Adam Schiff has come out fighting against Republican demands that he resign his chairmanship of the House Intelligence Committee over the Mueller Report. He argued that he still believes there is ample evidence of collusion and said he’s long insisted such evidence may or may not rise to the level of a criminal charge. Despite Mueller’s decision not to charge any Americans in Russia’s election interference efforts he said he still finds the Trump campaign’s posture toward Russia and efforts to accept its help as troubling.
Born 22 June 1960 he’s a charming Sun Venus in Cancer in a laid-back opposition to Jupiter; with a talented Half Grand Sextile from Mars in Taurus opposition Neptune, sextile Sun sextile Pluto.
He’s got tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint now through April and May, returning on and off till late 2020, which generally brings luck and confidence. He should also got an extra dollop of luck from tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint till mid April, though that runs alongside an insecure and explosive tr Uranus conjunct his Mars. It’ll be a bumpy and nervy year ahead which is hardly surprising with tr Uranus trine his Pluto and then opposition his Neptune in July this year. And although he has one high-flyer of a Solar Arc in 2020, he also has a dead-halt and acutely frustrated Solar Arc Pluto opposition his Mars in late 2020 probably over the election.
“He’s got tr Pluto square his Jupiter/Uranus midpoint now through April and May, returning on and off till late 2020, which generally brings luck and confidence. He should also got an extra dollop of luck from tr Uranus opposition his Jupiter/Pluto midpoint till mid April, though that runs alongside an insecure and explosive tr Uranus conjunct his Mars.”
Well, AG Barr has promised to make a retracted version of almost 400-page Mueller Report public “not earlier than mid-April”. He has also said his letter was not a summary of the report. It all seems to be damage control, especially timing. Easter and Pesach fall to late April this year, and you can count on Trump going golfing by early Maundy Tuesday. And obvious, since Pesach was set on Moon Calender, April 19th will be Full Moon.
So, I’d say Schiff will be at least partially vindicated by late-April, and it’s possible he will be visible through investigations that will follow.