Boris Johnson – be careful what you wish for + Ireland

The royal handshake which anointed Boris as PM happened around 3.12 pm this afternoon. He then went onto to make a rabble- rousing speech declaring it would be a do-or-die exit on October 31st. Whether this is a calculated negotiating strategy to force the EU into re-setting their demands isn’t clear, but it’s high-risk, since they may not budge and all the advice about tumbling out on Halloween, with precious little prepared, points to major problems – logistical and economic.

His Government chart doesn’t have the unbelievably will-sapping and lacklustre aspects which Theresa May’s had with its Full Moon opposition Neptune. But this one is pressured from the heavy-duty Saturn Pluto in the 3rd house of communication and transport and a heavily populated 9th house of foreign affairs and legal arguments.

Two key configurations are worth pondering – there’s a Cardinal T Square of Mercury Venus in Cancer opposition Pluto square a 6th house Aries Moon which suggests an overly-emotional approach to problems, extreme defensiveness, impulsiveness, bad-temper and an insistence on following a chosen path whatever the consequences. The 6th house rules health, workers, civil servants and the armed forces.

There’s also a Yod of Neptune sextile Saturn inconjunct Mars in flamboyant Leo pointing to a tendency to plunge ahead without necessarily having a sensible plan or direction. It can be self-defeating though it can also be decisive about cutting ties with the past.

The Leo Sun is in no-compromise square to Uranus which can be wilful and erratic as well as helpful for forging a new path. Uranus is trine the midheaven pointing to ingenuity about new paths to be followed.

Expansive Jupiter is an over-spender in the 2nd house of finances in an enthusiastic trine to Mars and a head-in-the-clouds square to Neptune.

The midpoints aren’t overly encouraging with the Sun in a setback-prone square to Mars/Saturn and conjunct an argumentative Mars/Node; and Neptune = Mars/Pluto which could induce paralysis or be surrounded by deceit.

Boris’s relationship chart with Ursula von der Leyen, the new EU President, is implacably hostile since both have Mars square Pluto; and that’s repeated in Boris’s relationship chart with the EU which has a Mars opposition Pluto, not surprising given the lies he’s told about them over the years.

His relationship with Trump is certainly premised on joint super-ambition with a composite Sun trine Neptune sextile Pluto, veering to the fanatical with Neptune square Uranus; and a possessive, controlling Moon square Pluto. Both birth times being sound, tr Neptune will square the MC through this year and next and square the Ascendant next year – undermining the ties that bind.

On Boris’s astrocartography – Iran is not well favoured having his Mars on the IC there.

His Solar Return for this year June 2019 to June 2020 is horrendous with  a trapped, scary, enfuriatingly frustrated Mars Mercury in the 7th opposition Saturn Pluto and an afflicted mis-communicating Neptune in the 3rd.

Boris’s relationship with Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of the Republic of Ireland, crucially involved in the backstop and frictionless border with Northern Ireland talks, is grim at the best of times with a hostile, resentful, power struggling composite Mars opposition Pluto and a differing-agenda, needs-space, uncompromising composite Sun opposition Uranus. September 8th to 29th looks especially chilly between them with tr Saturn square the Sun and Uranus. Even before then, August 13th till late September is on a downward spiral; and mid October to mid November over the putative no-deal exit is at daggers-drawn and in disaster-mode.

8 thoughts on “Boris Johnson – be careful what you wish for + Ireland

  1. ”Boris’s relationship with Leo Varadkar, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of the Republic of Ireland, crucially involved in the backstop and frictionless border with Northern Ireland talks, is grim at the best of times with a hostile, resentful, power struggling composite Mars opposition Pluto and a differing-agenda, needs-space, uncompromising composite Sun opposition Uranus. September 8th to 29th looks especially chilly between them with tr Saturn square the Sun and Uranus. Even before then, August 13th till late September is on a downward spiral; and mid October to mid November over the putative no-deal exit is at daggers-drawn and in disaster-mode.”

    And if he goes down the route of agreeing to a border in the Irish Sea / North Channel he’ll be breaching the Treaty of the Union between the Kingdoms of Scotland and England ….. and then it’s UK game over.

    Beggar’s belief that the Tories didn’t figure the Irish situation into the equation before they even agreed to having an EU Referendum. Then again when did Westminster ever give NIreland a second thought? Their world view lies south of Watford. Big picture London.

  2. Thanks as always for your thoughts and insights Marjorie. The Jupiter in the second not all that surprising with all the dumb things he signed off as Mayor of London. Interesting use of astrocartography, even if the message is a little unsettling.

    So, his first action as PM has been to appoint his entire cabinet during a VOC Moon. Great start there.

    I wondered what Sajid Javid’s role would be with the Brexit deadline Mercury stationing on his Venus/Neptune conjunction in October. Chancellor of the Exchequer fits the financial nature of Scorpio and also perhaps suggests there is some issue over the “divorce settlement”. That’s if the government holds up to that point

  3. Thanks Marjorie. Mercury retrograde for the Prime Ministership today, and Mercury turning retrograde on 31st October in Scorpio. There’s also a tough Mars square Pluto around at the end of October, beginning November. All looking quite financial and legal….not amongst Boris’s favourite things. Be careful what you wish for indeed. Happy Halloween!

  4. I see that Johnston has been having a massive clear-out; 17 ministers at the last count including Liam Fox. More worrying however are those that he has re-instated such as, ”sacked” Priti Patel. Priti Patel, on the far right of the Tory party, is now Head of the Home Office. Unbelievable.

    It would be interesting to see what her chart looks like.

    Meetings with Israeli officials and resignation:-

    ”On 3 November 2017, the BBC’s Diplomatic correspondent James Landale broke the news that Patel had held meetings in Israel in August 2017 without telling the Foreign Office. She was accompanied by Lord Polak, honorary president of Conservative Friends of Israel (CFI). The meetings, up to a dozen in number, took place while Patel was on a “private holiday”. Patel met Yair Lapid, the leader of Israel’s centrist Yesh Atid party, and reportedly made visits to several organisations where official departmental business was discussed. The BBC reported that “According to one source, at least one of the meetings was held at the suggestion of the Israeli ambassador to London. In contrast, British diplomats in Israel were not informed about Ms Patel’s plans.” It was also reported that, following the meetings, Patel had recommended that the Department for International Development give international aid money to field hospitals run by the Israeli army in the Golan Heights. Although these hospitals have been described by the British Prime Minister’s official spokesman as “provid[ing] medical support for Syrian refugees”, Israeli officials have refused to identify who they treat in them, and whether they are regime forces, rebels or civilians. Western media reports suggest that Israel is aiding and funding Syrian opposition organisations in the Syrian civil war.”..

  5. Thank you Marjorie as always!
    What’s his relationship like with the Irish Prime Minister-Leo Varadkar born 18 January 1979 in Dublin?
    Thank you if you look into although realise Boris will have to ultimately deal with Juncker/Sassoli and Tusk in Brussels.

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