Arthur Janov – screaming for a living



Arthur Janov has died, the American psychologist who promoted Primal (Scream) Therapy which became a cultural phenomenon of the 60s and 70s with John Lennon as an advocate. Primal therapy was used to re-experience childhood pain, expressing repressed anger or frustration through spontaneous and unrestrained screams, hysteria, or violence.

Born 21 August 1924 in Los Angeles, Janov, had a Sun Leo, conjunct a leadership North Node and forceful Pluto, with his Sun opposition Mars squaring (probably) onto a Taurus Moon – so plenty of aggression in there needing an outlet. His Mars was also trine Saturn; and his Uranus trined Pluto Venus.

He had a perfect chart for what he did – a Leo North Node putting him out as a leader; with a flamboyant Sun and a heavily aspected Mars, and a revolutionary Uranus Pluto. His technique raised a good deal of controversy and was written off as unscientific but he was at the cutting edge of alternative therapies of the time.

One thought on “Arthur Janov – screaming for a living

  1. A very interesting post, Marjorie. Several bits pop out: Janov’s passing following the solar eclipse on his birthday, and just before the New Moon (exactly) opposite Uranus, which links up so closely with natal Saturn (just after Jupiter moved off that axis and into the next sign, Scorpio). Also, natal Sun would be near “fixed” star Regulus, and (as you mentioned) close to opposition to Mars, which would have been relatively close to Earth — representing his use of techniques to access deep psychological pain.
    He was born a week after a total lunar eclipse, and three weeks after a partial solar eclipse.
    Neptune (not Pluto) is with Sun – N Node, while Venus is with Pluto, indicating a primal intensity — utter survival level — brought to the experience of relationships, along with a special collective significance: Venus – Pluto with star Sirius. And, if memory serves, natal Moon(exalted in Taurus) is near the Pleiades (generally not so good, or at least easy). Mercury (in domicile in Virgo) opposite Uranus is apt to think outside the box, while Jupiter and Saturn are both dignified by sign placement.

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