Boris Johnson – plus ca change



Boris Johnson instead of gearing up for a Brexit fight and push for No 10 is now embroiled in a divorce. He announced today he had separated some months ago from his wife of 25 years, a barrister, with claims that he’d been cheating again. He was thrown out twice before over affairs, in one of which he fathered a child.

He does have tr Uranus opposition his Scorpio Moon this year which suggests radical domestic changes; with tr Uranus having been moving through his 7th house of one-to-one relationships since 2013, so it’ll have been on the cards since then. His Solar Return for June 2018 also has a separating Uranus in the 7th on the focal point of a T Square to a heated Mars in the domestic 4th opposition a sugary charming Venus Node in the ambitious 10th.

His supporters say he’s just clearing the decks before rebooting his ambitions. But he always did look in for a catastrophic two months this September and October with tr Pluto square his Mars/Saturn midpoint, moving on to oppose his Mars/Uranus November to nid December which will also be fraught; and log-jammed every which way from mid January to mid February 2019. He’ll recover some bounce from April onwards, but woes will come in from all sides right through the year.

2 thoughts on “Boris Johnson – plus ca change

  1. There is a piece by Matthew d’Ancona in The Guardian today making the point that the Conservative Party should be less concerned about Bojo’s sexual conduct and more with his recent unholy alliance with ‘Sloppy’ Steve Bannon. I tend to agree.

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