Boris & Dom Brexit – pots and kettles


This is a stumble in the dark since I have zero idea of what’s happening in the near future. Britain is being hurtled along by a manic fantasist and a Machiavellian aide – neither of whom was actually elected by the people – in their helter skelter, do-or-die dash to be rid of the unelected Brussels technocrats. There’s a hint of Trumpian logic in that.

The 31st October has an aggravated, bad-tempered and frustrated Mars in Libra square Saturn and Pluto and a freedom-seeking Sun opposition Uranus; plus a head-in-the-clouds, over-hopeful Jupiter square Neptune. Whether it actually is a split isn’t clear.

Most of the panicky failure influences affecting the Boris crew come mid November onwards. So perhaps Brussels blinks and puts off the evil hour for another few months, at which point the PM and cronies realise what a hole they’ve dug for themselves. Or maybe we crash out and the lorries start backing up from Dover to London as Brussels and France set out on a payback mission. Or maybe there’s a snap election and BJ loses; or he loses a vote of confidence and retreats into a bunker refusing to budge. The possibilities are legion.

Boris’s PMship chart has catastrophe and disappointment write large for a few weeks from mid November and is considerably discouraged from January 2020 onwards.

His relationship with aide Dominic Cummings is sagging badly from mid November and is, in any event, hardly a soulmate connection at the best of times with a chaotic Sun Pluto Uranus and a one-sided, irritable Mars Saturn in the relationship chart. They look hemmed in every which way from late August to early November with tr Pluto square the composite Mars/Saturn and Mars/Node midpoints.

Cummings and Gove are at explosion point in late October and very deflated in November/December. Cummings and Carrie Symonds are at cross purposes mid August to mid September; and Cummings’ relationship chart with the UK also flags up this as a panic point.

Boris himself goes into a spasm and a lurch from 22 September to mid October with tr Uranus square his Sun/Pluto midpoint; and he also has tr Neptune square his Mars/Node which Ebertin describes as ‘disappointment, falsehoods, undermining of relationships’. And worse from mid November for four weeks with his career being damaged, losses, disappointment, lack of energy and motivation – a sag and several banana skins. Plus from mid November all the trapped, cornered, stuck influences on various charts return till mid December.

Who knows? We dragged ourselves out of Theresa May’s Neptunian swamp straight into street racing scenario – who crashes first?

See previous post on Dominic Cummings July 24 2019

Any thoughts welcome.

15 thoughts on “Boris & Dom Brexit – pots and kettles

  1. Marjorie, that’s an interesting image you chose there of the stunt motorcyclist. Dominic Cumming’s Venus/Mercury is out of bounds (Venus particularly so). The most famous example of an out of bounds Venus in Sagittarius is Evel Knievel. His Wikipedia entry mentions his repeated references to his core values, including the source of his confidence to literally drive over the edge:

    “Throughout his career and later life he would repeatedly talk about the importance of “keeping his word”. He stated that although he knew he may not successfully make a jump or even survive the canyon jump, he followed through with each stunt because he gave his word that he would. Prior to the canyon jump, Knievel stated, “If someone says to you, ‘that guy should have never jumped the canyon. You knew if he did, that he’d lose his life and that he was crazy.’ Do me a favor. Tell him that you saw me here and regardless of what I was, that you knew me, and that I kept my word.”
    In the documentary Last of the Gladiators, Knievel discussed the crash of a 1970 Pepsi-Cola sponsored jump in Yakima, Washington. Knievel knew the jump was very questionable, but stated, “I went ahead and did it anyway. When you give your word to somebody that you’re going to do something, you’ve gotta do it.”

    At least Evel Knievel didn’t try to take us all with him.

    Boris Johnson and Michael Gove both have Venus retrograde in their chart. I have recently spotted a pattern between retrograde and out of bounds planets and have a few observations and some inchoate theories, but in the very basic form I do think they trigger each other.

  2. Thanks Marjorie. It is an omnishambles indeed, and amidst all the rhetoric nobody much mentions how deeply entwined with the EU we are legally speaking, and how long it will take to deal with all that, even with a transition period. All those tiny points of law to be debated and agreed upon or changed….imagine….

    I also wonder if it could be worth looking at the May 12th, 1707 chart for the UK? I’m looking at it in Nick Campion’s Book of World Horoscopes where he writes, “the 1707 horoscope is regarded as, in principle, a major national horoscope…” It is for the Constitutional Union of Britain and Scotland. Anyway, currently it has Saturn sitting on the Capricorn ascendant opposing Mars in Cancer. Plus Pluto. Tr Uranus is in the 3rd, approaching a conjunction with Mercury at 11 Taurus and a square to itself at 9 Leo in the 7th house in 2020. Plus quite a few other things. The 1957 EEC/EU chart also has Uranus in Leo at 10 degrees. Revolutionary times?

    • I put it into the July 31st post on Scotland – well a mid day chart anyway. The major upheaval there isn’t until 2023.

