Canada moves into 2020 facing challenges from a sluggish economy and with Saturn Pluto moving through its 10th house of career and direction, it’ll be a fairly uphill climb at times. But there are hints of cheer from tr Uranus picking up aspects to the adventurous, risk-taking Jupiter opposition Mars, on and off all year. Plus tr Uranus is conjunct to Jupiter midpoints in late May/June, again late October to late November, and again in early 2021 which will bring lucky breaks, success and confidence boosts. And tr Jupiter will start a year long trek through the Canada 10th from early January 2020 which usually brings a rise in status, and attracts praise and recognition.
Justin Trudeau’s 2nd Term government chart, 20 November 2019 1.30pm Ottawa would suggest financial headaches with an 8th house Mars Mercury opposition Uranus; but there’s also a successful Jupiter in the 10th to keep spirits buoyant. The Bank of Canada chart, 11 March 1935, would also suggests a fraught two years ahead with a blocked tr Pluto square Mars and a confusing tr Neptune conjunct the Sun.
The real problems for Canada won’t come till 2022 when the tr Saturn in Aquarius square tr Uranus bounces off the Canada Saturn opposition Pluto. The global economic hiccup from Uranus square Saturn will impact strongly on Canada.
Thanks once again, Marjorie!
hello from the BC Interior in Canada, Marjorie.
Thank-you for including your sussing of Canada’s next couple of years… I enjoyed the two on the UK and the USA.
We are a relatively young, but interesting, country! I absolutely love the Canadian Moon in Gemini – we have “countries” within the country, we have 2 official languages, we produce so much communication, from the CBC to the NFB to comedians, etc. Lloyd Axworthy, an MP from awhile ago, felt that this duality, or the ongoing process of holding duality, would one day be Canada’s gift to the world. We shall see.
I did wake up this morning wondering if you would do a quick surmise for China.
A very interesting article in the Guardian today.
in any case,
my warm wishes to you and yours for health and some kind of peace for the coming year.
thanks so much for your contributions.