Megyn Kelly, the prime-time Fox News presenter, who clashed with Donald Trump during his campaign and was the highest profile of the women who alleged inappropriate behaviour by Roger Ailes (which he denies), is moving to daytime NBC. She said it was to allow her more time with her three children. It’s always tough switching channels and can often go wrong; with the added hazard of moving onto a different audience during the day.
She was born 18 Nov 1970 in Syracuse, New York, she became a lawyer first before moving into television. She’s a confidently determined and charming Sun Jupiter Venus in Scorpio opposition a stalwart Saturn in Taurus; with an excitable Mars Uranus in Libra. Her Sun is also conjunct Neptune; and her Moon is Cancer/Leo.
Sadly it looks as if it will be extraordinarily difficult for her in 2017/18 with tr Pluto in a highly frustrating square to Mars and trine Saturn – and that is a real uphill struggle; with her Solar Arc Neptune in a sinking square to her Mars in 2018. Looks like a car crash to be honest. She’ll bounce more enthusiastically by late 2018/2019 when her Solar Arc Pluto is conjunct her Jupiter.
Could you do a reading for Anderson Cooper please?
Rumors that she will have a show that boots out the 52-year-old soap opera “Days of Our Lives”. That’s not going to win her any fans.
If Megyn doesn’t take the chill off her cold right-wing superiority, she is not going to be well-liked by daytime audiences. Choosing between watching a conservative ice queen and anybody or anything else is a no brainer.