Angela Merkel – a Titan feeling the strain

Angela Merkel’s health is becoming a cause for concern with her second bout of severe shaking in public in a month. The first was put down to dehydration or heat stress but that doesn’t appear to be the case this time. She is under pressure also in German domestic politics with her coalition under strain after recent elections; and her successor as CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, is being increasingly criticised.

Her chart is certainly showing signs of turmoil. Tr Pluto is square the 10th house Neptune and opposition the 8th house Uranus this year and next which will bring confusion, career losses and upheavals. Then 2020/2021 tr Pluto will oppose her Sun which will bring radical changes into her life with maximum pressure.

But really the key factor is tr Saturn moving through her low profile First Quadrant since 2016 and now in the nadir of the second house until early 2022. For many individuals that spells financial hardship, but it has a broader meaning of pulling away from outer ambition to pay more attention to personal matters. If the hint isn’t taken – and she would have been well advised to follow her initial thought of resigning some time back – then there are often physical symptoms of ill health which force a slow-down.

She also has her Solar Arc Neptune conjunct her normally resolute Mars, exact in seven months’ time, which will induce a panicky sense of failure and/or low energy.

Tr Saturn is also square her Midheaven on and off through this year and tr Uranus will be in a jolting opposition to her 10th house Saturn across the New Year. And as if that wasn’t all enough her Secondary Progressed Moon is going through her 8th for the next two years plus which is an intense and conflicted time which can feel like being in limbo or purgatory, swinging from extreme to extreme trying to establish a new set of priorities.

Her Solar Return from July 2018 to July 2019 has Pluto in the 6th house of health opposition Sun which does suggest health pressures. The Solar Return July 2019 to 2020 has low energy Neptune in the 6th.

She has formidable stamina and determination with her Mars trine Pluto and four planets in the 8th but even she will run out of steam at some point.

6 thoughts on “Angela Merkel – a Titan feeling the strain

  1. Most striking aspect I think: Angela Merkel is undergoing a reversed nodal return in her transit chart, with a wide conjunction of transit Saturn and transit Pluto in retrograde. That signals heavy fate-issues coming to the surface


  2. Thanks Marjorie. July’s eclipses will activate much for her as well. Do you think they are already triggering her chart? Its always disturbing to see someone with the stamina you describe falter like this. I hope she can find a way to reduce the pressures before she becomes too unwell.

  3. Wow, that’s a lot of intense aspects coming up for her. The video of her shaking in the pink – looked rough. Never seen it before.

  4. Hi Marjorie,

    ‘She also has her Solar Arc Neptune conjunct her normally resolute Mars, exact in seven months’ time, which will induce a panicky sense of failure and/or low energy’.

    The last Full Moon June 17th 2019 was right on these two. Served as a trigger|I guess.

    Michael Harwood.

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