Planetary shifts point to major changes ahead



The turn of this decade will be marked by three outer planet conjunctions pointing to a tectonic shift of greater than usual significance. Economic and financial turbulence will be part of it.

The bleak Saturn Pluto conjunction, requiring grit and perseverance through tough conditions, draws closer through 2019 and comes exact at 22 degrees Capricorn in January 2020. Capricorn rules big business, high finances and government. It never returns to the exact aspect again but the austere mood will hang around till late 2020.

2020 also sees the much more upbeat though still materialistic Jupiter Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in April, June, November 2020. A few will make more money, others will continue to suffer.

By December 2020 there is a Jupiter Saturn conjunction in Capricorn, moving in tandem into Aquarius, also in December.

Saturn Pluto conjunctions come round roughly three times a century – most recently in 1982, 1947 and 1914. Jupiter Saturn conjunctions occur every 20 years.  All three together are rarer.

Triple Conjunctions: The only recent example of all three planets in the same area of the zodiac was around 1819/1820, although Saturn Pluto then in Pisces preceded the Jupiter conjunction to both.

What’s interesting is that 1819 saw the first major peacetime financial crisis in the United States followed by a general collapse of the American economy persisting through 1821. The downturn was followed by a resurgence as the USA economy moved in a new direction thereafter. First Saturn cuts back, then Jupiter expands.

In the UK, 1819 saw the Peterloo Massacre when the cavalry charged a crowd demanding the reform of parliamentary representation, against a backdrop of famine and high unemployment. The immediate effect was a clamp down on protests and although it did nothing to speed reform it is regarded as a turning point and in later decades progress was made.

Saturn Pluto in Capricorn:  The last time Saturn and Pluto were together in Capricorn was in January 1518 as Martin Luther’s Protestant Revolution got under way. He spearheaded the split with the Roman Catholic Church and his use of the Gutenberg printing press to reach a broader audience moved mass communication one step forward.

Jupiter Saturn conjunctions (December 2020) are, in theory, about finding a balance between idealism and materialism. It is also associated with iconic figures born under their influence, or US Presidents elected in those years, being cut down. Princess Diana and John Lennon are two examples, along with JF Kennedy. The raison d’etre being that Jupiter gets ahead of itself and flies too high, like Icarus towards the Sun, aiming to become god-like. Saturn then steps in, scythe in hand, with the reminder that all men are mortal. Balance and humility help.

There’s little doubt that a major financial downturn will be part of what’s coming. In addition to the always- restrictive Saturn Pluto in 2019/2020; there’s a financial-bubble-bursting Jupiter square Neptune in January 2019, repeating across the summer and into the autumn of 2019; and by 2021 Uranus in Taurus will square Saturn in Aquarius, usually an indicator of financial instability. So a longish three year period of economic bad news globally.

As a consequence there will be civil unrest (like Peterloo in the UK) and activists will step up to highlight corruption in an effective way (like Luther) but in the financial and political spheres, rather than religious. Though progress is always slow under the repressive Saturn Pluto.

Jupiter coming late to the party is a help since the difficulties come first and the solutions later; rather than high hopes followed by disappointment. It’ll also help that earthy, ambitious, money-minded Capricorn gives way to airy Aquarius – first with Saturn Jupiter in late 2020 and then Pluto as it moves into Aquarius in 2023/24. So the mood will gradually lighten with less focus on acquisitiveness, and more on ideas, ideals and scientific progress. Not that Aquarius is all wonderful – it can be overly stubborn, produce ideologues and fascists, as well as humanitarians.

The leading countries most affected will be: The USA with its Mercury opposition Pluto picking up the full brunt of the triple conjunction, exacerbating the bitterly divisive internal debates. Saudi Arabia with its own triple conjunction in Capricorn suffering a grind-down-and-rebuild few years. China with its 12th house Jupiter in Capricorn at risk of a full-scale contraction, then expansion economically. Australia with its Capricorn Midheaven catching the triple conjunction leading to a forced change of direction. Germany, with its 10th house Uranus square Neptune being triggered by the triple conjunction could see an outbreak of USA-style extremist arguments and a sharp change of direction during a turbulent three years. And the UK with its 10th house Cancer Moon being opposed, suggesting changes in rulership and an unsettled populace.

One financial name leapt out as sitting in the eye of the financial storm – Amazon and Jeff Bezos. Amazon’s first sale, 16 July 1995 has a last decan Cancer Sun opposition Uranus Neptune in Capricorn so will be severely shaken; as will Bezos, 12 January 1964, with his last decan Capricorn Sun. Neither will escape unscathed. Nor will Jared Kushner with his 20 degree Capricorn Sun.

