Israel – winds of change are blowing



Israel elections are due on April 9th and the upcoming challenger to Netanyahu is former Chief of General Staff of Defence Forces, Benny Gantz. Gantz has no political experience but is appealing to the anyone-but-Netanyahu vote and deliberately keeping his policies vague.

Born 9 June 1959, he is a Sun Mercury in Gemini with a lively Venus, Mars and Uranus in Leo. Tr Neptune is square his Sun over the election into May which doesn’t look overly hopeful. Though he has a couple of useful Jupiters in the aftermath. He looks to be hitting a more successful stride in 2020/2021 when tr Pluto is sextile his Jupiter.

Israel is at a turning point with the tr Saturn Pluto aiming to oppose the midheaven into 2020/21 which is likely to bring internal rumblings of discontent and demands for change over the next two or three years and beyond. Even before then tr Pluto is starting the trine the Israel 8th house Taurus Sun from this April onwards. But it’s such a resolutely Fixed and stubborn chart, change will only come about after considerable pressure. Tr Uranus will also square the 10th house Moon from this May on and off for a year, which again is an indication of voter unhappiness and more obvious demands for a change of direction.

Israel’s image has taken a downturn over the past year or so with the Solar Arc Saturn, followed by Pluto crossing the Ascendant – and that runs on for another three or four years.

In many ways Netanyahu fits Israel with his Libra New Moon on the Israel Ascendant, power-hungry Pluto in the Israel 10th and both having a brash, flamboyant Mars in Leo. There is a tight, controlling composite Sun Pluto in the relationship chart suggesting a tie that will change both parties irrevocably. He certainly hasn’t done much to improve Israel’s reputation, that’s for sure.

2 thoughts on “Israel – winds of change are blowing

  1. I still have family in Israel, they like Benny Ganz, and tired of the right wing BiBi and the religious Shash.
    Israel was “born” with a Sat/Pluto Conjunction in Leo. During my years (1970 – 1982 ) in Israel, we had a not so pleasant Saturn/Pluto Square in Cancer/Libra with SN conjunct Saturn. It hit my ascendant and 4th. I was pregnant at the time with my first born, who was born 2 months after the Cease Fire in Tel Aviv.

    I still shudder each time I know a Saturn/Pluto aspect is coming on.

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