Boris’s Grand Tour of the ‘awesome foursome’ components of the UK and the dragons of the EU will keep him in an enjoyable (for him) high-profile whirlwind of activity for the next few weeks. Until presumably knock-on-wood reality becomes unavoidable. His Government chart’s extravagant Jupiter in the 2nd is certainly getting an airing as he blithely promises largesse in all directions, though along with tax cuts it’s tricky to see how he’ll deliver. Tr Neptune square his Government Jupiter mid November to mid December will bring a back-to-earth-with-a-bump moment.
In general there’s a Neptunian smokescreen of confusion, miscommunication and disappointment on several of the relevant charts. The UK chart has tr Neptune square the 3rd house Mercury mid August to late September for unclear discussions, evasive conversations and transport worries; followed by a panicky tr Neptune square the Solar Arc Mars also in the 3rd right through until mid November.
There’s the faintest hint of a partnership split on the UK chart mid August to early September with tr Saturn square the Sun/Moon midpoint and the North Node. Tr Pluto and tr Uranus had been in hard aspect to those points in the run up to Brexit, so it is a sensitive spot. But it seems too mild for the kind of brutal pulling apart which a No-Deal would involve.
On the UK joining the EEC chart, 1 January 1973, there’s a run of tr Neptune square the Venus and then Saturn from late September to late January, which will be slipping, sliding, undermining emotionally as well as financially.
The UK relationship chart with the EU again shows up mid November to mid December as losses. With an uphill struggle of bulldozer-meets-brick-wall at the moment till late August, and again mid November to mid December.
On Boris’s crossovers with relevant others:
Nicola Sturgeon – she and BJ start off significantly chilly with a composite Sun Mercury square Saturn; and an emotionally conflicted composite Moon square Uranus Pluto. Tr Neptune is square the composite Moon now till mid August and again in 2020 – illusions, delusions and lies. Mid November to mid December look upsetting between them as well. That won’t improve in the foreseeable future.
His relationship with Nigel Farage is slippery at the best of times with a composite Sun opposition Neptune and unstable with Uranus Pluto trine Mars Jupiter which will swing around wildly over the next couple of years.
With Emmanuel Macron it’ll be a hostile and bitter power struggle with a composite Sun opposition Pluto squaring onto Mars; and a suspicious, distrustful composite Neptune opposition Jupiter Saturn.
And Angela Merkel won’t be budging in a hurry since her ferociously determined Mars in Sagittarius (trine Pluto) opposes his Sun Venus; and her Saturn in conscientious Scorpio is conjunct his Moon – so a charm offensive won’t wash.
His Government chart is facing a run of crises mid November to mid December and again in February to early March 2020. Whether this is post-a hasty-exit-Brexit or a continuing struggle to get a sensible deal isn’t remotely clear from any of the charts.
Maybe it’s time to revisit Boris Johnson’s The Dream of Rome (2006) in search of insights? In this book and tv series he compared the EU with the Roman Empire. If his thinking has any consistency at all, it might have classical roots. Here’s what the Guardian review said at the time:
“Johnson’s answers, a bit like him, start with apparent waywardness but, on closer inspection, seem quite sensible. Rome, for example, targeted a society it wanted to overpower and then sucked up to its elites, seducing them with the prospect of ‘swanking and glory chasing’; Johnson mischievously likens them to EU freeloaders, unlikely to bite the hand that feeds them. Its emperors, particularly Augustus, successfully launched personality cults (unlike, it can be inferred, today’s faceless technocrats) at the same time as quietly co-opting Christianity. And, perhaps most significantly, the empire acted as ‘a gigantic Moulinex’, swirling together nationalities (even though the swirling sometimes took place with uncompromising force)”
So do you think he has, like the Emperor Augustus and others, deliberately launched a personality cult? If so, it has reached its zenith – so now what? Unfortunately, I fear we may see Nero, fiddling while Rome burns, or perhaps Caesar, betrayed by someone very close to him. We can only hope everything doesn’t collapse while this particular fantasy unfolds around us all.
Boris Johnston, the man who wants to strengthen the Union, arrives in Scotland and heads straight for Faslane Naval Base. Getting a taste of the power he’s acquired through having control over pressing that Nuclear button now. Handy location for him too, hiding away in the middle of nowhere with armed personnel to protect him. Meanwhile Nicola Sturgeon can walk the streets of Glasgow, and mingle with the crowds, unprotected.
He’s also promising to give the Scots £100 million following robbing Scotland blind of many £billions every year and to add insult to injury charging the Scottish Government £2 billion a year for Nuclear weapons that every political party in Scotland, other than the Tories, doesn’t want along with a majority of the Scottish population. If ever there was a time for Scotland to end the Union and in doing so rid the UK of Nuclear weapons, this must be it.
