Quentin Tarantino has returned to Pulp Fiction top form according to critics of his latest Once Upon a Time in Hollywood which was premiered at Cannes this week. The Guardian’s Peter Bradshaw described it as “entirely outrageous, disorientating, irresponsible, and also brilliant”. Leo DiCaprio and Brad Pitt appear to be an inspired pairing as leads in a flamboyant take on 1969 Tinseltown prior to the Manson murders of Sharon Tate, Roman Polanski’s pregnant wife, and others.
Tarantino was born 27 March 1963 in Texas with no birth time sadly since it’s a chart that really needs the anchor of an axis. He’s a fiery Sun Mercury in Aries trine Mars in entertaining Leo; and a Taurus Moon. With a creative Neptune square Saturn in Aquarius; and his Sun Mercury inconjunct Uranus Pluto; with Venus in Aquarius opposition Uranus. Not a man who looks very settled in his own skin.
There isn’t the violence portrayed in his movies much reflected in his chart so it must be down to houses. Although I suppose a Taurus Moon square Mars and trine Pluto Uranus would give him a leaning in that direction.
His creative 5th Harmonic is strong, confident and inclined towards violent subjects with a Sun, Mars, Saturn Grand Trine; and his even more creative 7th Harmonic is similarly inclined. He does have a marked super-star 22H as well.