The Lord alone knows what comes next for Brexit and He’s not dropping too many hints. Possible exits might come from tr Pluto sextile the UK Pluto mid April to early May, again over the New Year – which indicates an upheaval. Or tr Saturn square the UK Sun/Moon midpoint around this August, September, October for the final time – which can be a relationship split.
At the time of Brexit in 2016 tr Pluto was hovering around the square of the UK Sun/Moon midpoint which puts immense pressure on close relationships. For an individual I wouldn’t have expected a marriage to survive with the Sun/Moon midpoint being pounded pre and post 2016 by tr Uranus, Pluto and now Saturn. Though countries are much more cumbersome entities and difficult to shift.
That apart there’s a confused and evasive tr Neptune square the 3rd house UK Mercury from now till late April, followed by an extended neurotic panic with high uncertainty from tr Neptune square the Sun/Saturn midpoint May till mid August, repeating through 2020. From mid this August the indecisive, dithery tr Neptune square Mercury returns, and repeats into early 2020. There are flickers of sunshine and cheer from Jupiter midpoints – July till December, so it won’t all be sinking into a fog.
And right on cue at the moment is the exact Solar Arc Moon opposition the legislature Saturn – the voters are not amused by their hapless MPs.
Theresa May’s Government chart ( null and void if there’s another election) sinks into an even deeper swamp come May awash with Neptune.
That’s the best I can do pro tem. Just too exhausting for words.
If nothing else Brexit has exposed the absolute debacle of the UK political system. We are living under a majoritarian democracy (520 English politicians versus 108 Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish combined) controlled by two English political parties with a FPTP system which leads to political parties often with far, far less than 50% of the vote ruling the roost. Interesting to note too that Westminster has banned the FPTP system being used in Scotland.
To make matters worse the UK, unlike other modern states, has no written Constitution: Has no written Constitution because over 300 years no-one has managed to “merge” the differing legal systems of Scotland and England. The United Kingdom itself equates to the Kingdoms of Scotland and England only signing up to the Treaty of the Union 1707 (the only Constitution it has). The Queen / Parliament is sovereign in England (Wales and NIreland), but not so in Scotland as the Scottish people are sovereign. Queen of England but not of Scotland.
And now the chickens are coming home to roost. Scotland and Northern Ireland voted to remain in the EU but are being dragged out due to the strength of numbers of English votes (85% of the electorate). Last week a majority of English politicians voted for May’s deal but lost due to a majority of Scottish, Welsh and NIrish politicians voting against it, plus of course massive divisions in the Tory party which is normally unheard of. The system is utterly shambolic to say the least and I’m surprised that such a majoritarian democracy has lasted in a country formed by two Kingdoms with the Kingdom of England having control of 85% of Scottish powers. 93% up until 2016. Not for much longer I’d say. Last weeks votes have led to a petition calling for England to hold an Independence referendum now and polling results show that a majority of Scots, before any Scottish Independence campaign gets off of the ground, want out of the Union. Northern Ireland is close behind.
Astrological aspects indicate a “divorce” between the UK and the EU, which may be obscuring the fact that there may be a “divorce” in the making much closer to home.
A United Kingdom with a geographically uneven population will always be a representational challenge and there aren’t any easy answers. Well over 10% of the population is concentrated in the Greater London area alone, a few million more people live there than in Scotland. However, 2.3million of those Londoners are also living in poverty and I don’t think they feel represented either, despite the conclusions people may draw from their geographic location. I don’t see further geographic splits, breaks and borders as the answer, rather perhaps we ought to look at alternative ways of representation. I think it’s worth a debate to turn the structure of tax and politics on their heads, almost swapping them out – perhaps political representation based on income level, not geography and tax based on land ownership, not income. I imagine that there must be some very rich people very relieved that so many are caught up with nationalist debates instead.
Law set by precedent I suppose can be more flexible, agile and nimble at it’s best. Although, written constitutions aren’t completely set in stone, they could be amended, as well as those trying to put their own spin on them. Like Saturn and Neptune, both have their pros and cons. Despite it’s clear written constitution, the USA seems to have triple the amount of lawyers that we have in the UK, you’d think it would be the other way around, it doesn’t always seem less complicated.
its bad news for British politics full stop.MP’s are failing in thier duty to the people they serve.My own MP is betraying her constituents for petty party politics. Most MP’s are failing thier constituents as they should be coming together for the greater good of the country.
If they do not like that deal they should be coming up with an alternative. What a mess the two parties are making of this.I do not know anyone who has any faith with Westminster now or democracy.
At least we (the UK) won’t be part of that ‘fraught’ parliament : )
The upcoming eclipses might be
Eclipses conceal, they do not illuminate.
As an aside, the next European Parliament meets on the day of the total Solar Eclipse on 2nd July. That may be portentous.
In Vedic astrology, it is extremely bad to start any work in the period around (few days before to few days after) an eclipse. So, the next European Parliament is doomed from the start.
I cast a chart for the next European Parliament’s first sitting on 2nd July this year, at 9AM (guess based on previous sitting times on Tuesday this year) in Strasbourg.
It shows the eclipsed Sun (Sun, Moon and North Node) in the 11th House of friends and associations almost directly opposite a Saturn-Pluto Conjunction, with retrograde Jupiter in a square to retrograde Neptune, but otherwise unaspected. Does not exactly fill me with hope for that Parliament. Any thoughts on interpretation?
I apologise. Marjorie has already written on this.
One last observation on this chart; all the outer planets except Uranus are at almost exactly the same degrees of their respective signs (between 16 & 18, with Pluto at 22) and are all, except Uranus, also retrograde.
That Parliament will be, as Marjorie puts it in her article, fraught.
The bulldog looks intelligent more than all the MPs put together.
Banksy’s picture ‘Devolved Parliament’ of chimps says it all
So if there is an election in May the Tories might be done for then? thats fine with me. Sooner this lot are out of power the better. I don’t see how Corbyn can be worse at this point and assuming he too only gets a slim majority it won’t be able to go all extreme with his plans anyway.
Another source had predicted both the formation of a new political party from Labour and a General Election this year, but he also predicts a Tory win (and Boris Johnson as Prime Minister). So don’t get your hopes up too high.
Marjorie, I reread your article on the Tories from October last year, but this current period (March-April 2019) does not come up in that article. Can you have a look at the charts for the Tories, Labour and the new TIG (parliamentary group)/Change UK (political party) to see where we may be headed?
I apologise, Marjorie. I see that you have already done a piece on the three parties in February this year.
Looking at the party charts it reads to me like Labour is best placed for an election, the current Government’s chart is downhill all the way from here on in so assuming it lasts then its end won’t be pretty.
The Independence Group chart isn’t that inspiring. It points to them fizzling out.