Alan Alda – let hurt go and live



Alan Alda, the multi-awarded and much-loved Hawkeye Pierce in Mash has announced he has Parkinson’s Disease. He said he was diagnosed three years ago and has been living a full and energetic life since then. As well as acting and writing during a long career, he has also been involved in programmes about scientific and technological advances.

Born 28 January 1936 5.07 am New York, he had an unsettled childhood following his vaudeville and burlesque-theatre father’s acting career, contracted polio at one point and said his mother suffered from paranoid schizophrenia. He’s been married over sixty years with three children.

He has a 2nd house Sun in Aquarius (scientific) square a 4th house Uranus (constant upheavals in childhood). His 3rd house Aries Moon is sextile his Sun and in an out-of-element trine to Pluto and ditto square to Venus. He has spoken of how much he resented/hated his mother’s condition which is reflected in his Moon = Mars/Pluto = Saturn/Pluto.

For all that he’s always given the impression of being amiable and laid back, due to a focal point Jupiter in Sagittarius in his 12th square a showbiz Neptune opposition Mars Saturn in Pisces. He didn’t have an easy start in life but seems to have risen above it all and made a good life for himself.

The title of his book came from his grief at a pet dog dying so his father had it stuffed which horrified him even more.  His motto – face reality and move on.

2 thoughts on “Alan Alda – let hurt go and live

  1. Alan Alda won 6 Emmys, 6 Golden Globes, and 3 Directors Guild Awards. He was nominated for an Acadmy Award, 2 BAFTAs, a Grammy, and 3 Tony’s.

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