A Brexit election? – not a Boris winner


“The hurrier I go, the behinder I get.” Lewis Carroll

The latest bright Boris idea is to proceed with all haste towards an election on December 12th – IF Westminster agrees and IF the EU pronounces a delay on Brexit. It’s a risky choice for both Tory and Labour, since the known unknowns include an anti-Brexit SNP, a resurgent Lib Dem Party, never mind Northern Ireland and Wales who are seriously unhappy. If they all pick up more votes it’ll be messy coalition time.

December 12th was certainly not a date selected by an astrologer since it has a Full Moon squaring onto Neptune which is much of a muchness with Theresa May’s lacklustre, indecisive 2nd Government chart which ended up fizzling like a deflated balloon having wasted two years. Tr Saturn is exactly opposition the UK Moon for a depressed populace.

Boris’s own chart is road-blocked, panicked, undermined and generally in a lie-down-in-a-darkened-room-until-it-blows-over place and for some weeks after as well. Not a great choice. If the election does come to be decided with certainty I’ll do a more detailed run down of the relevant key personnel. But as everything Brexit-connected it’s a never-ending saga with no decisive turning points.

“Begin at the beginning and go on till you come to the end; then stop.” Lewis Carroll

“If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn’t. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn’t be. And what it wouldn’t be, it would. You see?” ― Lewis Carroll

30 thoughts on “A Brexit election? – not a Boris winner

  1. all the current polling is saying Boris is on course for a big majority yet that isn’t reflected here, are the polls wrong do you think?

  2. This is horrific!! The polls close at 10pm. The Moon will be at 29 degrees Gemini conjunct Boris’ Sun Venus conjunction in Gemini. Surely that is a positive omen for Boris? One sticking point is that the Asc. for when the polls close will be around 2-3 degrees of Virgo which plugs into Boris’ Uranus Saturn opposition.

  3. In breaking news (on Twitter), it seems the SNP and Lib-Dems have tabled a short “Notwithstanding” Bill (i.e. allowing an early General Election, “notwithstanding” the provisions of the FTPA), which the government will likely support. It will set the Election for Monday, 9th December 2019, provided that the EU give the UK an extension till at least 31st January 2020.

  4. The EHRC report into Labour is due in January. The whispers are that many Labour MPs don’t want an election until then as they believe the outcome may force Corbyn into resigning. I seem to recall a previous chart you did showing trouble for Corbyn in January so maybe this is why.

    • We are no where near the end of Brexit. We are near the end of the beginning. Even if Boris’s Deal passes, there will still be argument and acrimony over the Future Relationship.

  5. I’ve never understood why Brexit wasn’t made null and void when it became clear that the outcome was contingent on the use of dark money, lying and companies like Cambridge Analytica, etc, etc, being heavily involved.

    A Scot named Graham Ennis has followed the paper trail of some of the dark money donations from the US to Saudi, to Northern Ireland, to Scotland and onto Vote Leave in England. He’s now reported a Scot, Richard Cook ex-Vice Chair of the Scottish Conservative party, to Police Scotland requesting that he be arrested and questioned about the major part that he played in this corrupt fiasco. If this case is ultimately heard in Scotland’s Supreme Court it could lead to Article 50 (enabled by 6 Scots via the ECJ) being revoked and put paid to Brexit altogether.

    Theresa May, may come to regret telling Nicola Sturgeon that “now is not the time” for Indyref2. She (Boris et al) should have let Scotland go, IMO, when they had the chance.


    This case has been investigated over the last 2 years, however no one as far as I know has been reported to the Police, as is happening now.


  6. Hi Marjorie
    From memory, I was told that the minimum time you could hold a general election (GE) was 6 weeks. (I’m talking pre fixed term act came into being).

    Would this be why PM wants a GE on December 12th?


  7. So if Labour agree it looks like Boris won’t have the result he was hoping for? maybe they should just take the risk and go for it then.

  8. So it seems everyone is between a rock and a hard place, which with Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn is more or less what you might expect. I see that transiting Mars will be approaching a conjunction with UK Neptune for deceptive actions, haunted houses, and noisy ghosts! What’s almost unbearable is the thought of the transition phase, and negotiations for trade deals following on from Brexit. Wait, no. It is unbearable!

  9. Thanks Marjorie
    Do you use a close of poll chart (10pm Westminster), for the outcome of the election, if it’s called? How much more of this shabby nonsense are we expected to take?

    • It is almost the same chart as Marjorie’s, but rotated so that the Moon is almost at the end of the tenth House (both Placidus and Equal House systems).

      What I found interesting about the chart is
      a) The Moon is at the Anaretic degree. Would that have any significance, Marjorie?
      b) Saturn& Pluto are both almost exactly sextile Neptune in one direction and Mars in the other, which are both trine each other. This configuration is about 15 degrees off being almost exactly opposite the Moon.
      This configuration is exactly opposite the moon on Saturday morning (7AM) (typically the time a new government is being formed), thus forming a kite with Saturn & Pluto in opposition to the Moon and Mars and Neptune both trining it. If one looks at that chart, it is almost as if the whole chart is focussing its energy on the Moon. As the Moon represents the people, what would this mean for government formation, Marjorie?

      • Googled the Moon being in the Anaretic degree and I would read it as Brexit becoming a reality.

        29 Degrees Gemini
        This denotes the end of a mental cycle. Natives seem mentally overwhelmed or bored. Unfortunately, *an end of relationships with siblings, cousins or neighbors* is indicated.

        Moon in the Anaretic Degree
        The Moon represents the emotions, and Moon placed in the anaretic degree suggests that a person is feeling either too much or too little. There could be an end of an emotionally tumultuous event.


    • Me too! You couldn’t make this up! (to quote Rick Levine). Believe the last time – approx. that Saturn and Pluto (never mind Mars and Jupiter) came together in Capricorn was around the time of the Civil War…..? The conjunctions and oppositions in all signs are extremely interesting going back as far as we have historical records. “What the Bleep! – and Down the Rabbit Hole”…… Great stuff..

      • I think Marjorie wrote about this some time ago? Saturn and Pluto were conjunct in Capricorn (4 degrees) in January 1518. Uranus was in Taurus, 4 degrees…..Henry 8th was on the English throne, while Cardinal Wolsey was busy plotting and scheming. What fascinated me is that England signed something called The Treaty of London in October 1518 – a peace pact between various European nations that included France, England, Netherlands, Spain and some part of Italy. And on or around 31st October, 1517 – when Saturn and Pluto were approaching each other – Martin Luther published his 95 theses and the Protestant reformation got up a head of steam in Europe.
        Further curiosity is piqued by the Boxing Day eclipse this year being at 4 Capricorn, with Uranus in Taurus at 2 degrees. Which is an interesting “coincidence”.

        • Henry VIII did carry out the first Brexit, splitting from the Roman Catholic Church. So if one were to follow your logic, Brexit will be divisive in the short term (perhaps even with “martyrs”), perhaps even with a return to the EU (the equivalent of the reign of Mary I), but will become accepted reality in the long term.

          • UnMystic Mom – thanks for using the word “logic” in your post! Right now the chaos-mongers rule it seems. I was just intrigued by the patterns and resonances in both the astro and the history. There has already been collateral damage in both main parties, not to mention the country as a whole. Eventually, I suspect the EU will morph and change – but no idea how long this may take.

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