Barbra Streisand – into battle armour



Barbra Streisand is leading a charge “in a war for the soul of America”, issuing her first album since 2005 with the lead single titled ‘Don’t Lie to Me’. In it she aims at “kings and queens, crooks and thieves” who “built towers of bronze and gold”.

In 2016 she wrote about the then-presidential candidate Donald Trump. He is “a narcissist who has shown no regard for anyone but himself. A bigoted and misogynist reality-TV character with no political experience and no qualms about lying loudly and often.”

She’s certainly a forceful enough character to wage war. Born 24 April 1942 5.08 am New York with a musical mother and a father who died when she was one, she grew up in near poverty.  She has a larger-than-life 1st house Sun, Mercury in Taurus, below an Aries Ascendant, squaring onto a 5th house Pluto Moon in Leo – so has endurance, is stubborn to the nth degree, very controlling and influential.

She has an accentuated Jupiter in Gemini in the communication 3rd square the Node opposition Venus in musical Pisces – good at grabbing attention and born to perform. Singers often have Taurus in their charts, since it rules the throat. A flamboyant entertaining 5th house Moon close to heavyweight Pluto means she packs a punch when it comes to putting herself across. Her Venus in Pisces is also the driving planet from an Earth Grand Trine of North Node trine Mercury trine her midheaven – so custom-built for a singing career.

And intriguingly she also has Saturn Uranus trine Neptune – which is the combination Trump has in his 5th/10th/15th Harmonics – so they tap into similar energies in the zeitgeist.

Her Saturn Uranus falls in his 10th square his flashy Mars in Leo so she could make a difference and will certainly irritate him. With her exuberant, competitive and crusading Mars and Jupiter conjunct his Sun.

Their relationship chart has a composite Sun trine Neptune, sextile Mars which isn’t overly strong but does suggest an ego-clash. There’s another mini-Trine of Neptune trine Uranus Mercury sextile Pluto and Saturn square Neptune – lots of room in their for tensions and miscommunications.

On her personal chart, 2019 looks an unsettled year of fast-change and upheaval with tr Uranus conjunct her Sun and square Pluto. Tr Neptune conjunct her Venus and then square her Jupiter and Solar Arc MC in 2020 running into early 2021 don’t look overly cheerful – high hopes dashed. Where her relationship chart with Trump really stokes up aggravation is in 2022/23 as tr Pluto opposes the composite Mars.

Her life will alter dramatically through from 2019 to 2021 with tr Uranus hitting on her Sun, Mercury and Moon Pluto, all of them in Fixed signs, so she won’t find the changes easy to negotiate.

She’s been married to James Brolin, 18 July 1940 11.10 am, Los Angeles, for 20 years. He’s a late Sun Cancer opposition a Capricorn Moon; with a megaton Mars Pluto in Leo sitting on her Moon Pluto and square her Sun; with Jupiter Saturn and Uranus in Taurus. He’s as stubborn as she is. Though his Venus in Gemini is conjunct her Mars; and his Cancer Sun suits her Venus in Pisces. That is quite some relationship.

PS: Intriguingly, she’s relatively similar to his mother, Mary – a Sun, Saturn and Venus in Taurus with a Fixed sign Moon. Mind you so is Melania and she hasn’t managed to keep him in check.

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