Brexit – hardline anti-EU cadre in good spirits ahead



The Brexit merry-go-round is an all-consuming fight to the death in the Westminster bubble with a dazed public outside throwing their hands up in disbelief and despair. What might be a pointer to the likely outcome are the prospects for the heavyweight  Brexiteers.

Jacob Rees-Mogg, a quaint nannified old Etonian, appears to have taken over as enforcer-in-chief on behalf of the European Research Group (ERG) on the eurosceptic side of the Tory Party (a touch like the USA Tea Party). He’s a traditionalist, reactionary, right-wing populist – against abortion in all circumstances, rape included, chairman of a fund management group as well as an MP.

ERG, of which Rees-Mogg is now chairman, was started in 1993, as an anti-EU group within the Tory Party and is described by the Times as “the most aggressive and successful political cadre in Britain today”. They are for a hard Brexit.

Rees-Mogg is having his ups and downs this year into early 2019 but in general looks in remarkably good spirits ahead in November this year and February 2019; and more so thereafter with tr Pluto moving to trine his Pluto in 2019/2020, then trine his successful Jupiter/Pluto over 2020/2021 and then his trine his Jupiter in 2021/2022.

Daniel Hannan, a Tory MP and journalist, 1 September 1971, was the first director of ERG straight out of university and has campaigned hard ever since against the EU. He looks in cheerful mood through this September and October; and feeling lucky this December and January 2019. With a tough slog in 2019/2020 but also a major lucky break in 2019.

That pair are looking much more upbeat than William Hague and John Major, two former Tory Party seniors who are pro-EU and on the whole confused and horror-struck ahead.

I can’t make head nor tail of the two Conservative Party charts I have – 12 November 1867 and 18 December 1834 – which show up remarkably little of the present civil war in the party, nor indeed looking back do they show up anything too informative when Maggie Thatcher won and the loss of 1997.


24 thoughts on “Brexit – hardline anti-EU cadre in good spirits ahead

  1. Marjorie, here’s an alternative reality question; had Brexit not happened, what would the future aspects be alluding to? Wouldn’t the UK chart aspects and transits be looking dire over the next few years anyway?

    • I meant to add, even if we didn’t pull out from under the EU the EU were still in for some horrifying years ahead themselves. I wouldn’t be surprised if the EU as we know it crumbled completely or at a push, reinvented itself.

      • Not Marjorie, but someone knowing quite a few people in Brussels. Unlike what your Brexiters tell you, the main issue for EU isn’t Brexit, at the moment. If anything, various exiters have become incredibly quiet seeing trouble a bigger economy than theirs, has. Most European economies can survive even a Hard Brexit, especially since companies operating in The UK are busy transferring to mainland. Latest, Rolls Royce. This is a 60 million people economy versus a 600 million people economy, still containing three G7 economies. Even Rees-Mogg had to admit in a recent interview that you will see gains from Brexit in *50 years*.

        What’s really trying for EU now are authoritarian parties undermining Rule of Law gaining ground especially in Ex-Soviet Bloc countries (Italy, too, but their Government is already making incredibly unpopular decisions, such as making temporary employment more difficult and closing stores for Sundays – both measures hitting young people and women). Poland and Hungary will be an issue after Brexit, too. There might be need for sanctions, in other words withdrawing subsidies, which is bit of a Catch 22, since it’ll further diminish EU’s popularity in rural areas now held by traditionalist parties.

        That said, I still am more for “reinventing”. Maybe a measured dismantelling if Euro, but only if France and Germany will decide it’s the best thing to do. I seeFederalism as a likelier outcome. But really, young Europe are overwhelmingly for EU. They see the benefits, especially in freedom of movement. Also, investments are just pouring to Europe right now (something that’s very underreported). Old biddies not liking EU will die out (sooner in Eastern Central Europe).

  2. The thought of Jacob having a joyish few years is concerning given he seems to be directing Brexit which is a complete disaster.

  3. Hmmm, as an outsider, it strikes me how many of these Hard-Brexiters are “Old Etonians”. Products of “an education” that used to be, up until recently, just glorified child abuse. Still probably thinking they are much better than the rest of us and not very concerned on details, because they’ve always had “people” to think through menial details. I must say that I don’t like many of the older generation Eurocrats either, but it’s also ironic to watch these guys have about “European Elites”, when if they’d been born 50 years earlier, they would have, themselves, been Imperial Elites. In the meanwhile, those mean “European Elites” have just closed the biggest ever tradedeal with Japan. What do they have to offer to The World that will make the British people prosperous?

    • Hannan is also – diplomatic service mother in Peru, sent home to board to Winchester and Marlborough then Oxford University. Not much of the common touch. Farage had stockbroker father, went to a private day school and into the City from there as a trader. Boris Johnson eventually ended up at Eton and then Oxford, with classical/history background – he remembers the ‘glory’ days. Mind you Cameron and Osborne were also Etonians and not on the anti-EU wing. But you’re right the boarding-schoolers are a breed apart, arrogant and elitist on the whole.

