Poor California. Several monstrous wildfires are raging in different locations in the state, one close to Thousand Oaks where a gunman killed 12 earlier this week. More than 250,000 have been forced to flee their homes, including celebrities living in Malibu. Earlier this year the Carr Fire in July and August 2018 caused $1.659 billion of damage. And this on top of 2017 which was described as the most destructive wildfire season on record.
The California chart is pretty much under assault at the moment. It has had tr Pluto square the CA Saturn in Aries thro’ 2017 till mid November this year (exact now) which usually denotes hardship, deprivation and a tough slog. And this year and next there’s tr Neptune opposition the CA Virgo Sun, which is panicky and undermining; and much the same from the Solar Arc Sun conjunct the CA Neptune this year. The Solar Arc Uranus Pluto is moving to oppose the CA Saturn from this New Year till late 2019 which looks disruptive and discouraging ahead. And tr Uranus is exactly now conjunct the CA Uranus Pluto in Aries.
The previous Uranus Return (hitting on Pluto as well) came in the mid 1930s with California struggling with the Great Depression. There was a major earthquake in 1933 in Long Beach, just before the Uranus Return with over a hundred fatalities and multi-million dollars’ damage.
The Eclipses this year did have significant indicators for California – the Aquarius Lunar Eclipse in late July had Uranus on the Descendant located to Thousand Oaks squaring onto Midheaven Sun opposition IC Moon Mars North Node; the August Leo Eclipse had Pluto on the IC; and the mid July Cancer Solar Eclipse had Neptune on the midheaven and Saturn on the Descendant.
ADD ON: Gary Newsom, the Governor-elect of California will be the one overseeing what comes next after he’s sworn in on January 7th. He’s a former Mayor of San Francisco and has been Lieutenant Governor since 2010. Born 10 October 1967 5.13 am San Francisco, he was severely dyslexic as a child, and ran successful winery and restaurant business before moving into politics. He’s a national progressive figure, a prominent early advocate for same sex marriage, universal healthcare, and the legalization of cannabis.
He has a hard-working Sun Libra opposition Saturn in Aries square a Capricorn moon in the 4th – an emphasised Moon helps in politics and also in catering/domestic businesses being in the 4th. He’s also got a tough Mars in Sagittarius square Pluto Uranus on his Ascendant, so will be resourceful in crises.
He’ll be coping with confusing situations in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto sextile his Neptune; and worse in 2020 when tr Neptune squares his Mars and his midheaven – it’ll be a fairly roller coaster and debilitating ride ahead.
His Governorship chart has the Sun conjunct Pluto on one side and Saturn on the other – so a tough haul requiring perseverance and grit; with setbacks from Mars square Saturn Mercury; and rolling crises from an emphasised Uranus Pluto. He’ll need all his stamina and courage.