“Astoundingly bad in virtually every way – a conspicuous evidence of desperate efforts to cobble its under-explained and yet somehow overcomplicated mythology into something coherent.” (The Wrap). You didn’t like it, then? Netflix’s newest offering Bright and its most expensive to date, starring a “lost and on auto-pilot” Will Smith, has clearly misfired at a cost of $90 million.
It is described as an urban fantasy crime in a world where both humans and others – Orcs, Fairies, Elves, Centaurs, Dwarves etc – co-exist. Dogged LAPD cop Smith with an Orc rookie constable discover an ancient, powerful magic wand, only to encounter a darkness that will ultimately alter the future and their world as they know it. Metacritic gives it 29 out of a 100 and a sequel has been commissioned. Only in Hollywood.
Will Smith, 25 September 1968 1.45 am Philadelphia, PA, has had a sterling career in commercial terms, starring in box-office record-breaking blockbusters, but he’s clearly misjudged this one. He has a quick-witted 3rd house Libra Sun conjunct a free-spirited and rebellious Uranus and a Scorpio Moon, which is a tricky mix to balance – both freedom-loving as well as intensely emotional and possessive especially about family. Plus a super-confident Jupiter Pluto in Virgo. But what marks his chart out as unusual is a Yod of Pluto sextile Neptune inconjunct Saturn in Aries in his 10th. Yods, sometimes known as ‘finger of destiny’ usually give a sense to the individual that they’re different from those around and they can feel uneasy initially about not fitting in. Until they find their direction and then become single-minded in pursuit of their chosen goals. A focal point Saturn is demanding in terms of self-discipline, self-control and maturity. If mishandled it can be self-defeating. His Saturn also opposes his 4th house Venus Mercury, so he will fall into moods of discouragement, feeling he’s not loveable enough or good enough.
Saturn in the 10th often ends up in an executive position, being a good organiser. But he’ll be going through tough times in 2019/2020 with tr Pluto square his Saturn which will – after a fair struggle – push him onto a new track. 2020 won’t do his confidence much good with tr Neptune opposition his Jupiter then, which may be financial disappointments; as well as an accident-prone Solar Arc Mars opposition his Saturn which could affect his career ambitions. But for all that he’s got stamina and will be boosted along the way through till 2021 by his lucky Jupiter and Jupiter midpoints picking up helpful transits from Pluto.
There’s more to him than a pretty smiling face, that’s for sure. But undoubtedly Saturn now in Capricorn will be dimming his morale a touch as it squares his Sun in January.