At the heart of the Brexit carnival stands Nigel Farage, a trenchant Leaver since Maastricht in 1992, founder of UKIP, and on off player ever since. He’s now formed a Brexit Party on 11 January 2019 and is likely to contest the EU elections late this May.
Born 3 April 1964 4,30 pm Farnborough, England, he’s looking shattered this month (and again mid August to mid September and February 2020) with tr Neptune conjunct his Mars/Saturn midpoint. Tr Uranus will conjunct his Mercury from the 14th of this month for two weeks, and again over the New Year, which is likely to see him spouting rhetoric excitably in all direction. Tr Uranus will also trine his Uranus come July for a change of direction, though it may not be marked. There’s nothing that looks like great elation. The Brexit Party charts, registered 11 January and launched 12 April both have the over-hopeful Jupiter square Neptune and the January one, which is probably the more sound, a mishap-strewn Saturn square Mars and a crisis-ridden tumultuous Sun Pluto square Uranus. But the party charts are fairly irrelevant since it all hinges on Farage,
Of the Cabinet/Tories – and most of these are without birth times so missing information -:
Jeremy Hunt has tr Uranus square his Jupiter for a lucky break and high enthusiasm in the first half of May; with more positive changes in July and August with tr Pluto trine his Sun/Jupiter. But he’s horror-struck by events this month, again mid August to mid September, and next February; and cornered and stuck mid November to mid December.
Michael Gove has tr Uranus trine his Virgo Sun from mid this month and then trine his Mercury in late May early June which could suggests a definite shift. But he’s also got very trapped Pluto transits to Mars midpoints all year and into 2020; plus a loss-making Neptune mid November to mid December.
Boris while partially back on form till mid May also has a run of jittered, jangled, stuck, enraging and undermining influences till late year.
Arlene Foster has one high spot in the first two weeks of May and it’s downhill all the way thereafter with a crisis around the July Solar Eclipse and a dead halt through the autumn.
Sajid Javid is making hiccupping progress through the year with Uranus hits on midpoints but with nothing indicating success. Ditto Andrea Leadsom. And Bill Cash, a vociferous leaver, isn’t looking remotely chirpy either until mid 2020.
Jacob Rees Mogg is in for a run of disasters from the middle of this month till early May; and again mid December to early February 2020; with more insecurity-creating and aggravating jolts and jangles in June and onwards. He’ll recover some of his enthusiasm from mid February 2020 onwards but only mildly so.
His sister Annunziata, an Aries with a risk-taking and confident Water Grand Trine of Mars trine Jupiter trine Uranus is looking mighty deflated from early May to mid August and again in 2020; with acute frustrations and aggravations from Pluto on Mars midpoints through the autumn.