Judith Krantz – steamy romances


Judith Krantz who lead the way with “sex and shopping” fiction has died aged 91. She moved from ladies magazine journalism to novels fairly late, aged 50, but became an instant best-seller and was heavily promoted by her husband, a TV producer. Her 10 novels sold more than 85 million copies and most were made into TV series.

Born 9 January 1928 10.30am New York to ambitious careerist parents, father in advertising and mother a lawyer, who left her upbringing to nannies, she married in her twenties, and wrote for many years on fashion, before being prompted into romance novels.

She was a Sun Mercury in ambitious and creative Capricorn opposition Pluto, so determined when she got going. She had an adventurous and risk-taking Jupiter Uranus on her Ascendant in a volatile square to Mars in Sagittarius in the publishing 9th. Her Venus Saturn in Sagittarius were also in the 9th. Her flamboyant Leo Moon which likes to live the five-star way was trine Saturn and Mars and widely conjunct Neptune so her emotional life wouldn’t always be calm.

She wasn’t much rated by the critics but her readers adored her.

2 thoughts on “Judith Krantz – steamy romances

  1. Krantz’s birth time of 10:30AM was FROM MEMORY. I have checked Starkman’s recified time of 10:11:12AM, Asc 15Pisces42, using 10 events
    to be extremely accurate. Never trust rounded off birth times such as 10:30AM.

  2. In her chart, note the following:
    1. Sun-Mercury, r3 opposed by Pluto, r8, …the power of thought, writing about sex.
    2. Moon, r5, love given trine Saturn, r11, love received….her romance novels, novelist 9th.
    3. Venus/Neptune= Mercury, erotic imagination. Mercury= Sun/Pl, restless creative activity.
    MH= Merc/Venus, writer with thoughts of love. Node= Sun/Moon, union, marriage.
    Merc/Saturn= Aries Pt, depth of thought. Jupiter, r9/Uranus= Aries Pt, tendency to magnify, exaggerate.
    4. MH conj Mars, r1-EROS, the erotic. Moon, r5, romance trine Mars,r1-EROS, erotic-romantic thoughts.
    5. Asteroid Valentine conj the 8th cusp of sex
    6. Gauquelin assigns the Moon as the writer signature, and hers is in the 6th of work, r5, romance. Her
    Moon is in a Gauquelin sector for writers.
    7. Venus, peregrine, running wild, ruling 7th, partnerships.
    She was also by her own account an indifferent college student. She said she only enrolled at Wellesley “to date, read and graduate” and claimed to have set
    a record for her dorm by once dating 13 different men on 13 consecutive evenings.
    8. Sun Capricorn/Moon Leo, this blend says it all….”The need to be loved is of paramount importance within one’s work. Other people with this blend:
    Dolly Parton, Geraldo Rivera, Noel Tyl…

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