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Louis Tomlinson – a confident and prolific Capricorn
Singer/songwriter Louis Tomlinson has moved from humble beginnings to become one of the most influential people in the UK before he is 30, according to Debretts. A child actor, a solo then group singer with One Direction (Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and others) which has sold 35 million albums globally, a footballer, now record label owner, supports childrens’ hospices and UNICEF – his interests seem to spiral in all directions.
Born 24 December 1991 1.47pm Doncaster, England, he has an intensely ambitious 8th house Capricorn Sun. With a 9th house Uranus Neptune conjunction trine Jupiter in Virgo in the performing 5th, sextile a seductively charming Venus Pluto in Scorpio. Highly-strung but very focussed. A well-organised Saturn in his 10th hints at a business career ahead.
His 4th house Leo Moon squares his Venus Pluto, perhaps a hint of his fatherless childhood and a large family of step-sisters from his mother’s next marriage. His 7th house Mars Mercury in Sagittarius will help him sell himself with vigour and make for feisty relationships given the trine to his Moon; both square his Jupiter giving him the courage to take risks.
He did have an arrest earlier this year after attacking a paparazzi which with his Solar Arc Pluto approaching a conjunction to his Mars would bring on a surge of enraged frustration. That’s around for another year or so.
He had a son last year from a brief fling though is not with the mother.
He’s in a mixed patch with some disappointments this year, sudden changes of direction, with more discouragement late 2018, though he’ll push on regardless. In general he’ll keep climbing career-wise for years to come, though his life will always be filled with drama and unsettled relationships at least until his forties.
Prince Gabriel of Sweden – another tearaway Virgo
A new Swedish Royal baby arrived the day before Serena Williams’. Prince Gabriel, second son of Prince Carl Philip and former glamour model Sofia Hellqvist, arrived on August 31 at 11.24 am in Stockholm.
He’s way down the succession order so should be free to throw his considerable energy into the world on his own terms. He has the Fire Grand Trine of a 10th house ambitious and flamboyant Mars Node in Leo trine Uranus descendant trine Saturn, formed into a Kite by Uranus opposition a 12th house Jupiter. He’s a Sun Virgo opposition Neptune, with his Sun trine Moon and Pluto in Capricorn, so a mix of dreamy and determined. Like his elder brother Alexander, he has Uranus in his house of close relationships and Neptune in his 5th, which doesn’t suggest an entirely settled adult married life.
Voyagers – reducing earth to a speck
When life on earth gets too hair-tearing to bear consider space probes Voyager 1 & 2, launched in 1977 to study the outer Solar System, and still ambling their way round interstellar space. They’ve circled Neptune, Uranus, Saturn and Jupiter and are continuing to send invaluable pictures of the never-before-seen planetary surfaces back to NASA on forty year old technology.
Voyager 2 was launched 20 Aug 1977 2.29pm UT Cape Canaveral; and Voyager 1 on 5 September 1977 12.45pm UT. Both charts have Pluto on the Ascendant – probing deep; and Neptune in the 3rd as they circumnavigate beyond the stratosphere, communicating the unknown secrets of the cosmos. Both have the ‘successful activity’ Mars Jupiter conjunction, exact for Voyager 1. And both have Mercury in the 12th, retrograde for Voyager 1, but that hasn’t stopped it getting its message through.
On Harmonics, the superstar 22H is marked; as is leaving-a-legacy-for-history 17H; and breakthrough/genius 13H. In both cases the most notable Harmonic is the 7th – magical, mystical, cosmic secrets. Luck and good fortune, a message to convey. Living in a world of their own. Immense creative achievement. (see previous post Harmonics 3 Sept 2017).
Serena Williams Miss Jnr – a rocket propelled Virgo
Serena Williams, the Grand Slam tennis player, had a baby girl on September 1st in Florida (no time as yet). Despite have a Virgo Sun opposition Neptune, junior is going to be a powerhouse. She has an entrepreneurial, inspirational and very confident, not to say flamboyant Fire Grand Trine of Mars Mercury Node in Leo trine Uranus trine Saturn in Sagittarius, formed into a Kite by Uranus opposition Jupiter. So expansive, lucky, super-optimistic And Jupiter will funnel all that fiery energy out into the universe. Her Venus is also in sociable Leo; and her hard-working Capricorn Moon is almost certainly conjunct Pluto, giving her a possessive mother.
What’s more junior’s Pluto is conjunct Serena’s Midheaven exactly, so there may be a tussle for attention and power over mother’s busy schedule. Junior’s Mars is also square Serena’s 7th house Uranus which will bring some heated interactions.
The relationship chart does have an affectionate composite Sun Venus and a well-aspected composite Jupiter which will smooth round the rough edges that a composite Saturn square Uranus and square Mars will throw up. Fitting a baby into a constantly-travelling, practising and playing competitive tennis career and presumably high-pressure promotional time after she retires won’t be easy.
Father Alexis Ohanian , 24 April 1983, is a Sun Taurus which chimes well with the baby’s Virgo Sun and Capricorn Moon, though he’ll find that she makes a profound change in his life since her Uranus is conjunct his Sun and opposition his Saturn Pluto.
North Korea – stop me if you dare
Kim Jong Un may be mad and nasty but he’s also smart and is pushing on in the face of global condemnation with amazing sang froid. The signs are that he’s about to launch a ballistic missile. He’s hit China at an awkward moment as they head for the five year Congress after mid October, when President Xi Jinping wants to consolidate his power base. He doesn’t need the distraction, certainly not a situation where he doesn’t have any more good options than the US. Supporting the US is unthinkable; as is the prospect of a destroyed North Korea pouring refugees across the China border; and trade retaliations for his inability to shut Kim Jong Un down would damage the China economy at a critical time. South Korea and Japan are on high alert, as is Guam.
