Mueller & Barr – the fall out will run on



Robert Mueller’s investigation into possible Trump collusion with Russia ended on a whimper not a bang, which was not that surprising given tr Neptune opposition his Mars this month; and square the Investigation Mars in April – both influences repeating later in the year. So confusion, maybe smokescreens or just a typical Neptunian dissipation into a fog, with questions that can’t or won’t be pinned down.

What is clear is that his relationship with the Attorney General William Barr is under heavy pressure from the last day of this month onwards; starting with a fairly explosive jolt.

Barr himself is in a nervy paralysis from the end of this week through April; and heading into catastrophe and losses which he won’t summon up the courage/energy to combat successfully from May 1st till mid August – repeating into 2020.  That may not be all fall out from Mueller and his possibly partisan summary but he isn’t looking remotely chipper.

Trump’s timeline:

13 February to 30 March he picks up tr Pluto opposition his Mars/Uranus midpoint, which is a test of nerves, overly excitable, violent emotions, high insecurity, can be accident or operation. And following directly after that are three seriously challenging, bad tempered, trapped and discouraging Pluto transits in hard aspect to Mars/Node, Moon/Mars and his natal Saturn March 31st to May 20. These will repeat on and off till late 2020.

His Progressed Moon moving through his 12th will conjunct his Mars at the start of April as well which is likely to provoke an explosion of rage.

His Solar Return from birthday June 2019 to June 2020 is formidably difficult with Saturn Pluto in the 10th opposition a 4th house Mars Mercury, which looks like a career dead-halt.


See Mueller post February 22 2019.

19 thoughts on “Mueller & Barr – the fall out will run on

  1. Thank you so much Margorie for your great insight. I have been an admirer of your blog for years:) I was wondering if anyone did a chart when DOJ received Mueller’s report, I thought it was a significant moment and I was curious of a relationship it would have with the Investigation chart, Trump’s natal chart, and US Silby chart. According to CNN, DOJ official told them that they received “the report at roughly 4:35 p.m. ET.” on March 22, 2019. So, I used this time for DC location. I was shocked to see that the angles of this chart are identical to the angles of Trump’s natal chart. Besides being amazed how astrology works over and over again, I am pondering on the meaning! Does it mean that its all about him and he “won” (I certainly don’t want to think that, but I don’t want to allow my wishful thinking to cloud my judgement either), or this moment of time tells us a significant story of how he falls. If anyone has any thoughts on this it would be great to hear!

  2. I’m going to be honest an armchair astrologer and resident living in Washington DC (so I’m exposed to this political stuff all the time) I also had trouble in 2016, as I couldn’t imagine Trump winning and sort of discounted some of the transits at the time that might have suggested it. I mean, it was just too preposterous for me to imagine.

    So, trying to attack this from a more objective perspective, I’ve been looking over some of the transits/chart aspects that I suspect might be relevant to the 2020 election re: Trump. And of course without knowing the identity of the Democratic candidate it’s difficult to draw conclusions. But analyzing the election transits to Trump’s natal and progressed chart by itself, I have to say it looks quite strong to me. I’m starting to think he will be re-elected. Eh :/

  3. Dim Donnie may have won the battle, but he won’t win the war.
    I have read another separate astrological overview of DT, which suggests he will come to
    a sudden dead halt in the same time period Marjorie has foreseen.

    As for his current vicious mindset, he would do to remember the saying “In seeking
    revenge, dig two graves. One for yourself.”

  4. The Astrology of this is ashtonishing! There’s a Mercury Retrograde in the sign of its’ fall, too. That WH and DOJ would push on closing this investigation now might be the single most compelling evidence on the lack of some greater, esoteric consipiracy in Washington we used to hear a lot about just 10 years ago.

    I’m glad to hear Barr’s immediate future isn’t rosy, too. Looking at the chart, I tend to agree. This isn’t the first investigation Barr burried. I’m just about old enough to remember Iran-Contra Scandal, and apparently, he was involved in saving WH there, too.

  5. With this Fog of Untruth over so much of the World, it’s going to take a lot of Light to pierce a way through. Every one of Us bears a responsibility not to add to it; and, in the way that driving our own car through foggy conditions often means we have to use the ‘light’ we have, on a personal level, it will all add to more clarity. There’s so many misconceptions from ‘past times,’ to be resolved. I wonder what World will feel like, in 3020, if we don’t get started?

