Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – a turbo-charged Libra



Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a progressive, civil-rights Democrat, created “one of the biggest upsets in recent American political history” when she defeated the Democratic incumbent, Joseph Crowley, an experienced senior in the party, in the primary for New York’s 14th district. She spent under $200k on her campaign, almost all from small contributions, in comparison to Crowley’s $3.4 million and won 57% to 42%. It is a heavily Democratic district and if she defeats the Republican, an economics professor, in November she’ll become the youngest ever elected to the House of Representatives.

Born 13 October 1989 in the Bronx, NY, she’s an assertive Sun Mars in Libra and overflowing with initiative with Jupiter in Cancer opposition the triple conjunction in Capricorn of Uranus, Saturn, Neptune square Mercury in Libra probably opposition an Aries Moon. All these Cardinal planets will make her restless and resilient. Her Jupiter is also in a confident and lucky trine to Pluto in Scorpio; and she has a crusading-for-a-cause Aquarius North Node.

She’s on lucky form exactly on election day though hitting a catastrophe almost immediately, but will bounce back to form in December, January 2019.

8 thoughts on “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez – a turbo-charged Libra

  1. Are you all freaking serious???! You should all be scared to death that this “democratic socialist” is so popular! Socialism is a PROVEN FAILURE and a redistribution of wealth will be the end of this great country.

    I’m tired of the whining. Get out there and work your butts off, save money and be good parents to your kids. The rest will come! No one in America should need a handout, especially in a practically zero jobless rate.

    I am completely freaked out at the naïve belief systems that are at work here. Life is not about “Peace, Love, spare change and can I crash at your pad tonite”. It is about recognizing that life is not fair and staying the course anyway, not “buying in to feeling “marginalized” or “victimized”. NO one cares about your feelings “except maybe you”. Get used to that – its called reality. Come on folks, we live in America. No excuses – if you can’t make it, then you aren’t trying hard enough. . PLEASE all of you take a GOOD course in economics!!!!!! It worries me that you are all not only breeding but even worse voting. Please don’t vote for her because she is cute (and I think she is adorable and probably quite nice – but that isn’t the reason to vote for someone!). Socialism is not about being “social”. It is a horrible, demeaning, poverty inducing idea and if you think things aren’t fair now, wait until socialism gets its foothold in America! PLEASE folks – do your homework. Study the constitution and study economics. Socialism is the fatal conceit that will ruin the planet. HELLO!!!!???This is the greatest nation on earth and it is because our founding fathers were incredible. Parting comment – capitalism is not immoral and believe it or not, it will be capitalism that saves the planet, because capitalism has done more to raise minorities, women and the lesser advantaged out of poverty than any other “ism”, hands down and far and away. Free markets will always prevail! Start by reading Fredrick Hayek.

  2. Sun in Libra (fairness) trine North Node in Aquarius (humanitarian) bodes well for representing her constituents. Jupiter square Mars is “daring, courageous and pioneering”, all qualities that a Progressive Democrat must possess.

  3. Thing is, Libras always have ” hidden enemies.” I’m a Libra and boy howdy, do I know about this. Plus, Alexandria has Saturn transiting all that Capricorn power for the next 2 years. Now, I know Capricorn can handle and even benefit from Saturn transits, but this is her 28 yr transit, and those can be devastating. Also, it will tramp on her good luck and enthusiasm for life (Jupiter in Çancer). So don’t expect her to be Joan of arc these next 2 years. Give her some room, let her make her way through this astrological thicket and be there for her, especially when she emerges from the beating she’s in for, most likely from the Dreadful Pelosi. But also from all the corporate Dimocrats.

  4. Just Watch This Gal Go!
    My intuition tells me Alex has got something very special and unique going for her.
    Seriously, Don’t underestamate Miss Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.
    She’s going to take-off like a brilliant Rocket!
    Please Keep Alex in your prayers, good wishes and positive thoughts. I think she amaze us all.

    And…Thank you Marjorie…for all your do, all your kindness and all you share with us. You are Brilliant!

  5. While her politics may be too progressive for Midwest, she has shown Democrats and Republicans alike how campaigning for Congress should be done. Focus on local issues, endless footwork. This also got Doug Jones a victory in Alabama.

    And, it’s reminding people that in a two party system, spectrum of opinion on some key issues will be wide. Party line should be decided by representatives discussing matters to find a solution, not by them taking money from a lobby.

  6. If I were a New York resident and living in New York’s 14th Congressional District, I would’ve voted for Democrat Joseph Crowley in the primaries (I’m a traditional centre-left Democrat) – but I still would’ve supported and voted for whomever became the Democratic nominee in the general election.

    At first, I was very annoyed when I found out that Democratic Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez had defeated Joseph Crowley because I don’t believe Democrats should challenge already seated Democrats – I think it’s counterproductive and we need to be more focused on defeating the Republicans.

    However, after learning that Joseph Crowley kind of took his seat for granted, I now see why he lost. To begin with, Joseph Crowley didn’t attend the debate that was scheduled between him and Ocasio-Cortez – he sent a surrogate to debate her in his place. That was NOT a smart a move on his part – I would be furious if one of my representatives sent a surrogate in place of themselves to a debate.

    Also, New York 14 is 49% Latina / Latino. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is of Puerto Rican descent and she also comes from a working-class background. I’m sure some of that resonated with her constituents.

    Last but not least, it was a VERY LOW TURNOUT. Crowley’s supporters apparently assumed that since had the funding and the name recognition that he had the election in the “bag” – so many of them simply stayed home. Ocasio-Cortez’s supporters came out to vote though…and she won.

    Anyway, as I’ve gotten to know more about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, I can’t help but to like her. I watched a few interviews Ocasio-Cortez gave with MSNBC and CNN…and she comes across as a very personable, charismatic, and positive person.

    Also, I was pleased to see that Ocasio-Cortez isn’t like some of the other so-called “Berniecrats” (like some of the younger ones who come across as totally obnoxious and do nothing but bash Hillary Clinton, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, and Nancy Pelosi all the time – I’m still pissed off with the ones who stayed home or who voted third party in 2016 instead of supporting Hillary Clinton; that helped Trump get elected), Ocasio-Cortez actually defended Joseph Crowley when Donald Trump started ridiculing him. Ocasio-Cortez reminded everyone that Crowley didn’t deserve to be disrespected and that he had done a lot of good things for people in their community.

    All in all, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez won the primary fair and square. Like Ocasio-Cortez, I too am Latino and a Millennial (I’m one of the older Millennials though, lol), so I’m happy for her and I look forward to her making it all the way to the U.S. House of Representative this November.

    Hopefully Ocasio-Cortez will inspire more Millennial and Generation Z voters around the country to turnout and vote in the midterms this year.

    Chris Romero
    Jacksonville, Florida

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