If I had to guesstimate when flash point would be, I’d go for November which crops up on a good many of the relevant charts – South Korea, the Japanese Prime Minister, the South Korea/NorthK relationship chart, the South KoreaPM Term chart, as well as Defense Secretary James Mattis. Mattis looks extraordinarily stressed through 2018/19 as well.
It could come sooner, since often events precede exact aspects. The US chart certainly looks aggravated at the moment with tr Saturn opposition the Mars and then across late September to mid October tr Saturn squares the US Neptune – so an extended few weeks of high uncertainty.
Xi Jinping’s Presidency chart looks to be facing a setback at the October 19th Congress with tr Saturn square the Sun and tr Uranus conjunct the Solar Arc Moon; which is reflected on his own chart with jolts, jangles, shocks and total upheavals; with worse in 2018.
Tom Jones – a talented double Gemini
Singer Tom Jones has postponed an ambitious American tour until spring 2018 because of health concerns.
Born 7 June 1940 12.10am. he has a Sun Gemini (favourite sign of pop singers) in his performing 5th house; with a Gemini Moon also there squaring onto an iconic 8th house musical Neptune. His passionately enthusiastic Venus Mars in Cancer are in his hard-working 6th house; with an idealistic though also money-magnet Jupiter Saturn in Taurus in his 3rd along with maverick Uranus. His Pluto sits on his Descendant, so he’d have intense interactions with his public as well as with his long-suffering wife. She stood by him through numerous affairs and sadly died last year which hit him hard.
He’s at an age when problems will catch up with him and his Solar Arc Mars is about to square his Moon within weeks which also has tr Saturn in opposition at the same time. So it’s stopping him performing and affecting his body. Tr Saturn is also about to square his Neptune, so an uncertain time for him. He’ll need to slow down for a while which won’t be easy for a temperament as restless as his.
Relocating his chart to Los Angeles where he lives now puts influential Pluto on the midheaven which can be tricky to handle but has clearly worked for him.
Saudi Arabia – moving backwards to surge ahead
Saudi Arabia is the country most directly in line of fire from the 2019 tr Saturn Pluto conjunction followed by tr Jupiter, since it has Saturn, Sun Jupiter at 19 and 24 degrees Capricorn. If the past experience of the 1819 Saturn Pluto Jupiter conjunction repeats, then it will be collapse followed by resurgence and a complete economic transformation. (See post August 30 2017).
This fits with the kingdom’s privatisation plans, under the young Crown Prince Bin Salman, aimed at diversifying and privatising their economy, which will change the country out of all recognition. There is a “for sale” sign on virtually every sector of Saudi economic life: oil, electricity, water, transport, retail, schools and healthcare. With oil stuck around the $50 mark, and $75 being the break-even point, the budgets are creaking and deficits are widening.
The idea behind the Vision 2030 strategy, is that Saudi Arabia will be financially stable, with a more dynamic economy and society, less reliance on oil and government spending, and with a thriving private sector. It’s an ambitious plan though it will run into resistance from the old guard especially the Wahhabi Islamic fundamentalists, who will regard an influx of foreign ownership as threatening their power over the monarchy.
In 2017/2018 tr Pluto is conjunct the Saudi Saturn, leading to cutbacks and comparative hardship, as well as a tough struggle to push ahead with plans. By 2019 tr Saturn will be on its Return and conjunct Sun Jupiter for more dampened enthusiasm. By 2020 tr Pluto will conjunct the Saudi Sun Jupiter with tr Jupiter following suit in 2020 for a major surge of confidence and success.
So reverse, then fast forward.
North Korea – on a road to perdition
Kim Jong Un has called Donald Trump’s ‘fire and fury like nothing the world has ever seen’ bluff by detonating an underground hydrogen bomb, five times more powerful than the atomic one at Nagasaki which killed 70,000 instantly in 1945.
North Korea is undoubtedly a hot spot for Trump, since relocating his chart to Pyonggang puts his bombastic Mars in Leo on the Descendant. But a military retaliation from the US would bring not only devastation to the region but myriad consequences vis a vis the Chinese.
One solution being floated by Angela Merkel and others is to leverage China into accepting a complete embargo on North Korea, by threatening the largest Chinese banks for laundering money for the Kim regime. Trump could designate them “primary money laundering concerns” which would deny them the ability to transact in dollars – essentially a death sentence. That would throw the Chinese financial and political systems into turmoil.
Kim Jong Un’s leadership chart, 29 Dec 2011 11.57am Pyonggang is heading for complete disruption and upheaval anytime over the next six months as the Solar Arc Uranus moves to square the Sun and then Pluto. So he’s not going to be allowed to continue as is whatever happens. This December and January 2018 look times when his administration will run into major setbacks and high-risk. Tr Saturn will conjunct the MC and square Ascendant; and then tr Pluto will trine Mars.
China looks exceptionally on edge at the moment financially; and insecure in other ways with the Solar Arc Uranus conjunct their 8th house Saturn in Virgo, which tr Neptune is also opposing in 2017/2018. So a highly uncertain phase for them. They are certainly pulling away from North Korea more decisively from late this October to early December with tr Saturn square the composite Sun, Venus, Mars. Their relations with the USA look high-tension and jangled through September, and at daggers drawn in December with tr Pluto opposition their composite Mars.
Given the chaos within the Trump administration and the lacklustre Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, described in the media as worse than useless, it’s anyone’s guess what comes next. On the USA chart tr Saturn is in the aggravating opposition to Mars now and moving to square the Neptune from late September into October – which looks like setbacks and then confusion in the next few weeks.
[See post Aug 9 2017]Questions & Comments
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