Net neutrality – “the First Amendment of the Internet” – is under threat as the USA FCC (Federal Communications Commission) gears up to prioritize dollars over the little guy. (Now there’s a surprise under a Trump administration.) It could mean giving big cable companies leeway to charge extra fees, block, and censor users. It has sparked intense criticism from congressional Democrats, consumer groups, a record 15 million public users on the comment board; and an uncharacteristic display of unity from Amazon, Google and Facebook along with Reddit, Netflix, Vimeo and Etsy, and activist groups like the ACLU.
Wiki: ‘Net neutrality is the principle that Internet service providers and governments regulating the Internet must treat all data on the Internet the same, not discriminating or charging differentially by user, content, website, platform, application, type of attached equipment, or mode of communication. A widely-cited example of a violation of net neutrality principles was when the Internet service provider Comcast was secretly slowing (“throttling”) uploads from peer-to-peer file sharing (P2P) applications by using forged packets. Comcast didn’t stop blocking these protocols like BitTorrent until the FCC ordered them to do so.’
The man who could destroy the open internet is Ajit Pai, 10 January 1973, chairman of the FCC, though his reconfirmation has been delayed till the year end. He’s a Sun Jupiter in Capricorn square Uranus, so he certainly fits the overly pushy, ambitious, materialistic mood of the moment; with a publicity-attracting Mars Neptune in a hard-edged opposition to Saturn. He’s not feeling too popular this December with tr Saturn conjunct his Venus; and tr Neptune is undermining him through till April 2018 and beyond as it squares his Saturn – so not all going to plan. Though it won’t stop him making an almighty push as tr Pluto is conjunct his Jupiter Sun from early 2018 till late 2019. And by 2019 tr Pluto will be square his Uranus. That could all combine to throw him high and then bring him crashing down.
The World Wide Web launched on 6 August 1991 (a week after Yair Netanyahu & Faryal Khan, see posts below). Clearly a crisis week for all three. The WWW has a showy Leo Sun Jupiter, and an excitable, passionately enthusiastic Mercury Venus Mars in Virgo trine the highly-strung, super-inventive Uranus Neptune North Node in Capricorn. It does look panicked this year with tr Neptune opposition Mars until late 2018; and seriously stressed and insecure by 2019.
Ajit Pai’s Saturn opposition Mars Neptune squares the WWW’s Mars Venus Mercury; and his Pluto squares the WWW Uranus (Neptune); with his Sun Jupiter conjunct the WWW North Node and his Uranus square – so he’s definitely an aggravating, blocking and undermining factor (Mars Saturn Neptune); wanting to control (Pluto) what the WWW wants to be free (Uranus); and the Nodal connection will push the WWW into standing up for its ideals.
The Pai/WWW relationship chart has a bitterly hostile composite Mars Pluto conjunction which is being upended by tr Uranus in opposition in 2017 till March 2018; with tr Uranus then moving to oppose the composite Sun Venus in 2018/19. So it’ll be a battle royal – assuming he stays.