Adele – on a winning streak

As light relief and to ensure normal life continues:- singer Adele has a new album out, which is amazon’s most pre-ordered ever. Given that her last album sold 30 million it looks good for her.
Born 5 May 1988 2.02am London (astrotheme), she’s mouthy, talks constantly, swears a lot, jokes and has been written off by critics as singing boring music. She should care.
She has Sun Jupiter in the 3rd opposition Pluto square a 1st house Mars in Aquarius so quite a heavyweight personality, pushily-confident, uncompromising and determined to go her own way.
She’s also got the triple conjunction in Capricorn with Neptune trine her Sun Jupiter; and Saturn Uranus and a Sagittarius Moon all opposition Venus square a North Node in Pisces. Emotionally quite volatile. Her Venus is in the entertaining 5th.

Tr Saturn is now moving through her 10th so a peak for her, stretching on till 2020. With tr Jupiter moving through her 8th at the moment and on till late 2017 giving her business finances a boost.

Her first hit album when she was 20 came with tr Pluto conjunct her Uranus and then through what must have been dizzying and stressful success tr Pluto crossed her Saturn and more recently Neptune with tr Uranus pitching in as well. It can’t have been easy for her.

At the moment tr Pluto is trine her Jupiter and will continue off and on to trine her Sun till late 2016 – so very progressive for her.

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