All the signs are that Bashar Assad is winning the war in Syria against insurgents, with the assistance of Russia, Iran and Lebanon’s Hezbollah movement. Many western countries have ceased calling for him to step down. He was cautious in a recent televised address, saying that after six-and-a-half years of civil war, the “battle continues”, but his forces have pushed to retake territory almost to the border and he is starting to look forward to reconstruction.
In the light of this, it’s curious that his Presidency chart seems under the most devastating and destructive pressures from early 2018 onwards as tr Pluto opposes the Mars, moving across the opposition to Sun/Mars midpoint and then the Sun in 2020/2021.
His own personal chart, 11 September 1965, has a run of swampy, undermining transits of Neptune conjunct his Saturn this year and then opposing his Uranus, Pluto and finally Sun up to late 2020. Thereafter there’ll be a major collision as his Solar Arc Sun, Pluto, Uranus move across the conjunction to his Mars Neptune through from 2022 for several years. Nothing that looks too settled.
Wrong flag for Syria!