Alabama – infected by open sewers



Alabama has some of the worst conditions of poverty seen in the developed world according to a UN official. ‘People in the region frequently suffer from E. Coli and hookworm, a disease associated with extreme poverty and which was thought to have been eradicated in the US more than 100 years ago but which was recently found to persist in pockets of Lowndes County, located just 20 miles from the state capital, Montgomery, where many residents are too poor to afford a septic system and make their own sewer lines using PVC piping. The lines run from the people’s homes some 30ft above the ground before emptying into ditches or waste ground.’ (Independent). Known as the ‘heart of dixie’ and the ‘cotton state’, until relatively recently it leant heavily on Jim Crow Laws to disenfranchise and discriminate against African-Americans, although that has been mainly rectified at the end of the 20th Century.

It became a US state on 14 December 1819, which gives a Sun Uranus Neptune in Sagittarius square Saturn Pluto in Pisces – ornery, fanatical, hard. A Scorpio Moon probably squares Jupiter in Aquarius and maybe Mars in Leo.

There has been significant unease and confusion recently over the Roy Moore underage-sex publicity as tr Saturn moved in conjunction to the Sun, Uranus, Neptune and square Pluto.

In many ways Roy Moore fits the tone of the state better than the Democratic, pro-choice Doug Jones. Moore  Moore’s Mars Sun n Aquarius is conjunct the Alabama Jupiter; both have Scorpio Moons, both have Venus in Capricorn and both have Saturn Pluto conjunctions. It’s not all a perfect fit since his Uranus opposes the AL Sun and his Saturn Pluto is conjunct the AL Mars. His relationship chart with the state has an upbeat Venus Jupiter trine Mars; and Neptune trine Uranus, sextile Sun – both of which lean heavily in the direction of airbrushing out unpleasant realities. Plus a chained-together Saturn Pluto, which gives the staunch Alabamian Republicans the sense that they have no choice, since voting for a liberal Democrat would be worse than voting for a paedophile. A rock and a hard place.

Doug Jones has Saturn in Scorpio possibly close to the AL Moon which is chilly; and his Mars is conjunct the AL Mercury for arguments. But on the plus side his Jupiter does oppose the AL Sun, so he may offer them a way of redemption. Maybe. His relationship chart with the state is aggravated with possibly a Full Moon, certainly a Sun square Pluto; and a gritty Mars square Saturn.

The result all depends on turnout and an act of grace, otherwise Alabama will be mired in more shame than usual. Open sewers kind of sums it up.

15 thoughts on “Alabama – infected by open sewers

  1. Your earlier analysis predicting a string of loses for Moore and a favorable future for Jones was made prior to the charges of pedophillia against Moore. You’re a brilliant astrologer! I clung to that prediction and i searched out other astrology web sites for confirmation but found none other than yours. Your analysis helped buoy me in this surreal American nightmare. Thank you!

  2. Marjorie, remember your piece on Steve Bannon back in October where you told he’d hit though times starting from December? Now, here it is! Bannon was backing Moore very visibly, and telling he’d do the same with “antiestablishment” candidates elsewhere. Apparently, he was pitching his strategy to various donors now that Mercers’ assets must be pretty much frozen by IRS (there haven’t been any news on this for weeks, but that’s to be expected with a 7 billion US$ at stake). This will be much more difficult now that it seems “diversive” (I would say down right racist, myself) candidates will not only alianate the suburban, educated female Republican voters, but also motivate minorities to vote.

    It also now seems Democrates have a real chance to flip not only Congress, but Senate too, in upcoming Elections. Arizona and Nevada Senate seats were always under threat, but even loosing them would have kept the party affiliation 50-50, with VP acting as a tiebreaker. But now, this means Democrates have a good chance to gain majority in Senate, too. Something I always have predicted happening looking at Trump Administration’s 8th/11th house activity.

    • Bannon, I’m pleased to say has a horrible 2018/19. Glad Doug Jones’ Jupiter midpoints boosted him up. Just. But v close result given how appalling Moore is. Still sighs of relief all round since the GOP didn’t want an elected paedo walking around DC under their banner.

  3. Unbelievable that Doug Jones won! Buckeye, you’re right, the African American community really stepped up, but the GOP women who wrote in instead of voting for Moore also played a part.

  4. 72% of white men and 63% of white women voted for Ray Moore. The only Americans with any sense are Blacks, whose men voted 93% and women 98% for Jones. Once again they step up. Thank you!

    The traditional White power-base has some deep multi-generational craziness going on.

    • White people stayed at home. Roy Moore only received less than half (!) of total votes cast to Trump, while Doug Jones got 92 per cent of the total votes cast to Hillary.

  5. Ray Moore shares so many significant aspects with the Alabama state chart that he must have been born in 1819.

    Moore lost the election, which is big news on more ways than one.

  6. Doug Jones, an intelligent, courageous, and moral candidate, supports a woman’s right to choose abortion, and it’s been said that he’d be coasting to an easy victory if he weren’t pro-choice. I seem to remember, Marjorie, your looking at Roe V. Wade a while back. Anti-choice fundamentalists and Republicans had a stroke of dark political genius when they hitched their political stars to fighting abortion. It’s tremendously animated blue collar women without college degrees. To quote Trump, it’s “winning” as a strategy, and the fight gets nastier and nastier…to the extent that a candidate like Moore can prevail. It’s richly ironic that Trump, who always supported Planned Parenthood, has now joined the “baby-killer” fundamentalist crowd…and is somehow taken seriously. Wish Democrats could find a different, perhaps more nuanced, way of dealing with this issue so they could broaden the progressive base. At the moment, the G.O.P. is winning big with this single highly charged plank in the platform, getting millions to vote against their economic self-interests in the process.

  7. Salem, OR was using open sewers draining into the Willamette River, right up into the 1960’s. Most towns and cities followed suit: the river was convenient and it all flowed – eventually – into Portland and the ocean via the Columbia River (normally saturated with arsenic tailings from gold mining operations). In fact, up until after WW2, electricity was mostly located in the few major cities in Oregon. An earlier astro assessment about Oregon was not terribly favorable toward progressiveness and openness.

    • Hahaa, larryc, that’s funny! Open sewers were a thing in Finland, too, up until the 1960’s and 1970’s in the cities. Rural areas, up until very recently. We used to have swimming bans almost annually where I lived back in the 1980’s. Oh, and lot of toxins from saw mill. I suppose sewers were not considered a priority in less densily populated areas with colder climate. It definitely wasn’t because of political backwardness. Finland was the first country (still an authonomic area) to apply Universial Suffrage in 1906.

      • Sure but this is 2017. Ecoli and hookworm?? In France even in rural areas there’s v tight regulation of septic tanks, maintenance and renewal.

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