A headline-grabbing, stage-managed visit by Trump to the demilitarized border between North and South Korea has been written off by critics as political theatre. Lots of publicity but to what end? The stalled denuclearization talks will resume but there’s no indication that Kim Jong Un is serious about getting rid of his weapons programme.
The North Korea 9 September 1948 5.27pm chart looks no more cheerful ahead than it has been as it labours under near starvation with punitive sanctions in place. Tr Neptune will continue to oppose the Virgo Sun till late this year with high-tension insecurity through the autumn and early in 2020; and will hit a financial dashed-hopes square to the Jupiter in 2020/21; doubled up by a financially disappointing Solar Arc Venus conjunct Neptune in 2020 as well; followed by a discouraging setback in 2021 as the Solar Arc Sun squares Saturn.
Kim Jong Un’s leadership chart, 20 December 2011 11.57 am Pyonggang, North Korea, having got over what could have been a terminal series of blockages in the recent past has an evasive tr Neptune square Mercury till late this year and then is facing an undermining, panicky-failure tr Neptune opposition the Mars in 2020/21. Plus the Solar Arc Midheaven is conjunct the Pluto in less than a year’s time which is normally a blocked phase.
There’s nothing much that looks like progress from North Korea’s point of view. And the relationship chart between NK and the USA continues to look disappointing and high-tension for several years ahead.
Not so sure about your take on Trump and Kim. In early Sept Trump’s progressed moon and sun conjoin at 2 virgo which is the ascendant of the chart for Trump’s first meeting last June with Kim. Also, at same time, Trump has his progressed Part of Fortune conjoining his progressed ascendant at 28 Libra. That is Kim’s Mars and probably his midheaven too. In Kim’s birth chart his progressed Moon conjoins Trump’s Sun at 22 Gemini and his part of fortune is 17 Libra, Trump’s Jupiter. Also in Kim’s leadership chart, the progressed part of fortune in Sept. is 29 Leo, Trump’s ascendant. The POF is woefully neglected but important. I knew Hillary would lose as her solar arc POF was 22 Gemini.
Today’s commentaries suggest this is good news to boost re-election luck for Trump. He can play on the absurd notion that, “The radical Democrats never went as far as I did in my bro-mance. Beautiful letters exchanged…” And only a day before the eclipse. Better than Nixon going to China 😉
It could be …… maybe even more dangerous as they’ll have nothing to lose? I hope not.
I’ve no idea how this will end, but do hope it will end well for all of here on this tiny planet.
Definitely for-show. But Trump’s base can continue to claim the Democrats were not brave enough to do the same. Eventually, Kim’s population will starve itself out, and little will remain to be threatened. It could be…