Andrea Leadsom – lose lose ahead



Andrea Leadsom is one of the gang of five Cabinet Brexiteers insisting that the Brexit deal must be renegotiated despite Barnier and Merkel saying it can’t be. They have (according to the Daily Mail) given her two weeks to fix it or they resign.

Born 13 May 1963 in Aylesbury, England, she worked in the banks and investment companies before becoming an MP, though there were questions about whether her experience was strictly in the financial sphere. She became Economic Secretary to the Treasury and City Minister in 2014. According to the Financial Times, her period as City Minister was seen by departmental officials as “a disaster”, “the worst minister we ever had. … She found it difficult to understand issues or take decisions. She was monomaniacal, seeing the EU as the source of every problem.” She stood for the Tory leadership when Cameron resigned but withdrew when support wasn’t there for her.

She has a ferociously determined chart, hard-edged and aggravated/ing, with a Taurus Sun and Mercury in a Fixed Grand Cross opposition Neptune square Mars in Leo opposition Saturn in Scorpio, so unyielding to the nth degree. She also has a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Jupiter in pro-active Aries – such a Jupiterian Yod can have an effect on mass consciousness but can also be undone by its own grandiosity.

She’s not looking cheerful at the moment with setbacks immediately now; and an enthusiasm-denting tr Saturn square her apex Jupiter in early December. January/February will be fairly catastrophic for her with the risk of a job loss in February. She has a minor lift in March, but it’s all slipping and sliding thereafter into 2020 when she gets her Solar Arc Neptune square her apex Jupiter, which might burst her bubble for good career-wise.

Theresa May’s implacable Pluto and Venus both in Leo, clash mightily with Leadsom’s Fixed Grand Cross; May’s Mars opposes Leadsom’s Pluto. And May’s Sun opposes Leadsom’s Jupiter – so sparking off Leadsom’s desire for supremacy.

Their relationship chart has a bitter power-struggling and active-dislike composite Mars square Pluto; an a chained-together-and-resenting-it Saturn trine Pluto, sextiling a suspicious Neptune. Not a dream pairing.

12 thoughts on “Andrea Leadsom – lose lose ahead

  1. The problem for politicians of all stripes be they Remainers or Brexiters is that they have all proved clunkers when in office . And it is no new phenomenon. The people are discontented because next to Greece they have seen biggest decline the net worth of their earnings in Europe. And this trend started back in 2008 during the banking crisis so it is not Brexit related. In fact the economic correspondent s Larry Elliott of the Guardian and Dan Atkins of the Daily Mail together wrote a prophetic book called Fantasy Island back in 2007 which outlined a lot of the weaknesses in Britains economy and governance which was ruthlessly exposed by the banking crisis in 2008. These had their origins decades ago and the detachment from reality actually reached its apogee in the Blair/Brown years. So lets not kid ourselves that the EU Referendum was the cause of Britain’s current woes and that it will somehow be magically fixed either by leaving the EU or by reversing the Referendum result and remaining with Brussels.

  2. I know a lot more about politics than I do astrology and if the day comes that Andrea Leadsome sidelines Theresa May it will be a very sad one. Have heard several reports that support Marjorie’s comments about her understanding. The most thoughtful one of the remaining Brexiters in the cabinet is Gove. Suggest he is the one to watch for. Their efforts would be better placed on making sure we get a good trade deal rather than focusing on the withdrawal agreement. Interesting (but not widely reported ) that NI business leaders urging the DUP a to go along with the agreement – you can’t eat a flag and it helps NI economy. Any thoughts on that development Marjorie?

  3. “Andrea Leadsom is one of the gang of five Cabinet Brexiteers insisting that the Brexit deal must be renegotiated despite Barnier and Merkel saying it can’t be. They have (according to the Daily Mail) given her two weeks to fix it or they resign.”

    They can’t really think this can be done, can they? It must be all for a show to their constituents. I checked Leadsom’s constituency, and she is from a steadily rural one, with several Grand Estates including Althorp. She had a some what credible UKIP challenger in 2015, but Brexit vote was surprisingly tight, with only 53 per cent of her constituency voting for “Leave”. Hard to tell whether any constituents have been swung to any direction due to this mess in South Northamtonshire, but she must be fairly convinced she can’t be unseated with numbers like this. So, it’s actually stunning that a person catering for needs of 30 000 – 40 000 (number of votes she needs to take this constituebcy) constituents can a whole country hostige this way.

    • There’s a hint of Sarah Palin in Leadsom’s chart – utterly fixed, fanatical and off the wall. Mars, Saturn, Neptune isn’t a great connection to the Sun.
      Max Hastings in the Times this morning is bewailing the calibre of politicians involved, who would in yesteryear have been disregarded as bad jokes. ‘The people leading the movement that is driving Britain to the cliff edge are failures in office, adventurers, oddballs, or all three.’

  4. could one be made from when Cameron announced the referendum was going ahead.As the Government got the mood of the people so wrong.British people would never have been given a vote if Cameron had thought the vote would be out?

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