Australia wincing over balls



Australia is cringing in shame after the cricket ball-tampering scandal by their team in South Africa. Even the PM was impelled to speak sternly about being “shocked and bitterly disappointed.” “It seemed completely beyond belief that the Australian cricket team had been involved in cheating. Our cricketers are role models and cricket is synonymous with fair play. How can our team be engaged in cheating like this? It beggars belief.”

Sporting events often show up on a country chart especially when they are national sports. The Australia 1 January 1901 1.35pm chart has a dynamic Mars in the 5th house of sport squaring a determined Pluto opposition Uranus – and that T Square is being undermined by tr Neptune now and ahead till late 2019.  Tr Saturn is also conjunct the Sun/Saturn conjunction. Not ego-boosting, that’s for sure.

Stevie Smith, the team captain, 2 June 1989, is a confident Sun Jupiter in Gemini on the focal point of a Yod inconjunct Pluto sextile Saturn Neptune, so he will wobble between under and over confidence. Tr Neptune is square his Sun/Jupiter midpoint now and moving to square his Jupiter from May onwards for eighteen months which will take the shine off his enthusiasm. He also has a do-or-die determined Pluto square Mars in Cancer; with Mars being road-blocked by a tr Pluto opposition in 2018/2019.

The vice-captain David Warner, 27 October 1986, is a grimly and relentlessly determined Sun Pluto in Scorpio square Mars in Aquarius. Winning won’t be a game to him. He’s also got tr Neptune in hard aspect to his Jupiter this year and tr Uranus opposing his Sun in 2019, Pluto in 2020.

Both face losing millions in sponsorship deals.

4 thoughts on “Australia wincing over balls

  1. The bad tempered Test series between South Africa and Australia has been dragged from the “gutter to the sewer” by this ball tampering affair according to one commentator. One suspects the recent difficult Mars transits have started to come into play. Pushing the rules to their limits is one thing in cricket but premeditated and planned cheating has left even some hard nosed former Australian players shocked. One can not help feel a touch of sympathy for Cameron Bancroft who has more or less torpedoed his Test career before it started by becoming embroiled in the plot. In fact the way senior Australian players including Captain Steve Smith have more or less set up a young promising newcomer as both perpetrator and patsy in the affair is probably more heinous than the ball tampering itself

    • I see Australia has been experiencing a Saturn return in that 1901 chart and that transiting Saturn will also soon conjunct its Sun. Transiting Mars is also going to conjoin both natal Saturn and the natal Sun in the next month. In fact transiting Saturn and transiting Mars will all be within one degree of that Sun on 05 April 2018

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