Freddie Mercury – gone but not forgotten



Freddie Mercury, lead singer of the rock band Queen, died 25 years ago of AIDs-related pneumonia, and his mother has sadly just died this month aged 94.

He had a public persona that was larger-than-life with high energy performances through a string of hits from Bohemian Rhapsody, to Killer Queen and We are the Champions.

Born on 5 September 1946 5.10am Zanzibar, Tanzania to Indian Parsi parents, he spent much of his childhood in India and then moved with his family to the UK when he was 17.

He had a flamboyant showman’s Leo Ascendant with a 1st house Virgo Sun Mercury. His adventurous and exuberant Mars Jupiter Venus in Libra were trine Uranus making him stand out from the crowd. His fiery Sagittarius Moon was in the performing 5th house opposition his Uranus, so very mercurial in his feelings and expression. He also had a hidden Saturn Pluto in his 12th, so he’d struggle in private moments with depression.

His inspirational 7th Harmonic (septile) was strongly marked, a mix of determination to be grand and angry. As was his ‘super-star’ 22H which highlighted Mercury and passionate enthusiasm from Venus Mars Moon.

When he was diagnosed with HIV in 1987 tr Saturn was opposition his Uranus and tr Uranus was conjunct his Sun de-railing his plans for his life. His Solar Arc Moon was also opposition his Saturn/Pluto midpoint, moving over his Pluto just before his death four and a half years later.

In November 1991 when he died oddly enough tr Jupiter was moving through his 1st and his Solar Arc Sun was exactly conjunct his Jupiter. Very often when public personalities die Jupiter is around accompanying an upsurge in interest and popularity. Tr Saturn was by then moving through his 6th house of health, though he continued to work right through his illness.  He is still voted as the greatest male singer ever in the rock sphere.

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