There’s a risk of getting apocalyptic about what’s coming up. Saturn Pluto isn’t enjoyable but it usually produces the grit and resourcefulness to cope with tough conditions; and we go round this circuit three times a century so it isn’t terminal. Jupiter Saturns come and go, five a century.  The last triple conjunction – of Saturn Uranus Neptune – pulled down the Berlin Wall.

Who knows? There could be an effective Martin Luther-type leader rising up to hammer a few nails into the coffin of the cash-and-power mismanagers.

Trump Admin without brakes spikes alarm



‘And then there were none.’ Alarm has been sounded abroad and in DC, including within the GOP, about the abrupt resignation of James Mattis, one of the original four ‘grown-ups’ in Trump’s cabinet and the last one left standing. His brutally clear resignation letter implicitly accused Trump of betraying allies and failing to recognise the threat posed by enemies like Russia.
The concern is that a Trump-clone replacement for Mattis will lead to even wilder foreign policy whims being acted out. The media are talking of it being a ‘watershed’ moment.

The Trump Administration chart, 20 January 2017 12 noon, Washington, DC, does have a de-stabilising tr Pluto square Uranus exact at the moment till mid January and repeating on and off till late 2019.  It has been around earlier this year so isn’t the first major wobble.

On the Term chart Uranus is tied in to Jupiter by opposition and square a 9th house Pluto – which is a control-freak and chancer’s charter, homing in on foreign affairs and legal arguments. When tr Pluto moves to square the Jupiter from mid February onwards, on and off till late 2020, there are likely to be more outrageous breaches of political etiquette with niceties being tramped across and possible conflicts with regulatory authorities.

2019 will rock n’ roll on with tr Uranus square the Admin Sun in March, followed by an undermining, unpopular, disappointing tr Neptune conjunct Venus in April.

Trump’s relationship with both Republican charts isn’t looking great. There are huge upsets on the GOP 22 February 1856 one from now till mid-February 2019 with tr Uranus conjunct the composite Sun and more thereafter which suggests splits are becoming more obvious.

Where the most obvious fall-off-perch moment comes on Trump’s Term chart is late 2019/early 2020 when the Solar Arc Pluto moves to close the square to Uranus to exact; and indeed the square to Jupiter. Before then he’s likely to cross several lines that even die-hard fans will quail at. Though quite what given how much they’ve swallowed to date –  most recently ‘shocking illegality’ in the Trump charitable Foundation plus plus plus.

I can’t decide whether poor America is more in need of sympathy than totally chaotic UK.

Syria – the agony isn’t over by a long shot



Trump’s quixotic tweet informing the globe of his mercurial decision to pull US troops out of Syria, despite recent assurances of his own advisers to the contrary, has added another layer of complexity to the Syria mess.  From Trump’s standpoint it was undoubtedly self-serving, another bravura distraction away from the myriad swirling scandals in DC and NY. And it was posed in bizarrely personalised language, insisting that ISIS had been defeated, (a view no one else shares) – “My only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency.”

For Syria, it leaves Bashar Al Assad in charge of roughly two thirds of the country effectively under Russian management, with Israel and the US in agreement; the rest of Syria is held by Kurds, Syrian rebels, Turkish-backed forces, Jihadists and a small proportion of ISIS. Netanyahu gets a deal on keeping trouble away from Israel’s borders; Iran was bought off with Russia investment in oil and gas. And Trump can wash his hands of the Middle East, proclaiming it is someone else’s problem and expense.

What is odd is that Bashar Assad, despite the heavyweight protection propping him up at the moment, looks almost less secure ahead than before. His Presidency chart, 17 July 2000, has a frustrating, trapped tr Pluto opposition Mars through 2018/2019 and then much the same from tr Pluto opposition Sun/Mars in 2019/2020 and then Sun – right through till late 2021 – which is a poleaxing set of pressures. With what could be a total collapse in 2021/22 with Solar Arc Uranus square Pluto.

His own personal chart, 11 September 1965, is drifting steadily downhill with tr Neptune conjunct Saturn now, opposition Uranus Pluto and Sun till late 2020; with a shocking collision Solar Arc Sun conjunct Mars around 2021.

Penny Marshall – a rare talent



Penny Marshall, a TV star of the 1970s who graduated into an A-list movie director working with many big name stars in a series of stand-out movies, has died.  Half of TV sitcom duo Laverne & Shirley, which was one of the most-watched shows in the US from 1976 to 1983, she was deemed a comedy genius. As a director, she gave Tom Hanks his breakout lead, worked with Robin Williams and Robert De Niro, Whoopi Goldberg, Madonna, Denzel Washington. Rosie O’Donnell, Whitney Houston.

Born 15 October 1943 9.32 am New York, she had a Libra Sun on the cusp of the 12th trine a difficult Mars Saturn in Gemini in her 8th, sextile Jupiter in Leo. Comedians always have a dark twist in their charts and she certainly had hers – though all channelled through a flamboyant Jupiter. Her Taurus Moon was in an intense square to Pluto and an easy trine to a charming 10th house Venus.

