Spain – making some headway



Spain, despite going through political turbulence for 11 months and now stuck with a minority government, does appear to be making some headway economically. It has grown strongly in 2016, and the expansionary phase is expected to continue in 2017 and 2018. Though unemployment is still the second worst in the EU (below Greece) – 19pc overall, with youth 42pc. Though both are down considerably from last year.

The Bank of Spain chart, 2 June 1782, is limping through 2017 with tr Neptune square the Gemini Sun; and tr Saturn damping down the Jupiter in Sagittarius. The Spain 22 Nov 1975 12.45pm country chart has had tr Pluto square the Jupiter as it dragged itself out of the mire, but that finishes more or less now. There’s not much more showing apart from tr Neptune opposing Solar Arc Saturn in the 8th in 2017 which doesn’t look inspiring but won’t be terminal.

What is more interesting is the chart for the date Spain joined the EU on 1 January 1986. That would certainly indicate joining the EU was a mixed blessing with a heavily aspected Mars Pluto conjunction in Scorpio opposition North Node and tied into both Sun and Moon. Like Ireland, Spain gained substantially from infrastructure funds from the EU especially in rural areas, but the fixed currency has given them similar headaches to other southern European countries. That chart like several others associated with the EU will be under its most separative aspects come 2019 when tr Saturn will be in Capricorn. Tr Saturn conjunct the Sun isn’t that strong but following on from what has gone on earlier through this decade with tr Pluto and tr Uranus in hard aspect, it might just loosen the ties.

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