  3. All I have to go on is how I felt when Article 50 was invoked, haven’t seen any astrology on that, though have seen that leaving on March 29th was not astrologically helpful (waiting for October 31st chart). From my earlier experience, I’m expecting Brexit (shouldn’t it be UKexit?) to be positive (eventually?) for both the UK and the EU.

    • Brexit is an unmitigated omnishambles and if we leave our country is in the hands of a seriously incompetent, malignant and corrupt crowd of tosspots imo. A deal with Trump? Satan’s little rent boy..

  4. The media are sticking the dagger into Cummings delightfully. The Independent has a wonderful satirical piece:
    “Cummings is merely the latest in a long line of geniuses to run things for the Conservatives in 10 Downing Street. First there was Andy Coulson, whose genius took him to prison. Then there was Steve Hilton, whose genius took him to a life of Donald Trump fanboyism on Fox News. Then there was Craig Oliver, whose genius took him to losing the referendum campaign. Then there was Nick Timothy, whose genius took him to tirelessly writing self-exculpating columns for the crime of accidentally detonating the full holy trinity: his career, his prime minister and his country.

    The Guardian is also going strong about Cummings ‘reign of terror.;
    “A Tory special adviser told the Guardian that Cummings was “absolutely running the show” and was even more ruthless and difficult to work with than Theresa May’s former advisers Nick Timothy and Fiona Hill: “The level of terror is greater than Priti Patel would like to exert on the criminal classes. It is far, far scarier than under Nick Timothy. He is two Fionas plus a Nick rolled into one. It’s the worst of both worlds in one person.”

  5. And just to add that the Scots have afforded the UK Government a way out of this mess (in a number of ways). Six Scottish politicians submitted a “Revocation of Article 50” case to the Court of Session in Edinburgh which then went on to be heard in the European Court of Justice where they won their case. It’s worth noting that as Independence supporting politicians are wrongly accused of wanting Brexit to transpire, to further their case for Scottish independence, four (or even 5) of the six politicians in question are committed Independence supporters.;jsessionid=30070EAD3C16AB345376A71509ACC49D?text=&docid=208636&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=first&part=1

  6. What a shambles and not just in the short term either. Even if they get rid of Boris, et al, what of the future over and above the impact of Brexit? More of this “First Past the Post” democratic deficit leading to a bunch of narcissistic liars, or total incompetents, running the country on behalf of a minority of voters? One thing for sure is that Scotland will dissolve the United Kingdom when it goes its own way, with or without Brexit now.

    The Queen of course, Queen of Scots (not Scotland), will be devastated with the news that a majority of Scots now want to end the Union, I’m sure, and although we know that she never interferes (maybe?) in political / constitutional issues she may do so now.

    Tory Dominic Grieve QC MP, the Chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee, has stated that the Queen can sack Johnston, but will she?

    Sorry I can’t offer astrological input, as I’m hopeless when it comes to interpretation, however as some have mentioned on here it might be worth taking a look at the Queens’s chart.

    Dominic Grieve comments:-

  7. Both Boris and Dom strike me as mutable game players -Boris a Gemini and Dom a Sagiterrian.
    As someone else has said they think they have won the game and now want their prize. Unfortunately this is not a game and there are no prizes. I suspect that they are beginning to realise this and are thrashing around.
    We are all thrashing around with many planets either stationary or retrospective. So we await the bigger planets moving on. This may take some time.
    I wonder whether the coming general election is one to lose. I suspect we will get the sort of Parliament we expected in 2015 but did not get.
    If the UK does leave then the pound will drop like a stone and as Marjorie predicts we go into recession or economic stress in 2021. If Boris does win being PM will not be fun. However, Jeremy Corbyn will be able to retire honourably to his allotment.

  8. In the case of Boris Johnson, he reminds me of Oscar Wilde’s famous comment:- “There are two kinds of tragedy.
    One is not getting what you want. The other is getting it”.

  9. Hi Marjorie,

    We are currently in Mercury retrograde shadow and 31st October is the day that Mercury starts going retrograde again (so it is in its pre-retrograde shadow period as well). Does that affect either the way we are seeing the situation or the Brexit situation itself?

  10. Hi Marjorie
    Is the Queen’s coronation chart, as our titular head of state, significant? I assume that chart has some impact on politics and current affairs, irrespective of who is actually in government? Johnson is prepared to cut loose Scotland and Ireland, and steer England ( or London and the City more accurately) right over the cliff I think. We don’t seem to be near rock bottom yet, I’d that 8th house in the UK chart?

    • The Queen’s coronation chart, or better still accession chart, would be quite interesting to look at, and Marjorie, I would request you to make that a separate article, rather than an add-on.

      The Queen’s reign has had so many interesting events, it would be great to see if they all showed up in her charts; Suez, the Winds of Change, the events of the 1970s, the UK’s accession to the EEC as then, Maastricht and the change from the EEC to the EU, her annus horribilus in 1992, Windsor Castle catching fire, her three eldest children divorcing and now Brexit.

    • Trouble with the Royal accession chart is her age – won’t be clear what’s to do with her backing out quietly bit by bit and what’s down to Brexit horrors.

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