Her Pluto in the communicative 9th was further emphasised being on the focal point of a mini-Grand Trine to Uranus trine Neptune Mercury.

Her relationship life was chequered with two relatively brief marriages. A freedom-loving Uranus in her 7th house of relationships square her Venus would make compromise tricky for her.

Her creative 5th Harmonic was strong; as was her actor’s 15H. Even more notable were her breakthrough-genius 13H and he ‘obsessive dream’ 11H.

Vice – a real live monster movie – Christian Bale as Cheney



Dick Cheney, Vice President under George W Bush, seems an odd choice for a black comedy satire and the movie Vice has been getting mixed reviews apart from Christian Bale’s stand out performance in the lead role. But digging deeper it’s obvious why he attracted filmmaker Adam MacKay, previously director of The Big Short. Cheney was the most influential Vice President ever for the eight years from 2001 to 2008. He wasn’t just the power behind the throne, he was the effective president. When he left office after Iraq, waterboarding, Halliburton et al he had an approval rating as low as 13 percent, lower than Richard Nixon when he resigned. Stephen Bannon famously put Dick Cheney in his own hall of heroes, behind only Darth Vader and Satan as a great disruptor.

The NY Times calls it a ‘real live monster-movie’ and says it is ‘the story of an individual who was able, through a unique combination of discipline, guile and luck, to bend reality to his will. The man’s feats are both impressive and appalling.’ And behind him stood his steel-backbone wife Lynne. ‘McKay’s portrait of their marriage subscribes to a Macbeth-like conception of political morality. Behind every bad man, there is a woman who is even worse.’

Christian Bale, 30 January 1974, Wales, oddly has his Sun at exactly the same degree of Aquarius as Cheney, so he’ll understand some of his approach. Bale also has an expansive Jupiter Mercury in Aquarius and all three planets are square a heavyweight Mars in Taurus which gives him heft and endurance.  He’s also got an Air Grand Trine of Jupiter Mercury trine Saturn trine Uranus, maybe formed into a Kite by Uranus opposition Moon, which would make sense for an actor who tunes into public taste. That airy, communicative quality marks him out from Cheney who has a much earthier chart.

Cheney, born 30 January 1941 7.30 pm Lincoln, Nebraska, learnt his political ropes with Nixon, Ford, George HW Bush and finally Bush junior. He has an Earth Grand Trine of Uranus trine Neptune trine Venus in Capricorn, suiting him for a commercially-oriented career where money and possessions are paramount. He also has a ferociously fixed and power-hungry T square of Sun opposition Pluto square Jupiter Saturn in Taurus – iron-willed, over-confident, unyielding, not worried about social niceties when it came to getting what he wanted.

He also has a heated Mars in his 4th square a Pisces Moon which in turn opposed Neptune – there was a more sensitive side of him though it never got much of an airing except at home where it would be argumentative as well. Perhaps why he had continual run ins with a serious heart condition.

Cheney’s midheaven and his Uranus are conjunct the destructive Fixed star Algol (as indeed Trump’s midheaven is) and his wife’s spine-straightening Saturn in Taurus which is exactly conjunct his midheaven is as well.

She was born 14 August 1941, and is a fiery, confident Sun Leo trine Mars in Aries sextile Jupiter in Gemini; with her Sun square Saturn Moon in Taurus, so good at digging in her heels for the long haul. She’s also fairly earthy with those two Taurus planets and Venus Neptune in Virgo.

Her relationship chart with her husband is astonishingly fixed with an affectionate composite Sun Venus damped down in an opposition to a dutiful Saturn but kept afloat in opposition to Jupiter Uranus all square a determined Mars – not exactly sweetness and light but there for the long haul.

All goes to show there was horror in the White House before the present incarnation.

Pic: Greig Fraser / Annapurna Pictures.

Meghan – rafting through the white water rapids



Poor Meghan is now finding out the price of marrying a prince – running the gauntlet of the media. They are up to their usual game of puffing up and then looking for cracks to pull her down. She’s difficult, can’t keep staff, too uppity in her demands etc etc etc. My recollection is that Kate took a fair pounding in the early years and she didn’t have a mouthy family causing embarrassment to contend with.

Meghan does look a touch deflated at the moment with tr Saturn moving in hard aspect to her Jupiter Saturn opposition MC square Mars T Square, now till early January. The few days over New Year look fractious and aggravated. Tr Neptune is also opposing her Venus till late this month which can be disappointing emotionally and romantically, a dream dented.

Tr Pluto will square her 4th house Pluto again from mid January, continuing pressures for change domestically and in terms of her family relationships, adult and childhood. Which can be fairly push n’ pull. Late March into April will be nerve-stretched and relieved at the same time.

