Oprah Winfrey – a Sun Aquarius for a Jupiter Saturn Aquarius Presidency in 2021?

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Oprah Winfrey who has always said political ambitions were off her radar because of lack of experience, says looking at Trump has made her – maybe – change her mind.

What’s intriguing is that by late 2020 for the next election she does have her Solar Arc Jupiter conjunct her Pluto, which is similar to Trump’s Solar Arc Pluto conjunct his Jupiter over his win (tho’ different houses). What might mitigate against it is tr Saturn moving through her 1st quadrant, into her 2nd house – tho’ she’d certainly be earning less if she made it to the White House.

The 2021 Inauguration chart has a 10th house Sun Jupiter Saturn in Aquarius square Mars Uranus in Taurus; with a control-freaky Pluto conjunct MC. It looks idealistic, disruptive and heavy-handed. Tr Jupiter admittedly is conjunct her Sun Venus at that point, so anything is possible.

Her relationship chart with the USA has a composite Earth Grand Trine of Mercury trine Mars trine Moon, with Mercury opposition Pluto – so she’s clearly a figure of influence, though not uncontroversial – she’d spark as much resistance as support. The composite Sun Venus opposes Saturn so affection and defensiveness, a good business combo. Her Solar Return for January 2021 has a packed 10th house with Venus Pluto conjunct the MC and Sun Jupiter Saturn there as well. So she won’t be invisible wherever she is.

8 thoughts on “Oprah Winfrey – a Sun Aquarius for a Jupiter Saturn Aquarius Presidency in 2021?

  1. And what do you think of Clooney for the 2021 election? Since his marriage, some media speak about it. His life is also very sensitive to eclipses right now. And I notice that the two August eclipses (2017, August 7 and 2017 August 21) affected his wife (Sun/Venus midpoint for the 7th and Saturn for the 21st.) As for him, the eclipse August 21st affects his midpoint Uranus/Pluto. What do you think?

  2. 2020 USA Election- whoever wins, assassination attempt will be made. We can see female presidency also in 2020.

  3. This is a new twist. Winfrey vs Trump. Dr. Phil as her VP? Instead of using our hacked voting system, the candidate with the best television ratings for the election season wins.

    • LOL. But I think she might be going for Governor’s position instead of Presidency. You know, like Arnie did in California. “Oprah” is filmed in Chicago, Illinois, and Illinois is currently hold by a Republican Governor. Or maybe run as a Senator in California or Illinois in case one of the current ones, all Democrats and two elected in November, retires. California’s Dianne Feinstein has been in since 1992.

        • Like Reagan, Trump gave the performance and salesman pitch the country wanted to see. Will he deliver? He’s top of the polls now, invincible. Anything he says and does – no matter what – will be blindly accepted. Hitler did the same thing, legally, even Mussolini. To win over the populace, simply tell it what it wants to hear. #notmypresident

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