Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire, former Mayor of New York, is considering whether to run as an independent for the US Presidential election. An independent candidate has never won but his reasoning appears to be if it turned out to be Bernie Sanders versus Trump or Cruz he might have a chance.
Born 14 Feb 1942 3.40pm Brighton, Massachusetts, he has an 8th house New Moon in Aquarius square a 10th house Mars Saturn Uranus in Taurus. With Mercury and Venus also in Aquarius with Venus opposition Pluto in Leo. So tremendously Fixed. He did run New York for three consecutive terms on a bi-partisan basis, so has more experience certainly than Trump.
He’s got a lift from tr Uranus conjunct his Sun/Jupiter midpoint late Feb through March, which is when he is expected to make his decision. But that then disappears and he’s got the tr Neptune square tr Saturn hitting his Jupiter at 11 degrees Gemini from mid April through till September which will dampen his enthusiasm.