Narendra Modi sworn in – a tough economic term ahead


Narendra Modi was sworn in for his second term as India’s prime minister at 7.04pm May 30 2019 in Delhi. This term has a marginally less well-placed Jupiter than the first. This time round it is in a financially over-hopeful and unrealistic hard aspect to Neptune; rather than the super-confident Jupiter Pluto Mars of the first term. Though it’s an arguably less violent chart as well which will help. But the deprived Saturn Pluto sits firmly in the 2nd house of personal finances with a rumbling-discontent Mars in the 8th house of business and international finances. Money will be a major bug bear.  There is a business-oriented Earth Grand Trine which might sound constructive but it contains the tough-struggle Saturn Pluto and all funnels through Neptune as the driving planet which is generally not helpful.  See post May 23rd below.

2 thoughts on “Narendra Modi sworn in – a tough economic term ahead

  1. This election was won by fraud and manipulation of the electronic voting machines (EVMs) for power. I hope justice will be done someday or maybe rising from
    complete ruin seems more like it.

  2. Thank goodness that it is less violent. Modi and his supporters have been fanning the flame of intolerance towards minorities and muslims in particular causing much unfair treatment to innocent and ordinary people.

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