could stay in the EU on the terms that existed before Article 50 was invoked. That is very unlikely to be the case. I would be interested to know what people think would happen if the UK was forced to adopt the Euro as a price for remaining, particularly as that is likely to come with all sorts of fiscal strings attached regarding limiting the UK budget deficit. As far as I can see none of the current Labour Shadow Cabinets plans for spending once in government would be possible under those constraints. Indeed, I doubt the ‘austerity’ budgets of recent Conservatives would pass muster under Eurozone budget rules either. As a consequence UK politicians have now locked themselves in a scenario where all the options involve real risk and pain.

      Attempts by the media and political pundits to blame the British public for this situation really do take the biscuit. The current debacle was entirely manufactured in Westminster. In particular it was created by David Cameron’s governments decision to use the option of an EU Referendum as a short term political fix to stem the loss of Tory votes to UKIP. If one takes the trouble to check Hansard it will be noted that the original EU Referendum bill was waved through Parliament with very little real opposition because MPs smugly thought the result was a guaranteed. How wrong that assumption proved to be. The lesson is don’t ask a question when there is a chance you are not going to like the answer.

  3. What gets me on the brexit vote discussions is that there is absolutely no talk of possible media manipulation that may have swung the vote. I do wonder if it was a trial balloon run up for the usa shenanigans. To my mind it is a definite possibility designed to make Europe weaker.

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