Her relationship with her father Thomas Markle who appears incapable of keeping his mouth shut isn’t getting easier. From her chart with Pluto in the 4th he would always be experienced by her as controlling and possessive. Plus his Pluto is conjunct her Sun which says much the same.   And his Sun sits exactly on her Ascendant so he will feel his identity is very tied up with her image.

Their relationship chart has an argumentative composite Sun, Mars, Mercury conjunction which is being rattled over this coming year and on. There’s a cool composite Venus Saturn and a one-upmanship Jupiter Pluto, which latter has tr Neptune in opposition pulling down its grip well into 2020.

Jupiter through her 5th till almost the end of 2019 will keep her morale high though she may well over-stretch herself physically taking on too many commitments with tr Saturn moving into her 6th.

John of god – fallen angel



John of God or Joao de Deus, a Brazilian medium and ‘psychic surgeon’ (ie. confidence trickster) is now the focus of the largest sexual abuse scandal in Brazil with several hundred women coming forward with complaints. His own daughter, Dalva Teixeira, 49, stands among the accusers and called him a “monster” and alleged she was beaten and raped by the medium until she ran away when she was 14 years old. (wiki)

Born 24 June 1942 in Brazil, he had little education and describes himself as a farmer. His centre has been visited by millions over the years seeking healing, giving him a sizeable fortune. Three years ago he had stomach cancer and a malignant tumour was removed by a conventional medical surgeon with chemotherapy to follow which he did not report to his followers.

He’s a Sun Jupiter in Cancer which sits midway between Uranus Saturn in Gemini sextile Mars Pluto in Leo – lucky, enthusiastic plus autocratic plus ruthlessly determined. His Sun Jupiter is also in a slippery and evasive square to Neptune and possibly trine a Scorpio Moon.

His 9th Harmonic is heavily aspected which in theory should be humanitarian but often appears in the charts of financial fraudsters.

2019 will see tr Uranus square his Mars Pluto which should rattle his cage more than somewhat with a swamp of undermining Neptune to follow into the early 2020s.

Brexit vote – challenging January for lift off, or not



Stress levels will be mounting in January with the Brexit vote now fixed (maybe) for the week starting January 14th. The month starts with Mars moving into Aries on the 1st and a dreary Sun Saturn in Capricorn conjunction on the 3rd, followed smartly by the Capricorn Solar Eclipse on the 6th.  Eclipses always bring a sense of heightened anticipation and this one especially so for the UK since it is conjunct the UK Sun and opposition the 10th house Moon – so there will be a sense of crisis and radical change in the air. This Solar Eclipse located to London has Uranus exactly on the Descendant, suggesting a split in a close relationship.

The Sun then grinds towards a conjunction with Pluto on the 11th, which will make the second week pressured and blocked. By the 19th there’s a rebellious, freedom-loving Sun square Uranus; followed by the Leo Lunar Eclipse on the 21st, the same day as a bad-tempered Mars square Saturn. The Lunar Eclipse will conjunct the UK Jupiter in Leo which can be expansive and also over-confident.

On Theresa May’s chart, January 14th starts four weeks of tr Pluto conjunct her Mars/Saturn midpoint = running into deadlock, harmful or destructive energy, usually fairly catastrophic. Her Government chart is pretty deflated that week as well with tr Saturn square the Jupiter.

Oddly enough the UK chart has tr Pluto square the Sun/Jupiter midpoint which is usually upbeat in mood and that runs January 14th till mid-February. So as Theresa May sags battered and bruised the country in general is feeling perkier.

February in general looks every bit as bumpy as January, starting on an aggravated, enraged Mars Pluto square with a disruptive Mars square Uranus midway through.

Chris O’Dowd – a talent for the off beat


Chris O’Dowd, the multi-talented Irish comedy actor, writer and producer, has been reaping rave reviews for his hit-man role in the television drama, black comedy series Get Shorty. Recently booked for a third season, it’s Breaking Bad meets Fargo, with anti-heroes catching the best parts and the sympathy.

Born 9 October 1979 in Boyle, Ireland, he’s been acting since his early 20s in television (Moone Boy which he created and starred in) and film (Bridesmaids etc); and received a Tony nomination for his Broadway performance Of Mice and Men.

He is a determined Sun Pluto in Libra with a creative Saturn in Virgo square Neptune, with Saturn also in an innovative sextile to Uranus. His Mercury in intense Scorpio squares Mars in Leo so he can pack a punch in his words.

His actors’ 15th Harmonic is well aspected; even more so his 13H, often found amongst comedians, which has an additional meaning of breakthrough, unorthodox genius.

He’s powering through 2019 with tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter midpoint; will hit a few bumps along the road in 2020/2021 and then hits the high points with a major success from 2022 to 2025 with his Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct his Sun and then Pluto.