      • I know various people who were at school with Rees Mogg (who I would not consider arrogant and elitist in any way) and JRM was considered distinctly odd from day one! Back to astrology

  4. I have followed Marjorie for many,many,years,if you read the news page in the way most people pick and read their daily horoscope it’s not indivual ,normally light hearted in a general way
    What happens on the news page is much tuned in,to the individual,birth chart ,planetary positions at birth,what the planets are doing now and the near future and of course the effect of the houses they influenced when we were born.
    Marjorie is using an actual science ,with incredible knowledge and interpretation,it’s not down to her inventing a persons chart or character.
    We all have our own views but that does not alter the fact that from the moment we enter this world we are part of those times, dates and influences
    So please ,Marjorie is doing a splended job, just as the Greeks ,Chinese,Nostradamus and many before and after. DawnTizard

  5. Jupiter is hanging around the UK Neptune, and it’s difficult to see what is good or bad as yet. Maybe when Jupiter gets up to the UK mercury things will become a little clearer. I notice that Mogg and Hannan have some late Scorpio planets, so will be interesting to see Jupiter hitting these points later this year. Mogg’s sun and Moon will be respectively opp and square Jup just after the hits as it moves into Sag. Though there doesn’t seem to be that many correspondences between Mogg Hannan and the Uk chart. Whereas May sits on the ascendant. Pluto is also worrying Hannan’s Moon, so there must be some emotional shift going on there. I agree with the Irish border being the most sensitive part of this whole affair. So, what is the Irish chart doing in all this I wonder?

  6. Another ‘no confidence’ in Theresa May letter has just gone to Graham Brady of the 1922 Committee. I just hope these people who want to bring her down have a solution to the Irish Border, frictionless trade and all the other issues that Brexit throws up.

  7. Instead of traditionalist; Conservative
    Instead of reactionary ; thoughtful
    Instead of populist ; patriotic
    Let’s use language in a less inflammatory way ?
    Theresa May will be out by Christmas, Boris will become Prime Minister, it’s written in the stars.
    It’s the Saturn return of Margaret Thatchers demise, following Geoffrey Howes speech and here we are again 28/9 years later repeating that pattern ?
    Will Boris’s speech have the same effect ?

    • Marjorie is a Remainer hence her biased reading of Brexit and derogatory language. It would be so much more helpful if she were to be a little more critical of the guff spewed forth by the remain supporting press. For a long time she actually refuted any suggestion that Germany was to all intents and purposes the rulers of the EU.

      • North Kensington lady – perhaps you would be civil enough to use your real name. I was a selfish Remainer since I live in France – and we weren’t given the chance to vote. Have you any notion of the cataclysm that will occur in the lives of ordinary working people who don’t have a hedge fund to fall back on when export businesses collapse? Or do you just discount that as Project Fear and fake news?
        I’ve no doubt the UK will cope but it will be a horrendous five year transition and North Ken is unlikely to feel the worst of it.
        Not sure what the Germany swipe was about. I dislike the running of the EU as much as anyone and never understood how it would work as a conglomerate exercise. But we’re pretty tied into the trade market and the Irish problem is unsolvable on a hard Brexit.

        • Dear Marjorie
          You have been out of the country too long if you believe that North Kensington is a place of privilege. Ever heard of Grenfell? Well it is in North Kensington an area that includes some of the most deprived wards in the UK. Not all of us are lucky enough to live in bucolic comfort in France. I have dropped by this site a few times and have been appalled at the negative tone towards Brexit. How can anyone claim that Marjorie work is based on science when she reveals her prejudices through the words she uses.
          As for Babalins, is that a real name? To be critical and challenging is not the same as trolling. It is always a good idea to have some understanding of the meaning of words you choose to fling around otherwise you just look a bit silly

      • Ah this Britt lady is so consistently uncivil in her speech herself. I think replying to her will only encourage her Marjorie.

        If anything, your mundane predictions are the most spot on I have come across.

      • I mean to confuse populism with patritotism is one of the silliest things I ever heard 🙂

        It seems they also realize that your mundane predictions are spot on Marjorie, which is why it bugs them that you aren’t going online with them , to wit
        “It would be so much more helpful if she were to be a little more critical of the guff spewed forth by the remain supporting press.”

        @NKL This isn’t even a political website.

        • You are not very bright are you Derek? Or perhaps you can’t read? Britt is not equating populism with patriotism. She is pointing out the negative language used by Marjorie in describing people who voted for Brexit and that so called Brexiteers are not part of a populist movement rather they are patriots who object to rule by the EU or, more to the point, Germany.

          • Ah the ad hominem attack, the last refuge.

            Didn’t know we’d get here so quickly.

            And please dear, don’t defend Farage as a patriot. It’s not rooted in reality, only in your paranoia.

    • You find Marjorie’s speech inflammatory? Have you looked at a mirror recently. Your comments on this website in the past few days have been downright uncivil (if not completely incoherent as well). You may also need to spend some time figuring out the irony in defending the inflammatory speech of these populists against a few strong words on a non-political website.

      Lastly, you are confusing populism with patriotism. A dictionary may help you out here.

  8. “I can’t make head nor tail of the two Conservative Party charts I have – 12 November 1867 and 18 December 1834 – which show up remarkably little of the present civil war in the party, nor indeed looking back do they show up anything too informative when Maggie Thatcher won and the loss of 1997.”

    Marjorie, can you see if the chart of 9th/10th May 1912 fits in with the past and present situations of the Conservative Party?

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