Thanks Hugh and Majorie for your succinct analysis, a great deal of food for thought
I think the last Sun Gemini to be British Prime Minister was Antony Eden who also had a Scorpio Moon.
Johnson has his Sun conjunct Venus in the ninth according to his chart which is not something one would expect in a ‘little Englander’ chart. His Mercury is there too which suggest he is comfortable talking to strangers and foreigners. Uranus in the 11th house ruled by Aquarius is not the sign of a conventional person. Interesting it is opposite his natal Saturn which is the traditional ruler of Aquarius.
His Mars in the 8th House of sex, death and taxes is not so friendly and Johnson’s Jupiter in the same house opposite Neptune in the second house of money suggests the new PM will be happy spending other peoples (taxpayers) money (signs of that already)
His Cabinet has been described as one of the most right wing since the war yet there are two Britons of south Asian descent and the son of a Jewish refugee from the Nazis holding the three great offices of state Home Secretary, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Foreign Secretary so again it is not exactly easy to pigeon hole it as some reactionary throwback to the past.
I am not entirely sure what to make of it all to be honest which I suspect is the problem most people have with Johnson as you are probably not encountering the same thing twice when dealing with him
Snippets from a useful WPost piece and the more extensive detail is worth reading:
‘The key to understanding Boris Johnson, Britain’s new prime minister, is not the befuddled onstage act he performs or the inner personality he possesses — if indeed there is one — or even the politics he claims to support. It’s the vacuity. Once you peel away everything else, you find nothing there: no substance, no convictions, no plan. That’s the ultimate Boris punchline. It’s like going on an adventure for buried treasure and finding a whoopee cushion.
You get the sense that nothing that comes out of the mouth of the clown persona should be treated as strictly true, because, after all, it’s only acting. Johnson carries a kind of fictitious conceit around him, like a fuzzy membrane, which objective reality rarely permeates.
But that’s it. All we get are these glimmers of the individual behind the broad, well-worn act. Britain really has no idea who its new prime minister is.
Here, then, is a person with no convictions, delivering a political project he does not believe in, with a plan that does not exist.
It’s proper, next-level postmodern politics, and there are numerous layers of understanding. But it no longer seems quite so clever.
I do get the impression with Johnson that you are never stepping into the same river twice.
Unlike Theresa May who was essentially a an English speaking monoglot BJ apparently is fluent in Italian and French with a working ability in a few more. He is from a polyglot background. Certainly not what you would expect from a Brexiteer.
I notice the Johnson government inauguration chart for 3.11 pm 24 July has the Sun, Mercury and Venus in the ninth house too so there is some symmetry with his natal chart there. Of course, the inauguration chart also has Mars there which in a mundane chart might indicate issues with legal or military matters overseas. That could be issues with the EU but I have a gut feeling that the serious conflicts may be elsewhere.
The worry with Johnson is that he is potentially a lot more volatile mix than the rather plodding Theresa May whose government at times felt like being driven in a car with the handbrake on. That could be both a good and bad thing for the UK. Johnson’s Scorpio Moon means that what he is like inside particularly emotionally may not show outwardly. Like Eden it may also make him impulsive in a crisis. The former basically threw away his reputation over Suez . Eerily Johnson’s inauguration chart as PM for 24 July 2019 has Mars at 14 degrees Leo which is exactly where it was in Edens birth chart. That makes me worry about military adventurism in the Middle East.
Hmm and that 9th house Mars in the Government chart is highly unstable being on the point of two quincunxes. The Middle East on his astrocartography suggests a gung-ho, over-hopeful approach which ends badly. Just hope he doesn’t get dragged into a Trumpian horror.
I am inclined to agree with that judgement.
Boris Johnson natal moon at 0 Scorpio is also exactly conjunct the Neptune/Mercury in the Suez 31 October 1956 chart set for London . His natal 8th House Mars at 1 Gemini opposes the Suez Saturn at 2 Sagittarius and its North Node at 29 Scorpio. Johnson’s Pluto at 11 Virgo is in a widish opposition to the Suez Mars at 15 Pisces.
I have a feeling that while everyone is fretting over the relationship with the EU Johnson will drag us into something nasty elsewhere that will end disastrously.
There’s a picture going around on WhatsApp, which started being circulated the day Boris won… It’s a picture of him on the phone looking perplexed/scared and the caption says ‘Hello Donald ….. What do I do now?’ Pretty funny, actually very funny!
……. until you think about the worst case implications of that relationship.
Wow, that’s brutal!!
I wonder how President Two Scoops would appreciate a mass emigration from the UK to the states? The world has become absolutely nutz.