  6. There is something very strange about how hard it is for astrologers, psychics, and tarot readers to predict anything to do with Trump. I don’t mean Marjorie Orr personally. But as a whole, prognosticators seem to come up against an impenetrable force field when it comes to him! I’ve never seen anything like it.

    • I think the success rate on Trump in general is about the same as it would be on any subject astrologers pay this much attention to and are emotionally invested in.

      However, the successrate on “Trumpsphere” is generally speaking better.

    • Astrologers being natural outsiders tend not to lean towards conservative politics – there are exceptions but generally true. And while it’s vital to remain detached from partisan politics we are only human, so will tend to interpret at times according to bias. It was perfectly obvious in hindsight that Trump was going to win in 2016 I just couldn’t believe that anyone could be stupid enough to vote for someone with his proven character and track record. My bad.
      It’s also tricky to know how some influences will play out since there’s always a spectrum of outcomes. Maggie Thatcher had Jupiter moving towards her midheaven when she was ousted; often when celebs die Jupiter is also moving through their 10th. Michelle Obama to my recollection had transits indicating a flat-out catastrophic panic over their first Inauguration. In advance it’s difficult to know whether that might indicate failure or success. George Papandreou, the Greek PM who resigned in 2011 in the debt crisis looked positively elated from his astrology. So it isn’t a clear cut clairvoyant vision that comes out of the influences.

      • Thanks, Marjorie. Always a good reminder that astrologers have their own biases – on both mundane and personal astrology readings. I actually thought you were more prescient about the possibility of Trump winning, if I recall, or at least allowed more for that possibility than I was reading from other astrologers – and really, I didn’t want to hear it. Once he won I started following you more closely!

      • When it comes to 2016 Election, I want to point out that: 1) Hillary Clinton wan the 2016 popular vote by almost 3 million votes. She would have been POTUS if not for 70 000 votes in few key districts. This might explain some of the favorable aspects she had. 2) Hillary Clinton’s time of birth isn’t verified. There are guesses, but I wouldn’t have said anything definitive without an exact time of birth.

        And yes, using Jupiter for prediction can be tricky. I have a well aspected Jupiter conjunct MC natally. I used to perform a lot when younger, and am not a bad public speaker, but do not enjoy “prominence”. Nothing much has happened to me career wise with any Jupiter passages to MC, either. I tend to think Venus on MC is a better indicator for career coming easy, and can be helpful as a transit.

  7. Brilliant Marjorie, Thank You.
    America is being divided in two different directions…painfully polarizing our nation.
    One side yearning for the optimistic new future…the other side yearning for the past.

  8. Never once did I expect that this will turn out against trump. Why do we still hope that Republicans will do the right thing is beyond me.

  9. I remain somewhat hopeful that Trump’s ending is coming. However, with all the lashing out from his anger and rage, like a snake coiling onto itself when sliced in half, what kind of collateral damage will be done to the country? If/when he doesn’t win the 2020 election…and he refuses to step aside peacefully…what collateral damage done to the populace from Trump & his ilk?

    Marjorie, your work is amazing…and done gratis. I’d like to request (perhaps as a consultation) an overview of the next two or three US elections. Does the country ever shake free from the bear-trap of the Trump administration and its followers? Or, perhaps, one of the others here on the blog (Hugh Fowler?) could offer that kind of insight …

  10. Mueller’s task was not to bring down Trump. He was tasked with finding out if The campaign conspired criminally beyond a reasonable doubt with Russia to tilt the election a particular way. If he found no definitive collusion that rose to the level of a conspiratorial crime, then there’s nothing to charge in that respect. A willingness and attempt to collude is not a crime. All he can do is write an objective and fulsome report in regards to his understanding of the findings and then present that report to his boss(Barr). The A.G was always going to be the final arbiter. Mueller did his job so don’t blame his political allegiance. I’m no fan of the GOP, but there are a few upstanding Republicans believe it or not. And judging by Mueller’s history and track record, he seems to fit the bill as a man of integrity; hence, why Democrats we’re pleased with his appointment. Barr is the one who now must be pressured to release the full report. SDNY will finish off Trump! So take a breath folks, his day is coming. We just have to grin and bare it a while longer. Peace!

    • Thank you Troy! I need that reassurance right now. Its a long slog that feels even longer from this Mercury retro and conjunct Neptune. It feels as though a heavy fog is hovering over the country.

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