Naomi Wolf – attracting another firestorm ** extra

Naomi Wolf, leader of the third wave of feminism and general controversialist, has stirred up another furore with her latest book about legal treatment of Victorian homosexuals. Her research was contradicted by an academic for assuming ‘death recorded’ after trials was the same as ‘execution’ since some subsequently had their sentences commuted; and also for not pointing out that some were convicted of offences against children which always carried heavier penalties.

She has aroused more criticism in recent years with scaremongering about the country being on the verge of martial law with government-led plots to establish a dictatorship. One journalist Max Fisher said the public needed “to understand the distinction between her earlier work, which rose on its merits, and her newer conspiracy theories, which are unhinged, damaging, and dangerous.” And under the headline “Naomi Wolf Went Off the Deep End Long Ago”, The American Spectator advised, “Her words must be taken not just with a grain of salt, but a full shaker’s worth.”

Born 12 November 1962 4.10 am San Francisco, California with an anthropologist mother and a gothic-horror scholar father, she is an intense Sun Venus Neptune and Mercury in Scorpio square a flamboyant Mars in Leo. She will come on very strong, will aim to attract attention and with her Mercury conjunct Neptune be at times a touch vague about facts. She’s also got a super-confident, over-push Jupiter opposition Pluto Uranus; an intense and secretive Taurus Moon in the 8th. Her North Node in her career 10th is in the leadership sign Leo. Her chart is riddled with oppositions, perhaps one hint of why she attracts such polarised responses.

She’s taking it all very calmly and continuing merrily on her way without any obvious qualms. Though her publishers say they will correct certain statements in the book.

Add On: June 16 2019; The publishers have now pulled the book for further corrections and alterations much to her chagrin and against her objections.

At the moment she has a jolting, high-tension tr Uranus square her Saturn with tr Neptune in an undermining opposition to her Solar Arc midheaven and moving into her 6th house of work for years ahead which is usually not ego boosting. Plus tr Saturn is opposition her natal midheaven.  She is exceptionally fixed and not afflicted with low self-esteem so no doubt she’ll bluster her way ahead. But she won’t but seeing any triumphs anytime soon.

One thought on “Naomi Wolf – attracting another firestorm ** extra

  1. “One journalist Max Fisher said the public needed “to understand the distinction between her earlier work, which rose on its merits, and her newer conspiracy theories, which are unhinged, damaging, and dangerous.” And under the headline “Naomi Wolf Went Off the Deep End Long Ago”, The American Spectator advised, “Her words must be taken not just with a grain of salt, but a full shaker’s worth.”

    I remember the serious Gender Study crowd – many of whom have important academic tenures now – at my faculty finding her works lacking academic rigor even in the late 1990’s. Even if they agreed on many points, they were absolutely exhausted because people critizising their discipline always brought up Klein’s shortcomings, and they had to correct them. Obviously, trolling has only gotten worse in 20 or so years, so this is not at all good for people trying to explain what serious Gender Studies, including Cultural History of minorities, can be.

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